1.Consequently,pettifoggers met with discriminations and attacks.讼师的基本职能是助人诉讼。
2.Under the blow and forbiddance from the government, secret pettifogger handbooks of the Ming and Qing Dynasty didn t disappear, but become perfect and systematic.明清讼师秘本在官府的打压之下并未消失,反而不断细密化、体系化。
3.According to the Qing Dynasty,some pettifoggers had solicited the action,but many of actions belonged to accept passively.讼师唆讼、吓财、挠法,几成定论。

1.Soliciting Action,Extorting Property,Frustrating the Law:The Pettifogger from the Eyes of Qing Government;唆讼、吓财、挠法:清代官府眼中的讼师
2.A petty, quibbling, unscrupulous lawyer.恶讼师,讼棍卑鄙的、吹毛求疵的、不讲道德的律师
3.The Impact of Litigation Masters on the Law and The Qing Legislative Crackdown on Litigation Masters;讼师对法秩序的冲击与清朝严治讼师立法
4.Chapter one “The attorney system and pettifogger in traditional China” briefly looks back the history of the process attorney and the pettifogger in traditional China.第一章“中国古代的诉讼代理与讼师”对中国古代的诉讼代理与讼师职业进行了简要回顾;
5.Legal Pettifoggers and Pettifoggery: a Social Problem in Fujian and Taiwan in the Qing Dynasty;讼师唆讼:清代闽省内地和台地的社会问题
6.From Songshi to Lawyer--And the Establishment of Lawyer Systerm of Modern China;从讼师到律师——兼论中国近代律师制度的确立
7.an up-and-coming young barrister年轻有为的讼务律师.
8.Many office-practice lawyers never participate n a lawsuit, but litigation to trial lawyers.很多咨询律师从不参加诉讼,他们把诉讼留给诉讼律师。
9.Who are the instructing solicitors in this case?谁是此案中聘请讼务律师的事务律师?
10.On the Right to Defense of the Counsel in Criminal Suits of Our State;浅析我国刑事诉讼中辩护律师的诉讼权利
11.On Pefection of Lawyer s Prosecution Status and Right in the Detective Stage;论律师在侦查阶段的诉讼地位和诉讼权利
12.Press active lawyer solid Wu, mix lawyer business cent for litigant professional work normally blame litigation professional work.按现行律师实务,通常把律师业务分为诉讼业务和非诉讼业务。
13.The defendant leant forward and speak to his barrister, sotto voce.被告探身跟讼务律师嘀咕了几句。
14.The barrister represent to the court that the defendant is mentally unstable讼务律师向法庭陈述被告精神不正常
15.The defendant leant forward and spoke to his barrister, sotto voce.被告探身跟讼务律师嘀咕了几句.
16.The barrister represented to the court that the defendant was mentally unstable.讼务律师向法庭陈述被告精神不正常.
17.He invested his lawyer with complete power to act for him.他授权律师全权代他诉讼。
18.The intent is for a bunch of lawyers to make money.诉讼动机只是让一堆律师挣钱而已。

1.From Songshi to Lawyer——And the Establishment of Lawyer Systerm of Modern China;从讼师到律师——兼论中国近代律师制度的确立
2.In the experiment of Law & Literature analysis, the social status of Chinese songshi, investigational experiment and lawyer’s ethic and tactics are further discussed and analyzed.对于荒诞电影作品中的讼师行为,进行了抽象式的批判,内容从讼师地位到律师伦理再到律师辩护策略,从宏大主题到如侦查实验的法务实践,试图通过挖掘出可看可思的一些材料,开辟一个思考法律的新空间。
3)litigation masters讼师
1.The litigation science of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, which was in possession of litigation masters in the form of secret books, was not only an important branch of Chinese ancient law, but also the major source for the people to learn.以讼师秘本为主要载体的明清讼学,不仅是我国古代法学的重要分支,而且是民间百姓法律知识形成的重要途径。
4)secret pettifogger handbooks讼师秘本
1.Under the blow and forbiddance from the government, secret pettifogger handbooks of the Ming and Qing Dynasty didn t disappear, but become perfect and systematic.明清讼师秘本在官府的打压之下并未消失,反而不断细密化、体系化。
5)legal counsels in Qing Dynasty清代讼师
6)Chinese feudal counselor讼师文化
1.However, Songshi(Chinese feudal counselor)’s culture has inevitably affected the formation of Chinese lawyer’s culture profoundly on account of the cultural inheritable characteristic.以自然经济和封建专制政体为基石的中国传统诉讼文化无法内生出根植于商品经济和民主政治的律师制度,但是,基于文化的传承特性,讼师文化不可避免地深刻影响了中国律师文化的形成。
