1.However,specific and explicit rules on the law property of the evidence in a civil action have been specified in the legal system.基于心理测试技术本身的不断发展,学界对心理测试符合鉴定结论的证据属性的观点予以认可,但法律制度对民事诉讼证据法律属性的规定却是具体而明确。
2.Subject to the limitations of time and space,judges have to find evidence to reappear the facts of the case and apply the law to disputes.作为裁判基础的诉讼证据,具有证据能力和证明力两大属性,证据规则乃至现代证据法即建立在这两个属性之上。

1.Analysis and Implementation of the Nature of Lawsuit Evidence--the Procedure of Lawsuit As the Body;诉讼证据属性的分析及展开——以诉讼程序为载体
2.How the Regulations for Evidences in Civil Proceedings Influence Civil Protests;民事诉讼证据规定对民事抗诉的影响
3.Distribution of the burden of proof in Civil procedure;论民事诉讼中证明责任的分配——兼议我国民事诉讼证据的有关规定
4.On the Restructure of China s Civil Evidence-collecting System;论我国民事诉讼证据收集制度的重构
5.On the Establishment of Testimony Showing System of Criminal Procedure in Our Country;论我国刑事诉讼证据开示制度的建构
6.Evidence Rules Particularity of Environmental Civil Infringement Proceedings;环境侵权民事诉讼证据规则的特殊性
7.Comparative Study of Evidence Rules in Administrative Lawsuit in Countries Like U.S.A.,Britain,France and Germany;美英法德行政诉讼证据规则比较研究
8.On the Improvement of Evidence Discovery System in Our Civil Procedure;对我国民事诉讼证据开示制度的分析
9.The Standard and Function of Evidence in Our Criminal Litigation;我国刑事诉讼的证据标准和证据运用
10.On the lawsuit value of the trace material evidence in scientific evidence;科学证据之微量物证的诉讼价值研究
11.Information Evidence and Criminal Litigation --On the Evidence of China s Criminal Litigation by Information;信息、证据与刑事诉讼——从信息的视角看我国刑事诉讼中的证据
12.Lodging of Proof,Cross-examination and Authentication of Evidence of Digital Images in Criminal Procedure;刑事诉讼中图像电子证据的举证、质证和认证
13.Analysis on the Evidence Discovery System of Euramerican Civil Litigation欧美民事诉讼庭前证据开示制度评析
14.Researches on the Rules of Corroboration in the Field of Criminal Procedural;刑事诉讼视野内的补强证据规则研究
15.Try to Say Pertaining to Crime Litigation in of Illegal Proof Exclusion Rule;试述刑事诉讼中的非法证据排除规则
16.Admissibility of Illegally Obtained Evidence in Civil Cases of China;我国民事诉讼非法证据排除问题研究
17.On the New Evidence Rules of the Civil Procedure in China;论我国民事诉讼制度中新的证据规则
18.On the Evidence Investigation Power of the Procuratorial Organ in Civil Procedure;论民事诉讼中检察机关的证据调查权

Litigation evidence诉讼证据
1.For the concept of litigation evidence, what is placed on the top today is the evidence theory based on factual view.对诉讼证据,目前处于通说地位的是事实观的证据论,在这一类定义内容中,因为强调的内容不同,各派学者又有不同的现点,现阶段,学界与实务界对事实观的证据定义提出质疑,转而强调其被动性与诉讼特征;这两类观点均有不足,可将证据定义为:由有权收集的单位或个人依法收集,在诉讼中被用以证明诉讼的主张或者由案件处理机关用以证明案件事实的材料与现象。
3)Lawsuit Evidence诉讼证据
4)evidence in civil proceedings民事诉讼证据
1.The form of evidence is insignificant to the legitimacy of evidence in civil proceedings,while the subject of evidence collection will to some extent affect the legitimacy of evidence so that different situations should be considered respectively.证据的形式对民事诉讼证据的合法性没有影响;收集证据的主体对民事诉讼证据的合法性有一定影响,应当区别情况,分别对待;收集证据的程序对民事诉讼证据的合法性有较大影响,但总体上应当从宽;实体法的特别规定不应作为判断民事诉讼证据是否合法的标准。
5)Criminal Litigation Evidence刑事诉讼证据
6)status of proof诉讼证据地位
