1.Objective:To explore the effects of cognitive impairment on the performance of Binomial Forced-Choice Digit Memory Test (BFDMT).目的 :探讨认知功能缺损程度对二项必选数字记忆测验 (简称二项测验 )成绩的影响。
2.To study correlation of Binomial Forced-Choice Digit Memory Test (BFDMT) and Raven s Standard Progressive Matrices (RSPM) in the patients with financially compensable head trauma.目的:研究脑外伤工伤伤残鉴定患者二项必选数字记忆测验(二项测验)结果与瑞文标准推理测验(瑞文测验)成绩的关系,探讨用二项测验来估计被试者真实智力的可能性。
3.To explore the validity of Binomial Forced-Choice Digit Memory Test (BFDMT) in detecting dissimulation of intellectual deficit.目的:探讨二项必选数字记忆测验(二项测验)对赔偿性脑外伤患者伪装智力低下的判定作用。

1.Correlation analysis of Binomial Forced-Choice Digit Memory Test and Raven s Standard Progressive Matrices in patients with financially compensable head injuries;脑外伤后伤残鉴定患者二项必选数字记忆测验与瑞文测验成绩的相关分析
2.Comparative Study of Binomial Forced-choice Digit Memory Test in Clinical Authenticate of Mental Retardation2项必选数字记忆测验在精神发育迟滞鉴定中的对比研究
3.Clinical application of binomial forced-choice digit memory test in the judicatory authenticate with mental retardation二项数字记忆测验在精神发育迟滞司法鉴定的应用
4.A trial on 62-years old person using complex numbers of natural numeral marvelous imagery memory;62岁老人运用自然数码奇象记忆法记忆复杂数字的的实验
5.Research on Memory Polynomial Digital Predistorter Based on RPE Algorithm基于RPE算法的记忆多项式数字预失真研究
6.The Effects of List Method Directed Forgetting on Implicit Memory Test字表法定向遗忘对内隐记忆测验的影响
7.The results are as follows: (l) When measure was delayed 2、6 and l0 seconds, temporal order memory for the same - category word within the list was better than across lists;实验一发现:2分钟延缓测试词表内范畴相同项时序记忆和项目记忆优于词表间范畴相同项;
8.The Event-Related Potentials Studies of Item Memory and Source Memory for Pictures and Chinese Characters;图形与汉字项目记忆与来源记忆的ERP研究
9.Postoperatively, memory for presented words was tested using a word stem completion test.术后使用一个词干补笔测验对讲述的文字进行记忆测试。
10.Selective Memorization as an Effective Approach in College English Teaching--An Experiment-based Study;论选择性记忆作为一种有效的大学英语教学手段—一项实验研究
11.You cannot type a semicolon (;) immediately followed by a number sign (#) in a Choice column.在“选项”列中,分号后面(;)不能直接跟随数字记号(#)。
12.In earlier times, participants had taken fourteen tests that measure learning, memory and concentration skills.稍早,他们进行了十四项试验,测量学习、记忆与专心的技巧。
13.Cannot select a record from the database table. You must choose record key values for each of the key fields.无法从数据库表中选择一个记录。必须为每个关键字字段选择记录关键字值。
14.Effects of recollection on memorizing movements of difficult and pleasing events;回忆法对难美类项目动作记忆效果的实验研究
15.binomial group testing二项分组测验法 二项分组测验法
16.He ran off the figures from memory.他凭记忆流利地说出了那些数字。
17.His memory was lumbered with detailed facts and figures.他的记忆里满是细节和数字。
18.A Novel Fractional Order Memory Polynomial Predistorter一种新的分数阶记忆多项式预失真器

Binomial forced-choice digit memory test2项必选数字记忆测验
3)Digit memory test数字记忆测验
4)digital memory数字记忆
1.What is digital-memory expertise? To answer this question, this paper reviews the history of digital memory expertise research .数字记忆专长是什么?为回答这一问题,本论文回顾了数字记忆专长的心理学研究历史。
5)Memory test记忆测验
6)binary memoryless digital channel二进制无记忆数字信道
1.Constraint relation of the information capacity and the bit error ratio of the binary memoryless digital channel;二进制无记忆数字信道信息容量与误码率制约关系

国际现代五项和冬季两项联盟  1948年成立国际现代五项联合会,1969年由于增加了冬季两项活动改为现名,会址设在瑞典兰斯克鲁纳。现代五项有50个会员协会,冬季两项有40个会员协会,正式工作语言为英语和法语。    国际现代五项和冬季两项联盟的宗旨是:推动现代五项和冬季两项运动及其附属项目综合训练的发展和技术水平的提高;促进各协会领导人和运动员之间的诚挚、友好合作,反对任何种族、宗教或政治的歧视。    国际现代五项和冬季两项联盟的最高权力机构是全体代表大会,每4年举行1次(在奥运会年的秋季召开),一个协会只有 1票表决权,可以委托投票。现代五项和冬季两项每年还分别召开 1次代表大会。单项代表大会只对与本项目有关的事宜作出决定。每个会员协会有1票表决权,可以委托投票。代表大会闭会期间,国际现代五项和冬季两项联盟的领导机构是行政理事会。理事会每年在夏、冬两季各召开1次会议。联盟的日常事务由执?形被岣涸稹V次嵊芍飨⒌?1副主席、两名执行副主席、秘书长、司库、副秘书长和副司库组成。联盟下设技术委员会、医务委员会和新闻委员会。现任主席是S.托费尔特(瑞典);秘书长是W.格吕特(瑞典)。联盟管辖的世界锦标赛有:现代五项运动(跑、马术、击剑、射击和游泳),冬季两项(滑雪+射击)。