1.In the Tang Dynasty, the assigned place of exile is decided by the status of the very person: those who exiled to the northwest military towns mostly belonged to lower class, and those who exiled to the south are mainly in official hierarchy.随着国家的统一、边疆的开拓,新拓地区需要有一定比例的人口充实、一定数量的军队驻防,而流刑强制迁徙的特性正好与这种需要契合,从而成为朝廷推行政策的工具。
2.In the early Song Dynasty, it had changed into a new form of exile.作为五刑之一的流刑在确立其重刑地位的同时,因其固有的缺陷,唐中期后内容上发生了重大变化,至宋初演变为一种新的刑罚——“配流”。
3.This essay inquires into and analyzes the causes and characteristics of exile in Northern Dynasties proceeding from its sourse and course,then it gives an objective and historical judgement.流刑是中国封建统治者所采用的主要刑罚手段之一 ,是封建五刑中仅次于死刑的重刑。

1.Deportation to a penal colony.流放放逐到一个流刑
2.The penalty of banishing as a military servant was different from the penalty of banishment in origin,character,content,ect.配刑在起源、性质、内容等方面均不同于流刑 ,也比流刑残酷。
3.Within the traditional system of five punishments, banishment was a severe sentence second only to a sentence of death.在传统的五刑制中 ,流刑处于降死一等的重刑地位。
4.A Study on the Penalty of Banishment in the Song Dynasty;宋代流刑考——以流沙门岛的情况为主要事例
5.On the Relationship between Exile Penalty, Policy and the Social Stratum of the Tang Dynasty;试论唐代流刑与国家政策、社会分层之关系
6.The Carefull Application of Punishment: the Punishiment for and Division of the Non-felonious Criminial Cases;刑罚慎用:轻型刑事案件的处罚与分流
7.The most severe punishment a matriarch can dispense is exile from the house.女族长所能判处的最重刑罚是流放。
8.The Comparison of Change and Return of Criminal Illegality between China and Russian;中俄刑事违法性的流变与复归之比较
9.Modern Criminal Policy and the Confucian legal Thought;儒家法律思想与现代刑事政策源流论
10.The applications of microfluidic chip to forensic science;微流控芯片技术在刑事科学中的应用
11.Humanism of Penalty and Application of Execution to Women Befalling Natural Abortion in the Dock;刑罚的人道性与审判时自然流产妇女的死刑适用
12.Penalty has its own limits which are determined by its defects, purposes, functions and costs.刑罚并非万能,而是有其局限和天然的流弊。
13.Humanistic Olympics and Criminal Policy concerning Floating Population Crimes in Beijing人文奥运与北京流动人口犯罪的刑事政策
14.The Analysis of Constitutionalism on the Phenomenon of Variation of Criminal Justice Power Relationship;刑事司法权力关系流变现象的宪政分析
15.Design of the Teaching Practice Flow of the Criminal Science and Technology Major in Public Security Colleges and Universities;公安院校刑事科学技术专业实践教学流程设计
16.Judicatory Appealing to Public Opinion:Modern Changes of Shaming Penalty and Its Implication;诉诸舆论的司法:耻辱刑的现代流变及启示
17.Study of the Shen Long San Ban Xing Bu Ge Can Juan (a Piece of Dunhuang Manuscript)--Reconsideration of the Origin and Evolution of Ge in the Tang Dynasty敦煌写本《神龙散颁刑部格残卷》研究——唐格的源流与递变新论
18.An Empirical Study on China's Regional Income Inequality,Floating Population and Criminal Offense Rate我国地区收入差距、流动人口与刑事犯罪率的实证研究

The punishment of banishment流刑
1.The punishment of banishment,born of the political banishment of ancitent time,was changed from dscipliary sanctron to penalty system.流刑渊源于上古时期的流放制度,经过行政处分到刑罚制度的嬗变,其惩治力度不足的问题一直很突出。
2.The punishment of banishment, originated from the primitive society, is an important penalty in the history of Ancient China.摘要内容:流刑是中国古代历史上一种重要的刑罚方式。
3)different from the penalty of banishment异于流刑
4)criminal headstream刑事源流
1.The electronic school of criminal headstream aims at exploring the relationship between crime and criminal law, which is concerned with the fields of "headstream", "trend", "boundary", "edge" and "new".刑事源流电子学派以犯罪与刑事法学的经纬问题为研究对象而组建 ,主要以涉源、涉流、涉界、涉边、涉新等五涉课题 (即高难新课题 )为己任。
5)sentenced to transportation判处流刑.
6)be condemned to exile被判处流刑

流刑  将罪犯押解到荒僻的地方去服劳役或生活的刑罚。中国封建社会称为"流",自北齐列为五刑之一,沿用至清。在欧洲,古希腊曾对政治上的敌人实行放逐;古罗马也采用过这种手段,把罪犯流徙到罗马帝国边远的矿洞中去劳动。至于作为近代的一种刑罚,是在16、17世纪从英国开始的。当时英国的罪犯数量激增,致使那些陈旧的地方监狱人满为患;鞭挞、足枷、枷项示众、断手刖足等处刑方法也不能适应镇压犯罪的需要。这时英国正在开拓美洲许多新殖民地,大规模的垦荒需要廉价劳动力,因此英国政府一方面鼓励移民,同时把罪犯移送到海外去,供给殖民地劳动市场。流刑于是第一次成为立法上的议题。英王查理二世(1660~1685在位)时,规定判处死刑的重罪犯,可以在移送海外和绞刑之间任择其一。此时的流刑可以说是由罪犯选择的替代绞刑的刑罚。到了乔治一世(1714~1727在位)时,这种刑罚制度有了系统的发展,当时规定凡被宣告3年以上徒刑的重罪犯,一概放逐到海外去。美国革命发生后,阻止了英国移送罪犯至北美。18世纪末,英国又开始将罪犯流放到澳洲。法国的流刑制度开始于1791年,法律规定第二次犯罪的人就要流放,后来法律规定流氓无赖也要流放。沙皇俄国有流放制度。直到现在,苏联仍将流放作为一个刑种。《中华人民共和国刑法》没有规定流刑。