1.For this reason,documental language has the characteristics of precision,simplicity,plainness and seriousness.公文语言受制于公文性质、内容、功能,因而与文学语言迥异,具有准确性、简明性、平实性、庄重性的鲜明特点。

1.The energy diagram has a simplicity of its own and will repay careful study.能量图有自身的简明性,值得仔细研究。
2.A review of The Concise Encyclopedic English-Chinese Dictionary;一部简明实用、学术性强的认知型百科词典——评《简明英汉百科辞典》
3.I will outline the characteristics of our product.首先我将简略说明我们商品的特性。
4.A Quick Guide to Assessing Your Real Risk评价真实危险性的简明指南
5.have a brilliant, logical, simple, etc mind头脑聪明、 逻辑性强、 简单等.
6.273 First of all Iu will oudine the characteristics of our product.首先我将简略说明?85647246们商品的特性。
7.The Snoopy image simply takes the easy way,the individuality is bright.史努比的形象简单讨巧,个性鲜明。
8.The case study indicates that this method is characterized by simpleness and practicability for application.实例分析表明,本方法简单、实用性强。
9.A Simple Method for Judging Feedback polarity and Type;判断反馈极性、类型的一种简明方法
10.Concise Solution of Linear Integral Equation after Extending the Scope of Parameter拓广参数值后线性积分方程简明解法
11.The Concise Proofs of Two Properties of the Universal Teichmüller Space关于万有Teichmüller空间两个性质的简洁证明
12.Efficient algorithm of attribute reduction based on Skowron's discernibility matrix基于Skowron分明矩阵的有效属性约简算法
13.A Simple Proof for the Higher Integrability of A-harmonic FunctionsA-调和函数高阶可积性的简单证明
14.Rules of Robustness: Robustness is the child of transparency and simplicity.健壮性准则:健壮性是透明性和简单性的孩子。
15." "What we said in a very simple way is that sex is okay, that nice girls like sex too," he said.“我们用简简单单的方式表明,性没什么不好,好女孩也喜欢性。”
16.The brief explanation shall not contain any commercial advertising and shall not be used to indicate the function of the product.简要说明不得使用商业性宣传用语,也不能用来说明产品的性能。
17.The Caption property is a short description (one-line string) of the object.标题属性是对象的简短说明(单行字符串)。
18.The real issue here is the apparent reduction in simplicity.这里真正要紧的癥结是在简单性的明显降低。

1.First, the paper discusses the appropriate conciseness of diction, focusing upon the flexible use and particular functions of some frequent verbs, adjectives and nouns.文章最后强调广告用词的通俗性、简明性、针对性、准确性和新奇性与广告的成功息息相关,是广告成功的基础。
2.preciseness, conciseness, and scientificness, which focus on the content beauty and the formal beauty respectively.本文根据作者的翻译实践 ,提炼出科技英语翻译审美的三大标准 :准确性、简明性、科学性 ,用实例逐一进行论证 ,并在此基础上提出对科技翻译工作者的审美要求。
3)concise performance expression简明性能
4)rule simplicity规则简明性
1.Science papers should highlight the styles of strictness,conciseness and elegance;科技论文应彰显严谨、简明、高致的风格
2.They are clarity, completeness, conciseness and consideration.商务写作有几个基本要求,即:清楚,完整,简明,体贴。
3.Forming the condensed language style of the official document depends on its practical purpose,which contains accuracy, solemnity,conciseness and standard.主要表现为准确、庄重、简明、规

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-