1.The unity of action and inaction ——The inaction Analysis;有为与无为的统一——老子无为说探析

1.He has license to do as he pleases.他有为所欲为的自由。
2.You shall have blank charters.你将有为所欲为的自由。
3.a young hopeful年青有为(有时用作反语)
4.Men must decide what they will not do, and then they are able to act with vigor in what they ought to do.人有不为也,而后可以有为
5.The saying, "Refrain from doing some things in order to be able to do other things"[1], exactly meets the case.“有所不为而后可以有为”⑴,正是这种情形。
6.The unity of action and inaction --The inaction Analysis;有为与无为的统一——老子无为说探析
7.conceived in adultery.被认为有通奸行为的。
8."Because I have no money."“因为我没有钱。”
9.As they say, @All's well that ends well.有道是:“善终为善。”
10.the univalent radical COOH; present in and characteristic of organic acids.一价基COOH,为有机酸特有。
11.Something attempted, something done.有所尝试,就会有所作为。
12.for it has undergone resistance and pressure.因为有了阻力才有磨炼。
13.There's a love that cannot lie因为有爱不再有谎言
14.The act or fact of possessing.拥有拥有的行为或事实
15.WHILE some people call them silly rubbish, others regard them as a valuable collectables.有人视其为垃圾,也有人视其为珍藏。
16.Refrain from doing some things in order to Be aBle to do other things.有所不为而后可以有所为。
17.Discussion on the Doing or Not Doing in the Polytechnic Teaching;简论高职教学的“有所为与有所不为”
18.Art of University Presidents' Leadership:Do Something but not Everything大学校长领导艺术之有所为有所不为

3)appoint people by abilities有为有位
4)Capable and labouring有作有为
5)Can act and maintain certain principles有为有守
6)activity in repose无为而有为

有为【有为】 (术语)为者造作之义,有造作,谓之有为。即因缘所生之事物,尽有为也。能生之因缘,是造作所生之事物者,所生之事物,必有此因缘之造作,故云有为法。本来自尔而非因缘所生者,谓之无为法。故有为者如言有因缘。大乘义章二曰:“为是集起造作之义,法有为作故,名有为。”俱舍论光记五曰:“因缘造作名为,色心等法,从因缘生,有彼为故,名曰有为。”俱舍论颂疏界品一曰:“为者作也,此有为法,众缘造作故名为,有彼为故,名为有为。”梵Asam!skr!ta。