1.There are many difficult problems in defining illegal loaning crime.违法发放贷款罪认定中有诸多疑难问题:违法向关系人发放贷款的情节认定问题、本罪与挪用资金罪的界限划定问题、本罪的罪过形式问题等。
2.In the circles of criminal jurisprudence, there are several ideas about the forms of crime of dereliction of duty, such as theories of the single crime, compound crimes, blended crimes and the fuzzy crime.关于渎职罪的罪过形式,目前我国刑法学界有以下几种学说:单一罪过说、复合罪过说、混合罪过说和模糊罪过说等。
3.The holding crime, as a crime type initially prescribed in common law, was lately provided in the criminal code of our country.本文通过对非法持有毒品罪的分析,力图说明持有型犯罪的特征及主观罪过

1.To make aware of one's sinfulness or guilt.使知罪使…意识到自己的罪孽或罪过
2.The theory abuses the job power offense and plays suddenly the job guards the fault of the offense;论滥用职权罪、玩忽职守罪的罪过形式
3.pardon an offence, a fault, etc宽恕罪过、 错误等
4.Do not think about sin, he thought.别想罪过了,他想。
5.a grievous error, fault, sin, crime, etc严重的错误、 过失、 罪过、 罪行等.
6.(God) save [bless] the mark!上帝恕我这样说!罪过罪过
7.The criminal reformed and promised atonement for his acts.那罪犯改过自新,保证赎自己的罪过
8.On formations of Irregularity Offence:Mixed Offences;试论游离常态的罪过形态:混合罪过
9.Speaking From The Guilty Fault Form Of Abusing One s Power----Visiting The Crime Of Abusing One s Power Again......;从滥用职权罪的罪过形式谈起——再探滥用职权罪
10.That thou inquirest after mine iniquity, and searchest after my sin?伯10:6就追问我的罪孽、察我的罪过麽。
11.That thou enquirest after mine iniquity, and searchest after my sin?就追问我的罪孽,寻察我的罪过吗。
12.Those who recidivate are often minor criminals.那些容易再犯的多是罪过较轻的罪犯。
13."That you take note of my sin, searching after my wrongdoing,"就追问我的罪孽,寻察我的罪过吗?
14.On the Crime Form of the Major Environment Pollution Accideu Crime;试论重大环境污染事故罪的罪过形态
15.Study on Complicated Culpability--Taking the Crime of Abuse of Authority as An Example;复杂罪过研究——以滥用职权罪为范例
16.criminal offences, damage, negligence, etc刑事犯罪、 损害罪、 过失罪等.
17.Crimes can be distinguished into intentional crime and negligent crime.犯罪可分为故意犯罪和过失犯罪
18.involuntary homicide【律】过失杀人(罪)

1.The offense mentality on the act is only a kind of sentencing circumstances,which does t differfrom criminal culpability.对行为的罪过心理仅是一种量刑情节 ,不同于犯罪罪过 ,两罪主体对“重大损失”的发生 ,都为过失心理 ,因此 ,两罪为过失犯
1.There Should have Been Feelings in the Theory of Fault;论罪过理论中应有情感的一席之地
2.Analyzing these explanations about the fault of negligence in prevalence,the article has prohibited that the fault of negligence was in a dilemma in the view of traditional theory of fault.对当前流行于世的各种说明疏忽大意过失罪过性的见解进行认真的推敲,充分表明在传统罪过理论的语境中,疏忽大意过失的罪过性实在是一个两难之题。
3.Indirect intention and over-confidence are two easy confused faults in the subjective aspect of criminal constitution.间接故意与过于自信的过失是犯罪构成中主观方面最容易混淆的两种罪过,本文对这两种罪过进行了系统的比较,并对两者的实际操作中所体现的矛盾进行了分析,最后文章对矛盾提出了解决的方案。
1.Analysis of the form of infringement of trade-secret offence;侵犯商业秘密罪罪过形式探讨
2.An ideal jointed offence indicates a type of offence that one crime may offend more than one offence for its endangered act in part or as a whole against other objects.想象竞合犯是指实施一个犯罪,其危害行为之全部或一部又基于另一罪过侵犯另一客体,而形成的一个危害行为触犯数个罪名的犯罪形态。
5)mens rea罪过
1.Seeing the speciality of trade secret and different opinions about the mens rea of the offence of infringing trade secret,the author thinks that fault is also a kind of mens rea and put forward some suggestions.本文从商业秘密的特殊性出发,针对学界关于侵犯商业秘密罪的罪过形式的不同理解,认为过失也是侵犯商业秘密罪的一种罪过形式,同时提出自己的建议。
2.Undoubtedly the mens rea(guilty mind) principle that has been established by modern criminal law is a grandeur contribution to humane civilization and it is a monument of criminal law s history.近现代刑法中确立的罪过原则无疑是近现代刑法对人类文明所做出的一大贡献,它是刑法史上的一座丰碑;它一方面源于启蒙思想对人的尊重,对拥有自由意志的理性人在刑法上的承认与关爱。
6)subjective fault主观罪过
1.Combine lately old penal code in for defend excessive provision discuss the defend excessive composing important item, we think subjective fault impolibly constitute faultily.结合新旧刑法中对于防卫过当的规定,论述了防卫过当的构成要件,我们认为防卫过当主观罪过形式不可能由过失构成,只能表现为间接故意。

罪过【罪过】  即罪恶过失,始见于《周礼·秋官·大司寇》:“凡万民之有罪过,而未丽于法,而害于州里者,桎梏而坐诸嘉石。”然而,“罪过”成为习见的俗语,却在佛教盛传之后。它本是佛教的戒律用语。唐代义净所译《根本说一切有部毗奈耶》卷二七说:“弟子问曰:‘我之师主作何罪过而受治罚?’彼便答曰:‘汝之师主自作如是如是非法之事。’”“罪”指恶业,即“五逆十罪”之类;“过”指过犯,即律中的轻罪。泛指一切恶业和犯戒行为。在俗文学中,“罪过”或引申为斥责,如元·杨文奎《儿女团圆》第一折:“倘或衙门中告不下,我倒吃罪过。”或引申为谦词,犹言得罪,多谢,如《古今小说·宋四公大闹禁魂张》:“(店小二)将肉和蒸饼递还宋四公。宋四公接了道:‘罪过哥哥!’”(李明权)