1.On the Kuomindang Government s Register System of Overseas Chinese Education;论国民政府的侨教立案制度
2.New Knowing about the Relationship between Register and Investigation;立案与侦查之间关系的新认识
3.The early example of Japanese Christian schools was registered by the government then,formed some thoughts for Christian educationalists in China to think about the similar questions and offered experience used for reference.日本基督教学校早先向政府立案的实例,构成了中国基督教教育界考虑同类问题的思想资源之一,并为中国基督教学校的立案提供了可借鉴的经验。

1.Cases can be quickly filed for official examination and possible prosecution, investigation follows promptly, and efficiency in handling the case is high.立案迅速,查处速度快,办案效率高。
2.The Case Pertaining to Crime of the Corruption Hush Money Registers for the Record a Start Mechanism a Research.;贪污贿赂案件刑事立案启动机制研究
3.The Improvement of the System of Judicial Investigation and Filing of an Economic Criminal Case;论经济犯罪案件立案审查制度的完善
4.The Prosecutorial Supervision on the Filing of Private Prosecution Cases;检察机关对刑事自诉案件的立案监督
5.On the Phenomenon of “Not Placing a Criminal Case on File until It s Solved" and the Questioning on the Independence of the Procedure of Placing a Criminal Case on File;立案不实的根源探究—兼对立案程序独立性的质疑
6.In recent years, the statistical number of peace order cases registered by public security organ has been evidently less than criminal ones, which is inconsistent with the rule concluded during previous years.最近几年,公安机关统计的治安案件立案数明显低于刑事案件立案数,与历年的规律相矛盾。
7.Managed departmental budget by developing budget proposals, drafting recommendations and projections.以发展预算提案、作建议及立案来管理学系预算。
8.We have put the homicide case on file for investigation and prosecution.这起他伤致命的案子我们已经立案调查了。
9.Thinking about Connecting Standards of Filing Case with Sentencing Criteria to Malfeasance Case;渎职侵权类案件立案与量刑标准衔接问题思考
10.On the Main Reason That Registered Criminal Cases and Peace Order Cases Are Inverted;浅谈刑事、治安案件立案倒挂的主要原因
11.prima facie case表面证据成立的案件
12.Bills Committee [Provisional Legislative Council]法案委员会〔临时立法会〕
13.a police file on missing persons警方为失踪者立的档案
14.Stand for the right answer.听到正确的答案就起立。
15.Proposed legislation originates as a bill.立法起始于一个议案。
16.The Legislative Council has set up a Bills Committee to examine the bill.立法会已成立法案委员会审议该条例草案。
17.II. Procedures for voting on bills and motions in the Legislative Council二、立法会对法案、议案的表决程序
18.Committee Stage Amendments (Legco) (CSA)法案委员会审议阶段修正案(立法会)

Filing a case立案
1.This article, through the induction and conclusion of the problems existing in present procedure of filing a case, points out the shortcoming of procedure design of the criminal case filing in our country, and it also puts forward a corresponding improvement project, starting from the procedure function of the criminal case filing procedure.立案是我国刑事程序的开端。
2.There is closer relations between filing a case and starting investigation.立案与提起侦查程序存在着密切的关系。
1.Changes of Chinese Christian Higher Education before and after "Registration";“立案”前后中国基督教高等教育的变迁研究
2.This thesis mainly discusses the issue about registration of St.本文主要论述了上海圣约翰大学的立案问题,探讨了圣约翰大学为何一直延迟立案,以及它推迟立案所遇到的困难及其影响,并对比国民党政府二十年代及三十年代的态度,追究圣约翰大学拒绝立案但能存在并发挥影响的内在原因。
3.At debilitating circumstances,the Qing government can only use the" Non-registration" policy to limit its development,negatively.在国力衰弱的情况下,清政府只能用“无庸立案”的政策消极限制其发展,北京政府也一度沿用这一政策。
4)File Case立案
1.R, File Case becomes the first and necessary step of criminal procedure in China.现今大多数的国家都采取了随机型的侦查启动模式,而我国深受前苏联的影响,在侦查程序之前设立了独立的“立案”程序,采取的是程序型的侦查启动模式。
5)placing a case on file立案
1.The traditional view about the condition of placing a case on file in criminal proceedings include criminal facts and need of investigating the criminal responsibility.刑事诉讼活动中立案条件的传统观点是有犯罪事实和需要追究刑事责任。
2.As one of the most important supervisory responsibilities, supervision over placing a case on file, together with the supervision on inspections, adjudications, judgments and executions, constitute the supervi.立案是我国刑事诉讼程序中的独立阶段。
6)Registration Process立案程序
1.The Study on The Problem of the Primary Censor in the Administration Supervision Registration Process in China;我国行政监察立案程序中的案件初步审查问题研究
