1.And modern property right is a contractualization right,which must complete the transition from status to contract.根据现代产权的以上特点,我国现代化发展的过程,特别是改革转型的过程,是农民不断获得土地财产权的过程;农民土地产权的未来发展趋势应是:赋予农民完全民事化、法律化和契约化的土地财产权。
2.It inquired into the implication,background,characteristics,realizing channel,application and limitation of the systematization of competitive sports morality and its special form-moral contractualization,and clarified that the systematization of competitive sports morality was to stipulate subject s moral duties in the widespread sense(using.探讨竞技体育道德制度化的涵义、背景和特点,实现途径、适用和限制,以及竞技体育道德制度化的特殊形式——道德契约化
3.The contractualization of labor relation is a key con ce pt to involve labor issues into rule of law process, but the problem is how to d istinct this theory from which in private sectors of modern Western countries.劳动关系契约化是将劳动领域纳入法治进程的关键理念 ,而如何将劳动关系契约化与近代西方社会的私的 (契约化 )理论加以辨析是我国当前劳动法学乃至法律哲学的新课题。

1.Inquirement Administration of Contract in College Student Halls;关于高校学生公寓契约化管理的思考
2.An Exploration to the Contract Management of Implementation of Distance Learning in Rural Areas推行农村远程教育契约化管理的探微
3.Systematization of Competitive Sports Morality and Its Special Form--Moral Contractualization;竞技体育道德制度化及其特殊形式——道德契约化
4.On Dissimilation of Contract;契约的异化与异化的契约——以事实契约为视角
5.Factor Contract is Superior to Commodity Contract;商品契约优于要素契约——以农业产业化经营中的契约选择为例
6.What will Keep Promise be Possible--Culture analysis of contract construction;契约信守何以可能——契约结构的文化分析
7.Contract Validity and Contractual Designing of Modular Organization模块化组织契约有效性与契约结构设计
8.Covenant with the Nature: Reflection Triggered by Plight on Contract Evolution;与自然立约—困境引发的契约进化思考
9.With Modern Contract Theory to Solve the Problem of high rate on disobey Contract;运用现代契约理论化解高违约率难题
10.Contractus bonae fidei善意契约,诚信契约
11.Contractus consensu合意契约,诺成契约
12.Contract Culture and China s Modern Legality Construction;契约文化与中国现代法治建设——也谈梅因“从身份到契约”的论断
13.Education Credit Asset-Backed Securitization:the Integration of Debts Contract and Shares Contract教育信贷资产证券化:债性契约和股性契约的融合
14.A Study of Cross-Culture Acculturation Mode Based on Psychological Contract;基于心理契约的跨文化适应模式研究
15.Regional Economic Integration and Coordinating Mechanism of Administrative Contracts;区域经济一体化与行政契约协调机制
16.Contracting Learning--Constructing Humanized Physical Teaching Model;契约学习——构建人性化的体育教学模式
17.On Modular Design Based on Contract Structures and Its Evolution;基于契约结构的模块化设计及其演进
18.Optimal Design of Creditor s Contract with Informational Asymmetry;论信息非对称下债权契约的优化设计

1.Free choice and contract Under Market Economy;市场经济下的自由选择与契约化
3)cultural stipulation文化契约
4)Contract Culture契约文化
1.A Discussion about "Contract Culture" in Policing Activity;浅谈警务活动中的“契约文化”
2.The social relation being contracted under the market economy makes the market culture seem as contract culture.市场经济条件下社会关系的契约化,使得反映这种关系的市场文化表现为契约文化。
3.Unfortunately, the traditional credit culture has not been smoothly transformed into contract culture in the conditions of market economy.中华民族有着讲信用的传统,可传统的信用文化却未能在市场经济条件下很好地转化为契约文化。
5)covenant culture契约文化
1.The constitutional system is a product of evolution of the Western society, the covenant culture originated from ancient Greece, the legal system of ancient Rome, the Christian civilization and the liberalistic tradition are the ideological basis for generation of the constitutionalism.宪政制度是西方社会演进的产物,发端于古希腊的契约文化、古罗马的法律制度、基督教文明以及自由主义传统是孕育宪政制度的思想根
2.The studying on the American covenant culture helps us to understand the“Three A Principles”in American higher education.研究美国社会的契约文化 ,有利于人们理解美国高等教育的“三A原则”。
6)the socialization of contract契约社会化

公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical method  gongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理