1.Culture Variation: Formation and Content of "Heresy" Doctrines in Ming and Qing Dynasties;文化变异:明清"邪教"教义的形成与内涵
2.This Bible includes more than 80 pieces of the Tian Di Men sect doctrine.该部经卷汇集了流传于天地门教内部的各种"经"、"赞"、"大赞"、"小赞"、"偈"、"词"八十多篇,为进一步搞清天地门教的组织传承、教义思想和道场仪式,提供了弥足珍贵的史料。
3.In the course of its formation and development, Shitou Sect extensively absorbs Chinese traditional culture, traditional Buddhism doctrines and the doctrines of various Buddhism sects and uses the absorption as an important ideological source to build Chan Sect doctrine.石头系在其形成和发展过程中,曾注意广泛吸取中国传统文化、传统佛教教义、佛教内部各宗派的学说,作为建构禅学体系的重要思想资源,在这种吸收、整合中,华严宗学说成了它的重要资源之一。

1.Characterized by, belonging to, or concerning doctrine.教义教义的,学说的,教诲的,主义的
2.The authority to teach religious doctrine.教导宗教教义的权威
3.This is the doctrine of Justification by Faith.这就是因信称义的教义
4.The study of religious dogmas, especially those of a Christian church.教理神学对宗教教义的研究,尤指基督教教义
5.person who does not think religious teachings are true怀疑宗教教义的人.
6.Your embrace of Catholicism.你对天主教教义的热忱
7.The practices and doctrines of the Puritans.清教徒的习俗和教义
8.writings that subvert Christianity攻击基督教教义的文字.
9.unchristian behaviour有悖基督教教义的行为
10.One who expresses or sets forth dogma.教义学者阐述或解释教义的人
11.a principle or belief or a group of them"一条教义,一条信仰或一组教义."
12.A new doctrine or a new interpretation of scripture.新教义新教条或经文的新释义
13.The doctrines and practices of the Pharisees.法利赛派教义法利赛人的教义和习惯
14.Hong Xiuquan (1814-1864) was not only the successor of Christianity and Confucianism, but also the betrayer.洪秀全是基督教教义和儒家教义的继承者,同时也是基督教教义和儒家教义的叛逆者。
15.Conforming or adhering rigorously to the practices or creeds of a church.固守教义的严格坚信或追随教会的习俗或教义
16.The practice and doctrines of voodoo.伏都教义,巫术信仰伏都教的施行和教义
17.(religion) of or relating to Protestants or Protestantism.(宗教)属于或关于新教、新教徒或新教教义的。
18.The religion and religious beliefs fostered by the Protestant movement.新教教义由新教运动形成的宗教和宗教信仰

3)Buddhism doctrines佛教教义
4)Taoist doctrine道教教义
1.The close relationship between Taoist doctrine and the succession of Taoist schools standardizes the succession of Taoism.道教教义与道教教派的承传关系密切,对道教承传有严格的规范的作用。
5)church dogma宗教教义
6)Judaical creed犹太教教义
1.They are: Jewish writers attitude to the Holocaust;the influence of Judaical creed on Jews;the extrication from the position of alienation and the eagerness for homeland.分析二战后美国犹太作家的作品,可以了解这些作品中犹太作家对纳粹大屠杀的态度、犹太教教义对犹太民族的影响、犹太民族摆脱“异化”的困境及渴望拥有自己的家园等不同的思想倾向。

教义【教义】 (术语)教法之义理。五教章上曰:“海印三昧一乘教义。”慈恩传九曰:“少来颇得专精教义。”