1.This article,through the study of oral language in trials,aims to analyse the forms and pragmatic functions of language shift——one of the important strategies for information processing in trials,and tries to probe into the construction of shift model in oral language.文章通过对庭审语言的研究,分析庭审中信息处理的重要策略之一——语言转述现象的具体表现形态及其相应语用功能,并尝试对口语中语言转述现象的模型进行初步探究。
2.pre-trial investigation,which contribute to control the abuse of the right of public prosecution,protect the legal right of defendant and prepare for the trial,plays an important role in the criminal litigation.庭前审查在刑事诉讼中起着抑制公诉权的滥用,保障被告人的合法权益,为开庭审判做准备等重要作用。
3.The civil trial procedure plays the important role in civil procedure, but deserved attention has not been paid by scholars.民事庭审程序在民事诉讼程序中占有重要地位,但对于民事庭审模式的研究却没有引起学界应有的关注。

1.A room in which the proceedings of a court are held.法庭,审判室法庭审判程序进行的房间
2.The judge will hear the case in court.法官将在法庭审理此案。
3.a room in which a law court sits.进行法庭审判的地方。
4.He was going to be tried by court martial.他将由军事法庭审判。
5.The case comes to trial/comes up for trial (iewill be tried) next month.该案将於下月开庭审理.
6.When does the case come on for trial?该案何时开庭审理?
7.The case was assigned to a police court.这案件交警察法庭审理。
8.Linguistic Analysis of Trial Conflict and Its Implications for Judges;庭审冲突的语言分析及对法官驾驭庭审的启示
9.The next day, Monday, was the first sitting of the assizes.第二天是星期一,是法庭开庭审判日子。
10.a preliminary hearing【法律】初审,调查庭
11."Courts at the four levels have their civil tribunals, criminal tribunals and tribunals for economic affairs."四级法院有各自的民事审判庭、刑事审判庭和经济审判庭。
12.She was tried in open court, ie with the public being freely admitted to hear the trial.她受法庭公开审讯。
13.Person who advises a judge in court on technical matters陪审法官(法庭技术顾问)
14.The accused/offender came up yesterday.被告/罪犯昨天出庭受审。
15.Trial of Indonesian speaker opens印尼国会议长出庭受审
16.a court authorized to hear appeals.被授权审理上诉的法庭。
17.subject to trial by court-martial.接受军事法庭的审判。
18.a judge in a trial court.一个审判法庭上的法官。

court trial庭审
1.The debating court trial is a new trial style compared to the traditional questioning trial.审判方式改革是我国司法制度改革的一项重要内容,新的审判方式即是以诉辩式庭审方式取代传统的纠问式庭审方式,对行政诉讼新的庭审方式中如何认证、质证及其具体的操作方法文章作了探讨。
3)criminal court examination刑庭庭审
4)Trial in Court法庭庭审
5)court hearing法院庭审
1.Digital image system of court hearing based on streaming media;基于流媒体的法院庭审数字影像系统
6)court news report庭审报道
