1.However,the factors of advanced traditional Chinese culture passed down from the pre-Qin times,represented by the concepts of reality,equality and great harmony,have exerted a dramatic impact on Chinese culture,and will lead the Chinese literature to get rid of the present cultural predicament.从先秦时代就传承而下的中国传统文化先进观念——现实观、平等观和大同观对中国文学产生了巨大的影响,并将指导中国文学走出文化转型的困境。

1.On the Connotation of Constitutive Equal Rights;论宪法平等权的内涵——以平等观念发展为视角
2.Several characteristics of the development of modern equal ideals and equal theories;现代平等观念和平等理论发展的几个特征
3.Equality of Alienation ──From Equality Concept of Rousseau s Political Idealism;异化的平等——从卢梭政治理想中的平等观说起
4.Amartya K. Sen's Views on Equality of Capabilities and Equality of Public Services阿玛蒂亚·森的能力平等观与公共服务均等化
5.Engendering the political agenda (programme)将两性平等观点纳入政治议程(方案)
6.A Discussion on the scientific connotation of Marx and Engels s Equality Theory;刍论马克思恩格斯平等观的科学内涵
7.Construction of a Nomocracy Country and Evolution of Citizens Concept of Equality;法治国家建设和公民平等观念的嬗变
8.Dworkin s Theory of Equality and Right;罗纳德·德沃金的平等观与权利理论
9.The Introduction and Absorption: Western Concept of Educational Equality in China;传入与吸收:西方教育平等观念在中国
10.Network Culture and Equal Idea Molding of Modern Citizen;网络文化与现代公民平等观念的塑造
11.a system based on the notions of personal equality and liberty基于人的平等、 自由等观念的制度.
12.The idea of equal education was to level up the general standard.教育平等的观念旨在提高大众的水平。
13.The idea of equality of men and women or imparity, the idea that is him people completely just.男女平等或不平等的观念,完全是人们自己的观念而已。
14.The View of"Homo-essential Equality"and the View of"Hetero-essential Equality"--Explanation of postmodernism;“同质的平等”观与“异质的平等”观——后现代主义的解读
15.Rethinking the Egalitarian Insight of Mozi重新思考墨子“人人平等”的观点
16.The touchstone of a contract is the notion of equality.检验契约的标准是平等的观念。
17.The Studies of Equality and Difference Theories under the American Feminist Jurisprudence美国女权主义法学平等与差异观研究
18.In the application of the concept of fair play, there must be real flexibility.公正平等的观念,必须加以灵活运用。

concept of equality平等观
1.Marxist concept of equality occupies an important position in the ideological system of Marxism.马克思主义平等观在马克思主义思想体系中占有重要位置 ,它在无产阶级夺取胜利过程中无疑起着十分重要的作用。
2.The essay tries to discuss Marx’s lifelong criticism of Capitalism and its concept of equality on the basis of his comprehensive study of varied schools of theories on equality from the viewpoint of historical materialism to expose the intrinsic vanity of Capitalist concept of equality.马克思一生致力于对资本主义制度特别是资本主义平等观的批判与斗争中,在总结众多思想家平等思想的基础上,马克思力求以历史唯物主义为理论基点,针对资本主义经济与政治上的不平等,揭露了资本主义平等观的虚假性,使人们更彻底地明晰了资本主义的平等观
3)view of equality平等观
1.On Interpreting Marx s View of Equality from Economic & Philosophic Manuscripts in 1844;从《1844年经济学哲学手稿》解读马克思的平等观
4)equality outlook平等观
1.The main ideas of Chinese Buddhist eco-ethics are the life outlook of "yuanqixingkong(predestinatiom and nothingness",the oneness outlook of "wanwuyiti(everything combining into one)",the universal love outlook of "fanaiwanwu(loving everything)",and the equality outlook of "all creatures being equal".中国佛教的生态伦理思想主要是"缘起性空"的生命观、"依正不二、万物一体"的整体观、"泛爱万物"的博爱观、"众生平等"的平等观
2.The construction of socialist market economy requires an equality outlook, which should embody the features of market economy and possess the features of socialism.发展社会主义市场经济应树立一种平等观 ,它既要体现市场经济的特点 ,又必须具备社会主义的特征 ,而破除封建陈腐观念是其重要的前提之一。
5)idea of equality平等观念
1.This paper is to analyze three humanistic thinkings of consciousness of common people,idea of equality and spirit of kindheartedness that exist in Bible.本文通过对《圣经》的分析 ,分别从三个角度论述了其中内在的平民意识、平等观念以及仁爱精神等三大人本思想 ,认为它既是基督教不竭的生命力所在 ,也是西方文化的重要底蕴 ,更是我们从根本上区别邪教的锐利的思想武器。
6)dignity concept of equality平等尊严观

平等观【平等观】 (术语)台宗三观中假观之异名也。若破一(即假)而用一(即空),则不名为平等,前于观知假非假,破假入空,今知空非空,破空入假,空假共破互用,故名为平等(前之空观破假,今之假观破空,前之空观用空,今之假观用假也)。止观三曰:“从空入假名平等观。”【又】空观之异名。以空为平等而一一别相也。