1.Once there occurs a peril of the sea,a shipowner s capital cannot be adequately protected by the "complete compensation" for "the damage and loss suffered," which is a compensatory way popular in civil law.国际海上运输与其它运输方式相比,具有较大的危险性,且海上危险具有全损性,一旦发生海上事故,实行一般民法损害赔偿的“所受损害及所失利益”的“完全赔偿”方法,不利于船舶所有人的资本保护。

1.Association of American Ship Owners美国船舶所有人协会
2.at ship owner's risk由船舶所有人承担风险
3.The shipowners referred to in the preceding paragraph shall include the charterer and the operator of a ship.前款所称的船舶所有人,包括船舶承租人和船舶经营人。
4.The original shipowner shall undergo formalities for cancellation of registration of the ship's ownership at the original ship registration authorities.原船舶所有人应当向原船舶登记机关办理船舶所有权注销登记。
5.The Master of the ship in distress shall have the authority to conclude a contract for salvage operations on behalf of the shipowner.遇险船舶的船长有权代表船舶所有人订立救助合同。
6.Article 12 The owner of a ship or those authorized thereby may establish the mortgage of the ship.第十二条船舶所有人或者船舶所有人授权的人可以设定船舶抵押权。
7.Article7 The ownership of a ship means the shipowner's rights to lawfully possess, utilize, profit from and dispose of the ship in his ownership.第七条船舶所有权,是指船舶所有人依法对其船舶享有占有、用、益和处分的权利。
8.Convention relating to the Limitation of the Liability of Owners of Inland Navigation Vessels内河航行船舶所有人责任限制公约
9.International Convention relating to the Limitation of the Liability of Owners of Seagoing Ships海运船舶所有人责任限制国际公约
10.International Convention Relating to the Limitation of the Liability of Owners of Sea-Going Ship海上船舶所有人责任限制公约
11.Convention on the Limitation of the Liability of Owners of Sea-going Vessels航海船舶所有人责任限制公约
12.The Master of the ship in distress or its owner shall have the authority to conclude a contract for salvage operations on behalf of the owner of the property on board.遇险船舶的船长或者船舶所有人有权代表船上财产所有人订立救助合同。
13.Violations of the Administration of Vessel Owners or Operators or of the Safe Operations of Vessels违反船舶所有人、经营人和船舶安全营运管理秩序
14.Those against the administration of vessel owners, operators, and safe vessel operations;违反船舶所有人、经营人和船舶安全营运管理秩序;
15."Owner" means the person or persons registered as the owner of the ship or, in the absence of registration, the person or persons owning the ship.“船舶所有人”是指登记为船舶所有人的人,如果未经登记,则是指拥有该船的人。
16.The maximum amount of a fine on a shipowner is 100,000 RMB yuan.对船舶所有人的罚款,最高额为人民币十万元。
17.Protocol to the Convention relating to the Limitation of the Liability of Owners of Inland Navigation Vessels内河航行船舶所有人责任限制公约议定书
18.Indemnity Payable to the Shipowner by the FUND for Oil Pollution Damage国际油污赔偿基金对船舶所有人的补偿

ship owner船东,船舶所有人
3)The Owner of State-owned ships国有船舶所有人
5)registered owner登记船舶所有人
6)shipowner's liability船舶所有人义务

《海上船舶所有人责任限制公约》《海上船舶所有人责任限制公约》  月,英、法、当时的联邦德国、西班牙等29个国家参加在比利时布鲁塞尔举行的第10届海洋法外交会议通过的海上船舶所有责任限制公约。该公约是在修改1924年统一海上船舶所有人责任限制若干规则的公约的基础上形成的,并于1968年开始生效。海上船舶所有人限制公约的制定是由于随着国际海上运输的迅猛发展,各国的船舶频繁地往返于世界各国的港口。但由于船舶所有人对他人损害的赔偿责任各国的规定不一致,为了避免在此问题上各国都因其国内法的规定不同而引起纠纷,船舶所有人都纷纷要求能在世界范围内对其责任的限制做出一个统一的规定。1957年通过的海上船舶所有人责任限制公约通过采用金额制的新的统一制度,对船舶责任的主体、责任原则、限制性债权、非限制性债权以及责任限额的计算方法都做了统一规定。后来又通过了有关核能船事故和油污责任限制公约以及计算船舶吨位的丈量公约。《海上船拍所有人贵任限制公约》1957年9月至10