1.The analysis of characteristics and reasons for anti-circumvention measures against China;我国遭遇国际反规避调查的特点及原因分析
2.Anti-circumvention Measures of U.S.A and Europe Anti-dumping Act and Enlightenment on China Legislation;欧美反倾销法中的反规避措施及对我国立法的启示
3.A Study on the Combined Enforcement of European Rules of Origin and Anti-dumping Law Clauses on Anti-circumvention;论欧盟原产地规则与反倾销法反规避条款的结合实施

1.Analyze of Circumvent and Anti-Circumvention's Economic under the Anti-Dumping反倾销下规避与反规避的经济性分析
2.Research on Circumvention Against Anti-dumping & Issue of Anti-circumvention and the Counter Measure of China;反倾销规避与反规避问题研究及我国的对策
3.The Application of the Rules of Origin in Anti-dumping and Anti-Circumvention;原产地规则在反倾销反规避中的运用
4.Research on Anti-circumvention of USA Anti-dumping and Countervailing System美国反倾销反补贴制度中反规避研究
5.Study on Anti-circumvention under Anti-dumping Law and Anti-subsidy Law反倾销与反补贴中的反规避问题研究
6.On the Comparison Research of Circumvention on Technological Measures of Copyright Protection and Legislation of Anti-circumvention;规避版权保护措施与反规避立法比较研究
7.A Study of European Union Anti-evading Measures and the Problem of"Evading Invalidly" in Chinese Export-oriented Enterprises;欧盟反规避措施与中国企业无效规避问题探究
8.On the Absence of China’s Anti-circumvention Law Based on an Comparative Study of Candle Anti-circumvention Case and Optical Fiber Anti-dumping Case从蜡烛反规避案与光纤反倾销案之比较看中国反规避法的缺失
9.Anti-circumvention Measures within the Multilateral Trading Systems and China s Anti-circumvention Legislation;多边贸易体制下的反规避规则与中国的反规避立法
10.The legislation of anti-elusion of anti-unloading of our countru is urgently perfected;我国反倾销中的反规避立法亟待完善
11.The Comparison and Reflection: Legislation of the Anti-circumvention Right in Digital Times;数字时代反规避权立法的比较与反思
12.Perfecting the anti - circumvetion clause in China;完善我国《反倾销条例》的反规避条款
13.How to Cope with the Anti-evading Investigation;国际贸易新壁垒——反规避调查的应对
14.Improvements of Legislation on Anti-circumvention in China Based on the Legislation of Europe and America;借鉴欧美 完善中国的反规避立法
15.The Research of Anti-Circumvention Legal Problems under CEPA论CEPA框架下的反规避法律问题
16.Rules of Origin and Choice of Legislative Models of Anti-circumvention in China;原产地规则与我国反规避立法模式的选择
17.On the contrary, we find that our lawmaking of antidumping is late and the stipulation is more simple and dark.我国反倾销立法起步较晚,反规避立法规定更是简单模糊。
18.A Study on the Combined Enforcement of European Rules of Origin and Anti-dumping Law Clauses on Anti-circumvention;论欧盟原产地规则与反倾销法反规避条款的结合实施

1.The thesis analyses the concrete differences on the investigation procedures of anti-dumping,the measure of anti-evading,the punishment of taxes substitute and the definition of non-market economy country.对欧盟与美国在反倾销调查程序、反规避措施、对替代赋税制裁以及对中国是否为”非市场经济国家”认定方式等方面存在的具体差异进行了分析。
3)the anti-circumvention right反规避权
1.From its coming into being, the anti-circumvention right have produced a lot of negative influence, so it is criticized by many researchers.反规避权系版权法为应对数字时代的挑战而创设的一项与传统的著作权截然不同的权利。
4)anti-circumvention regulation反规避规则
5)anti-technique elusion反技术规避
6)the avoidance of anti-dumping规避反倾销

反规避  反规避(Anti-Circumvention)所谓规避,是指一种出口产品在被另一国实施反倾销措施的情况下,出口商通过各种形式减少或避免出口产品被征收反倾销税或被适用其它形式的反倾销措施的行为;例如,出口商通过改变商品的生产地、组装地或产品形态,将产品转移到第三国或进口国国内进行装配,从而改变其产品的原产地,以规避反倾销税。反规避是指进口国为防止国外出口商规避反倾销措施的行为而采取的措施。反倾销规避