1.Transfer payment on tourists to villagers' portrait payment——take Qingkou village as an example游客对村民肖像付费的转移支付——以箐口村为例
2.Firstly,the article explain the meaning and characteristics of“de-portrait”.首先对“解像”的含义和特征进行分析和解读,进而将“解像式”建筑与传统肖像式建筑进行比较,并通过介绍具有解像特征的建筑实例,进一步剖析两者的差异。
3.With the powerful and vigorous lines as well as the vivid and splendid colors, Oskar Kokoschka s portrait works revealed a real world of the model s heart, the miserable morbid state and the struggling life in itself.他在肖像作品中,通过刚劲有力的线条和熠熠生辉的色彩来揭示了模特心中的真实世界、揭示生活中痛苦的病态和在挣扎与旋转中的生命本身。

1.Of, relating to, or having the character of an icon.肖像的,与肖像有关的,具有肖像特点的
2.Of or relating to a half-length portrait.(有关)半身肖像
3.relating to or having the characteristics on an icon.与肖像有关,具有肖像特点。
4.On the Definition of Portrait and the Regulation of Using Portrait;论肖像的界定与肖像使用的法律规制
5.An Initial Study of the Copyright of Portrait Between the Right to Portrait;肖像作品著作权与肖像权的冲突初探
6.On the Conflict between the Portrait Right and the Copy Right of Portrait Works;肖像权与肖像作品著作权冲突的研究
7.A person who makes portraits, especially a painter or photographer.肖像画家,人像摄影师肖像制作者,尤指肖像画家或人像摄影师
8.The art or practice of making portraits.肖像绘制法,人像摄影法
9.A pictorial, graphic, or sculptured representation of something; an image.相片,肖像模仿某物的绘画、图片或雕像;肖像
10.The portrait piqued her curiosity.这幅肖像引起她的好奇
11.She drew a picture of me.她画了一张我的肖像
12.Burn a person in effigy.焚烧某人的肖像以泄恨。
13.This portrait is meant for me.这张肖像是要给我的。
14.This is the very painting of your fear.这就是你的恐惧的肖像
15.I am going to have my portraiture taken.我请人给自己画张肖像
16.The portrait looks real.这肖像看起来栩栩如生。
17.a portrait of the general in full panoply.身着盛装的将军的肖像
18.The artist chose the medium of oil for the portrait.那画家选用油彩画肖像.

1.Constitutive requirement of infringing act of right to portrait shouldn t in-clude "using portraiture with commercial purpose".以刘翔肖像权案为引子,就肖像权的归属与形象权构想、侵害肖像权行为的构成要件及合理使用、肖像权与著作权的“冲突”3个相关法律问题作了分析。
2.The writer analyzes three aspects and considers that national athletes rights to portrait belong to athletes themselves, and calls for creating right of publicity, and newly makes up constitutive requirement of infringing act of right to portrait by canceling using portraiture with commercial purpose.刘翔肖像权侵权纠纷案引起了轩然大波,与之相关的法律问题更值得我们深思。
3)A Portrait《肖像》
1.James Joyce (1882-1941), the great writer of modernism, conveyed his literary aesthetics in his early novels: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and Stephen Hero, the manuscript of the former.现代主义文学的巨擘詹姆斯·乔伊斯(1882-1941),在他的早期小说《青年艺术家的肖像》(简称《肖像》)及其原稿《斯蒂芬英雄》中流露了他的美学思想。
5)illustration generation肖像生成
6)portrait photographing肖像摄影
1.This artide introduces in an all round way the fundamental lightings for portrait photographing,such as rembrandt lighting,halo lighting,butterfly like lighting,and so on,all of them are indoors lightings and with artificial light provided The article also pays more attention to discuss the lighting method about counter light,which can effectively enhance the artistic result全面介绍了在室内人造光条件下 ,肖像摄影的基本布光、伦勃朗布光、光晕照明布光、蝶形布光等 ,着重探讨了为提高艺术效果 ,采用以逆光照明为基调的布光方法。

肖像1.亦作"肖象"。相似;类似。 2.图画或雕塑人像。 3.用绘画﹑雕刻﹑塑造﹑摄影﹑刺绣等手段表现的人像。一般指画像或照片。