1.This paper from the mathmatical methdology point , about implicit reduction ,analogy and generalization in the part content do initial exploration.本文从数学方法论的角度对数学分析教材部分内容中蕴含的化归,类比与一般化思想方法作一初探。
2.The article analyses the action of coercion,generalization of the crime of coercion and its judging rules.本文就胁迫行为、胁迫行为犯罪一般化以及胁迫罪的犯罪构成特征与界定进行探讨。

1.What is the meaning of generalization/ specialization without polymorphism?一般化/别化没有多型是什麽意义?
2.What is the meaning of generalization/specialization without polymorphism?一般化/特别化没有多型是什麽意义?
3.The state or quality of being general.通则,概论一般化的状态和性质,具有一般化的特征
4.I swam so - so, but better than yesterday.我游泳一般化,但比昨天好一些
5.To reduce to a general form, class, or law.使一般化赋予一普遍形式、种类或定律
6.The critic has gone at the book in this general fashion这位评论家一般化地探讨了这本书。
7.Study on Algorithm of Generalizing Association Rules with Negative Items;含负项目的一般化关联规则算法研究
8.Generalized Reciprocity: Measurements, motive and methodological implications;一般化互惠:测量、动力及方法论意涵
9.Changes in price normally vary with changes of supply and need.价格变动一般随供求变化而变化。
10.The Regional Development of Ordinary Local Colleges/Universities in the Context of Mass Education;大众化背景下一般高校的区域化发展
11.A Simplification of the General Inverse Linear Programming Problem;关于一般线性规划逆问题的一种简化
12.The response to iodides is usually dramatic.碘化物的疗效一般是明显的。
13.American cars are generally shrinking in size.美国汽车一般都在改为小型化。
14.Alkanes are resistant to attack by oxidizing agents generally.烷烃一般对于氧化剂的作用是稳定的。
15.A common pattern considered very professional is the pin-stripe.比较职业化的一般样式是条纹状的。
16.General rule for pesticide emulsifier detectionGB/T3775-1983农药乳化剂检验的一般规定
17.general rules of acid proof porcelains for chemical industry化学工业用耐酸陶瓷一般规定
18.How fairy-like does everything appear to her enchanted vision!她的所见犹如被点化一般,似仙女下凡!

general evolutionism一般进化
1.The miscroscopic mechanism of general evolutionism within its microscopic subsystems is the non-linear interaction between its circular and positive feedbacks interacting as cause and effect in its outer subsystems of its fluctuation units.一般进化在系统内微观子系统层次上的微观机制 ,是涨落单元内外部子系统之间互为因果循环的正反馈类型的相互作用。
3)conventional WC一般碳化钨
1.Comparision is made between the characteristics of recovered WC and conventional WC by clectronic probe detection.用电子探针检测手段对比了回收碳化钨和一般碳化钨的不同特性 ,从回收碳化钨具有结晶完整、晶内缺陷少、化合碳充足等优良性能出发 ,用工艺优化手段弥补回收碳化钨氧含量高、夹杂物多等缺点 ,试制出了性能优于用一般碳化钨生产的硬质合
4)General-base catalysis一般碱催化
5)generalized method一般化方法
1.This article briefly discusses the meaning,function and application tactics of the generalized method.论述了一般化方法的含义、作用,给出了几种常见的解题功能。
2.This paper briefly discusses the meaning,function and application tactics of the generalized method.简述了一般化方法的含义、作用 ,给出了几种常见的应用策略 。
6)general theorem一般化定理
1.The paper gives the quadrature’s precision and complete convergence general theorem,which is about the i.绝对连续随机变量列的记录次数的计数过程的矩精确完全收敛性的一般化定理。

公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical method  gongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理