1.Some thoughts on attraction strategy of sci-tech periodical culture;关于科技期刊科技文化吸引力谋略的思考
2.On the System and Constitution of Interrogative Strategy;论侦查讯问谋略的结构体系
3.On the strategy foundation of police s tacties psychological combats;论警察战术心理战的谋略基础

1.To effect by secret scheming or plotting.以谋略达成通过秘密的计划或密谋取得
2.a bottom - line political strategy.一个非常务实的政治谋略
3."To make the simple-minded sharp, and to give the young man knowledge, and serious purpose:"使愚人灵明,使少年人有知识和谋略
4."So that you may be ruled by a wise purpose, and your lips may keep knowledge."为要使你谨守谋略,嘴唇保存知识。
5.Wise design and good sense are mine; reason and strength are mine.我有谋略,和真知识。我乃聪明。我有能力。
6.There was no stratagem that he was not equal to.没有什么谋略是他所不能对付的。
7.Wisdom and knowledge and wise suggestions are of no use against the Lord.没有人能以智慧,聪明,谋略,敌挡耶和华。
8.With him there is wisdom and strength; power and knowledge are his.在神有智慧和能力,他有谋略和知识。
9.To overcome(an opponent) by artful, clever maneuvering.智胜在机智、谋略上胜过(对手)
10."Wise purposes will be watching over you, and knowledge will keep you;"谋略必护卫你。聪明必保守你。
11.To gain a tactical advantage over(a competitor, for example).智胜在谋略上胜过(如竞争者)
12.The police were trying to search out the real murderer.警察谋略查出真正的杀人犯。
13."Have I not put in writing for you thirty sayings, with wise suggestions and knowledge,"谋略和知识的美事,我岂没有写给你吗?
14.Of all the stratagems, to know when to quit is the best.最好的谋略是知道什么时候该退出。
15.To God belong wisdom and power; counsel and understanding are his.在神有智慧和能力.有谋略和知识。
16.That you may keep discretion, And your lips may guard knowledge.为要使你谨守谋略,嘴唇护卫知识。
17.(3)clear direction,ept measures and good strategies;3 方向明确,措施得当,讲究谋略;
18.Measures Taken by Chen Yun in Solving the Cotton Crisis as a Result of"Embargo"in 1951;陈云解决1951年棉花“禁运”危机的谋略

1.Analysis on the stratagems for transforming the battlefield situation based on Lanchester Equation;基于兰切斯特方程的态势转化谋略分析
2.The relation between strategy and stratagem is a kind of difficult question in Chinese enterprise strategic management.谋略与战略的关系是中国企业战略管理中难以回避的问题。
3.The police stratagem is a stratagem, which is used when policemen fight with criminals and it is also a kind of theory to create a way of thought.警察谋略是研究警察领域中敌对双方斗智的一种方略和形成思维机制的学说,擒敌谋略反映擒敌指导思想的一般性规律。
1.Analysis on the Constitutive Elements of Battled Tactics in Police Affairs;警务对抗谋略的构成分析
2.Organization of the attacks of the second pass and the application of tactics;排球二传手进攻战术组织与谋略运用探析
3.Commanding an army requires tactics,so does managing a business,while tactics are first originated in military warfare.在市场竞争日趋激烈的今天,经营者要想在竞争中取胜,就要借鉴军事谋略,学会用谋。
1.Modern game theory has offered a new approach to the police s strategies,loosing up the constraint of police s strategies study,making it possible to relax the restrictions of the complete information,further releasing the constraint of complete competition.近代博弈论为警察谋略提供新的方法论,并使警察谋略研究的约束条件放宽,使完全信息约束条件的松绑成为可能,使完全竞争约束条件的进一步放宽,因此其在警察谋略理论、警察人力资源战略管理、警察战斗执法中都得到广泛应用。
5)development ruse发展谋略
1.Furthermore, the specific development ruse is proposed for the operation game played by SPC in new epoch.通过对国外石化行业的考察与思考,结合上海石化的现状分析,提出应对竞争环境变迁7大战略调整思路,并进一步在经营策略的调整上提出具体的发展谋略
6)strategic bond谋略键
1.It carries out the retrosynthetic analysis in 3 steps:finding the strategic bonds by parsing the target, converting the target into the precursors (synthons) according to the strategic bonds, and determining the avai.TPS的工作逻辑基本上模仿人的思维过程 ,它通过对目标分子析分找出谋略键 ,根据谋略键将目标分子分拆成前体 ,再通过对原料库的检索确定是否已是可得原料等 3个步骤完成反合成分析。
