1.The Application of the Probation to Nonage Crime;我国未成年人犯罪缓刑考察制度
2.On Establishing the System of Deposit in Security of Probation;论缓刑保证金制度的设立

1.suspended sentenceph.1. 【律】缓刑
2.grand a respite to a condemned man对判刑的人宣布缓刑
3.(of a law-breaker)undergoing a period of probation(指违法者)服缓刑
4.New Offenders on Probation Should Not Be Reprieved;缓刑期内又犯罪的不应再适用缓刑——兼谈缓刑撤销制度的完善
5.She was sentenced to probation for one year.她被判处一年的缓刑
6.The young man was given a suspended sentence.这个年轻人被判缓刑
7.He is on three months' probation.他正在服3个月的缓刑
8.Suspension of sentence is not to be applied to recidivists.对于累犯,不适用缓刑
9.the officer of the court who supervises probationers.监督缓刑犯的法庭官员。
10.They should be probated for first offences.他们是初犯,故应处缓刑
11.The prisoner won a last-minute reprieve.那囚犯在临刑前获得了缓刑.
12.He was condemned to death with a two-year’s reprieve to test his behaviour.他被判处死刑,缓刑两年,以观后效。
13.Research on Probation System under Criminal Policies of Combining Punishment with Leniency;宽严相济刑事政策视野下的缓刑制度
14.Is It Proper that Forfeit Penalty Applies to Scope of Probation;关于罚金刑应否适用缓刑问题的思考
15.History and Reality:Probation System in Criminal Law of Russia历史与现实:俄罗斯刑法中的缓刑制度
16.This is my one chance to go before the firing squad and plead for a stay of execution.这是我最后的机会 在行刑队动刑前申请缓刑
17.The Probation Hovering Between Justice and Utility of Our Country--Reflection on the probation legislation and judicature of our country;徘徊在公正与功利之间的我国缓刑——对我国缓刑立法与司法的反思
18.Changes on Application Conditions for Probation and Future Establishment for Inspection Subjects of Probation in Our Country;我国缓刑适用条件的变迁与缓刑考察主体的未来设置

1.On the Applicability of Reprieve in Criminal Lao;试论《刑法》缓刑的适用
3)suspension of sentence缓刑
1.Studies on some questions about combined punishment of several crime during the implementation of suspension of sentence;缓刑适用中的数罪并罚问题
2.Study on Legislative Improvement about the Conditions of Chinese Suspension of Sentence;论我国缓刑适用条件的立法完善
3.Suspension of Sentence, as an important section of the whole criminal punishment, has the priority in its application in the society comparing of the Fix-term Imprisonment and Life Imprisonment, so Suspension of Sentence has been widely adopted in the most countries of the world.缓刑制度作为刑罚体系的重要组成部分,其非监禁刑的执行特点弥补了短期自由刑的诸多弊端,因而受到世界大多数国家的青睐。
4)Probation system缓刑
1.Be influenced by such trend of thought, un-jailed and community correction have become the favourable styles in many countries, and, probation system can be molded in these aspects.在这一思潮的影响下,非监禁刑和社区矫正成为许多国家所青睐的制度,而缓刑在这些方面具有极强的可塑性。
5)suspended sentence缓刑
1.The application and Implementation of Suspended Sentence from the Perspective of Public Security Organs公安机关视野下缓刑的适用与执行
6)conditional suspension of pecuniary penalty罚金刑缓刑
1.The system of conditional suspension of pecuniary penalty has the advantages of the system of probation and pecuniary penalty.罚金刑缓刑兼具缓刑制度和罚金刑制度的优势。
