1.Studies on the thoughts of Beccaria in the domain of criminal procedure;贝卡利亚刑事诉讼思想论略
2.On Beccaria s Criminal Thinking and It s Influence on Later Ages;论贝卡利亚刑法思想及其对后世的影响
3."On Crimes and Punishments by Beccaria" abounds with humanism thinking,and it is the dawn of European countries criminal law,and has far-reaching influence on the coming days.贝卡利亚的《论犯罪与刑罚》饱含着人道主义精神,为欧洲的刑法带来了人道主义之光,对后世影响深远。

1.On Beccaria s Criminal Thinking and It s Influence on Later Ages;论贝卡利亚刑法思想及其对后世的影响
2.The Foundation of Criminal Law:the Basic Feelings of the People--Reading On Crime and Penalty by Beccaria;刑法的根基:人类的基本感情——读贝卡利亚《论犯罪与刑罚》
3.The Mirror of the Death Penalty--The Influence of Baccaria s Idea of Death Penalty on the Development of Our Country s Death Penalty;死刑的镜子——贝卡利亚的死刑思想对我国死刑发展的影响
4.A Modern Interpretation of the Proposition of Rewarding for Virtue of Beccaria s Theory of Crime Prevention;对贝卡利亚犯罪预防理论中“奖励美德”命题的现代解读
5.Retributive Deterrence:The Binary Penal Objective of Beccaria's报应的威慑刑:贝卡利亚的二元刑罚目的观——重读《论犯罪与刑罚》
6.Pay Attention to the Function of Education in Crime Prevention--Explain and Analyze an Important Thesis in Cesare Beccaria s Theory about Crime Prevention;应重视教育在预防犯罪中的作用——对贝卡利亚预防犯罪理论中一个重要命题的解读
7.Rebecca's appearance struck Amelia with terror, and made her shrink back.利贝卡一进房,爱米利亚就害怕得直往后退。
8.The Nobel Prize for Chemistry was awarded to Melvin Calvin of the University of California at Berkeley.美国加利福尼亚大学的梅尔文·卡尔文获得诺贝尔化学奖。
9.The Death of Olivier Becaille奥利维埃.贝卡伊之死
10.Study Beccaria s Thinking from On Crimes And Punishments--The Exploration On Beccaria s Criminal Thinking;从《论犯罪与刑罚》中读贝卡里亚——贝卡里亚刑事法律思想初探
11.others execrate it, like Beccaria.有些人痛恨它,如贝卡里亚。
12.The Comparative Study of the Penalty Theory between Hobbs and Beccaria;霍布斯与贝卡里亚刑罚思想比较研究
13.The recipient of this year's NoBel Prize for Literature was announced today. He is Wole Soyinka, a fifty-two-year old Nigerian playwright and an author.今天宣布了今年诺贝尔文学奖的获得者。他是尼日利亚52 岁的剧作家和作家沃尔·索因卡。
14.Victoria Beckham leaves her The Ritz Carlton hotel on Tuesday and prepares to depart from Paris with youngest son Cruz , 2 1/2.维多利亚·贝克汉姆于周二离开兹卡尔顿酒店,携两岁半的幼子克鲁兹准备离开巴黎。
15.Castilla-La Mancha卡斯蒂利亚-拉曼恰
16.Berry walked the horse away from the road to let the truck pass.贝利把马从路上牵开让卡车过去。
17.MOSISILI, Pakalitha Bethuel帕卡利萨·贝蒂埃尔·莫西西里
18.It was such a shock when Beria was uncovered. How could a socialist country produce a Beria?出了一个贝利亚,就不得了,怎么社会主义国家出贝利亚?

1.The Foundations of Beccaria s Ideas on Criminal Law;论贝卡里亚刑法思想之根基
2.The Comparative Study of the Penalty Theory between Hobbs and Beccaria;霍布斯与贝卡里亚刑罚思想比较研究
3.Study Beccaria s Thinking from On Crimes And Punishments——The Exploration On Beccaria s Criminal Thinking;从《论犯罪与刑罚》中读贝卡里亚——贝卡里亚刑事法律思想初探
4)Cesare Bonesana Beccaria (1738~1794)贝卡里亚,C.B.
6)Caledonia L-Brown卡利多利亚

贝卡谷地贝卡谷地Bekaa 势有起伏。整个谷地平均海拔914米,最高部分位于阿西河到利塔尼河河源地区,海拔1 300~1 500米。温差大,降雨较少。谷地约占全国耕地面积的1/2,土壤肥沃,是黎富庶的农业区,素有“谷仓”之称。农产品有玉米、棉花、小麦、大麦、蔬菜、水果等。谷地中部的扎赫勒为贝卡省首府,扼控贝鲁特通向大马士革的国际公路,并有铁路和公路通向叙利亚霍姆斯城和哈马城周围工业区。主要城镇还有巴勒贝克、杰迪塔、里亚格和拉谢亚。里亚格为空军基地。1975年黎爆发内战后,叙利亚部队进驻谷地。1981年4月爆发叙、以“导弹危机”事件。1982年6月,以色列大规模人侵黎巴嫩时,以、叙空军曾在此激战,叙导弹阵地被摧毁。(王启昌)BeikQ Cudi贝卡谷地(Bekaa)黎巴嫩中部的高原谷地,属贝卡省。又称贝卡平原。夹在黎巴嫩山脉和东黎巴嫩山脉之间,沿利塔尼河和阿西河(奥龙特斯河)南北伸展,长121千米,宽8一14.5千米,面积占全国总面积的30%。东距叙利亚边界约16千米。为贯通黎巴嫩的交通孔道,首都贝鲁特至叙利亚首都大马士革的国际公路横穿谷地,战略地位重要。地势较为平坦,南贝卡平原地簧一兰鬓巍巍 旧卡谷地