1.The Foundations of Beccaria s Ideas on Criminal Law;论贝卡里亚刑法思想之根基
2.The Comparative Study of the Penalty Theory between Hobbs and Beccaria;霍布斯与贝卡里亚刑罚思想比较研究
3.Study Beccaria s Thinking from On Crimes And Punishments——The Exploration On Beccaria s Criminal Thinking;从《论犯罪与刑罚》中读贝卡里亚——贝卡里亚刑事法律思想初探

1.Study Beccaria s Thinking from On Crimes And Punishments--The Exploration On Beccaria s Criminal Thinking;从《论犯罪与刑罚》中读贝卡里亚——贝卡里亚刑事法律思想初探
2.others execrate it, like Beccaria.有些人痛恨它,如贝卡里亚
3.The Comparative Study of the Penalty Theory between Hobbs and Beccaria;霍布斯与贝卡里亚刑罚思想比较研究
4.Cesare Beccaria s Criminal Ideology--Comprehension of the Crime and Penalty;评贝卡里亚的刑法思想——读《论犯罪与刑罚》
5.Respect Human Emotion and Pay Attention to Human Retionality--Recaria doubts that the feudal criminal law tramples on the human emotion尊重人类感情 重视人类理性——贝卡里亚质疑封建刑法对人类感情的践踏
6.ARIAS SANCHEZ, Oscar奥斯卡·阿里亚斯·桑切斯
7.MOSISILI, Pakalitha Bethuel帕卡利萨·贝蒂埃尔·莫西西里
8.Rebecca's appearance struck Amelia with terror, and made her shrink back.利贝卡一进房,爱米利亚就害怕得直往后退。
9.On Beccaria s Criminal Thinking and It s Influence on Later Ages;论贝卡利亚刑法思想及其对后世的影响
10.Alexander Graham Bell was a pioneer in the field of telecommunications.亚历山大贝尔在电传领域里是个先锋。
11.Talia: There is no Jackie Baker.塔里亚:就没有杰姬·贝克尔这个人。
12.Rebecca had somehow got shut in the cabin when she went down to get a coat.莉贝卡是下去拿外衣时不知怎地关在舱里了。
13.He was Maybelle Merriwether's especial beau, Rene Picard.他是梅贝尔-梅里韦瑟的昵友,名叫雷内-皮卡德。
14.Carragher will be learning from his manager, Rafael BenÍtez.卡拉格会从他的经理贝尼特斯那里学到很多。
15.However, the dishonesty of Mr. Calier corrupts the value of loyalty.但是,卡里亚的欺骗扭曲了忠诚的价值。
16.It is the duty of Mr. Xing to check the demands of Mr. Calier.邢先生有责任查清楚卡里亚的需求。
17.Q. Dubai Riyal里亚尔(卡塔尔酋长国货币名)
18.Representative Works in the Form of Passacaglia in the Twentieth Century(Ⅳ);二十世纪帕萨卡里亚代表作品概述(四)

Cesare Bonesana Beccaria (1738~1794)贝卡里亚,C.B.
1.Studies on the thoughts of Beccaria in the domain of criminal procedure;贝卡利亚刑事诉讼思想论略
2.On Beccaria s Criminal Thinking and It s Influence on Later Ages;论贝卡利亚刑法思想及其对后世的影响
3."On Crimes and Punishments by Beccaria" abounds with humanism thinking,and it is the dawn of European countries criminal law,and has far-reaching influence on the coming days.贝卡利亚的《论犯罪与刑罚》饱含着人道主义精神,为欧洲的刑法带来了人道主义之光,对后世影响深远。
1.They all focused the older music stylistic and form include passacaglia, and composed a quite number of this kind of works.在 2 0世纪相当长的一个历史阶段内 ,在形式 -自律论音乐哲学思想作用下 ,以探索揭示音乐的内在规律、崇尚追求音乐形式与结构美为主旨的表现主义、新古典主义等音乐流派的西方作曲家纷纷将目光投向帕萨卡里亚等古老的音乐体裁和形式 ,创作了许多这类作品。
2.In all of these works, there are 9 Passacaglias in so much music works in all.在这数量如此众多的音乐作品中,包含“帕萨卡里亚”的作品共有9部,它们既有声乐也有器乐,贯穿了布里顿创作生涯的始终。
