1.Words and Truth: A Review of Doubt;话语和真相——评话剧《怀疑

1.place under suspicion or cast doubt upon.被怀疑或对什么有怀疑
2.To be wary, suspicious, or doubtful.怀疑的提防的,怀疑的或可疑的
3.call in/into question1. 对...表示怀疑
4.said Drouet, incredulously."杜洛埃怀疑地说。
5.a suspicious look, attitude怀疑的样子、 态度
6.Have a distrust of sb.不信任[怀疑]某人
7.There is (no) room for doubt.(没)有怀疑的馀地.
8.Feeling or showing doubt.不信任的,怀疑的感到或表示怀疑
9.A feeling of doubt, distrust, or apprehension.怀疑一种怀疑、不信任或害怕的感情
10.Inclined to suspect rivalry.怀疑的易于怀疑(别人与之)竞争的
11.He began to suspect that some jiggery-pokery was going on.他怀疑有人在暗中捣鬼.
12.a person who doubts truth of religion.怀疑宗教的真理的人。
13.I was forced to disbelieve him.我不得不对他产生怀疑
14.No one had the slightest suspicion;没有人产生丝毫的怀疑
15.To be suspicious, apprehensive, or doubtful.产生忧虑、担心或怀疑
16.The police suspected that he had made away with his wife.警方怀疑他杀死了妻子。
17.They suspect that he's uttering false money.他们怀疑他在用假钞。
18.He was suspected of treason.他被怀疑有背叛行为。

1.The firm belief is the solid base of his scientific research;suspicion and criticism are intrinsic spirits of his methodology of science;the tendency of rationalism and the principle of aesthetics of simplicity are very significant factors for Einstein to acquire great achievement.坚定的信念是爱因斯坦进行科学研究的坚实基础,怀疑态度和批判精神是爱因斯坦科学方法的内在精神,而唯理论的哲学倾向和简单性的美学原则也是爱因斯坦取得伟大科学成就的重要因素。
2.The nature of philosophy has been an everlasting topic in the western history of philosophy,But there lived,at least,some outstanding philosophers as Descartes﹐Hume,etc,who held the philosophic program to treat the nature of philosophy as suspicion.而将哲学的性质理解为怀疑,至少是笛卡尔、休谟等一批哲学家的哲学规划。
3.It s also under suspicion that rhythm could be the proof of the labour assumption.节奏问题究竟在多大程度上对劳动说具有证据价值 ,令人怀疑
1.Firstly,it takes off the masks of human nature,then suspects the "Conscience" of human s self-feeling,in spite of indulging oneself in pain and suspicion.本文对芥川龙之介的几篇脍炙人口的小说在表达人性的深度方面进行了系统的比较和划分,指出芥川对人性边界的探索经历了一个三阶段的上升过程,即从剥离人性的面具、显示面具对人性边界的顽强的遮蔽性,到对人的自我感觉的“本心”加以怀疑、不惜让自己陷入疑惑和痛苦,再上升到揭示人性在自我超越中提升自己,直到展示人性本身的悲剧性冲突这一最高境界,并对每个阶段的人性结构进行了一种层次分析。
2.The main philosophy of GMP(Group Membership Protocol)of ITUA is based on suspect/trust model.其中组成员管理的核心思想是信任/怀疑模型。
3.The researching in skepticism revives recently,and it is necessary to analyze the suspect as an academic subject in the process of studying skepticism.近年来对怀疑论的研究出现了复兴,而在关于怀疑论的研究中对怀疑进行类型学的分析是必要的。
1.The process of conversion of writer Beicun to Christian can be analyzed based on his experience of early success,skepticism and closing.小说家北村皈依基督的过程,可以结合其人生经历从早慧、怀疑、封闭等三方面切入。
2.This article expounds the cultivation of students scientific spirit in realism,rationalism and skepticism in the teaching of physics.文章论述了在物理学科教学中应怎样从求实精神、理性精神、怀疑精神等三个方面对学生进行科学精神的培养。
1.The realism, the linguistic sign under the logical grammar and the premise of sign s signify are the scaffolding to construct Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, but they express the scepticism of Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus for their unrealism to philosophy and daily life.“可说的东西”和“不可说的东西”是维特根斯坦《逻辑哲学论》为思想的表达划的界限 ,逻辑与怀疑同构其中。
6)doubt[英][da?t][美][daut]vt.& vi.怀疑;n.怀疑

怀疑精神怀疑精神spirit of suspicion  怀疑精神(spirit of suspieion)指不迷信定论和权威,对事物怀有一种不相信和猜度的情感,勇于破旧和追求真理的精神。怀疑有两种:一种是为了破除盲从、扫除传统谬误和偏见、推动科学发展的积极的怀疑,它以怀疑为手段,以发明创造、发展科学、追求真理为目的;另一种是通过怀疑而彻底否定任何客观真理和人的认识能力,从而走向不可知论的消极的怀疑。我们提倡的是积极的怀疑,它是创造型人才的一种理智感,是创新的开端,它能促进人们产生创新意识、增强思维的批判性,是打破旧观念建立新学说的一种心理推动力量。 (张明撰租胡吴万森审)