1.CMC didn t give the definition of consignor in defining shipper;neither did CMC define the consignor s rights.由于我国《海商法》在界定托运人时没有对发货人进行定义,没有明确发货人的权利,从而使得我国很多采用FOB术语出口的企业无法取得提单和相关的单证,最终被境外不法买方欺诈而钱货两空。
2.It points out that the THC,which the liners charged Chinese consignors or consignees,is to compensate the liners for stevedoring Lump Sum Charge of containers paid to port operators.建议我国现行对外贸易立法或航运立法应予修订,但目前班轮公司欲向发货人或收货人收取THC,应在运输合同或运输单证中对此作明确约定。

1.Insurance to be effected by shipper; Freight to be paid-by shippers.发货人办理保险,发货人支付运费。
2.List of goods are shipped , which the shipper give to the person send the goods to show that the goods have be loaded发货人交给货物运输人的装运货物一览表,表示货物已装船
3.List of goods being shipped, which the shipper gave to the person sent the goods to show that the goods had been loaded.发货人交给货物运输人的装运货物一览表,表示货物已装船。
4.Liability of Container Shipper集装箱运输发货人责任
5.Article36] The consignee of import goods, the consignor of export goods and the owner of inbound and outbound articles are obligatory Customs duty payer.第三十六条进口货物的收货人、口货物的发货人、出境物品的所有人,是关税的纳税义务人。
6."The consignee of import goods, the consignor of export goods and the owner of inward and outward articles shall be the obligatory Customs duty payer."进口货物的收货人、出口货物的发货人、进出境物品的所有人,是关税的纳税义务人
7.[Article 36] The consignee of import goods, the consignor of export goods and the owner of inbound and outbound articles are obligatory Customs duty payer.第三十六条进口货物的收货人、出口货物的发货人、进出境物品的所有人,是关税的纳税义务人。
8.A Study on the Concept of Consignee and Consigner of Cargoes Imported and Exported in the Customs Law;海关法上进出口货物收发货人概念之研究
9.The consignee for import goods and the consignor for export goods shall make an accurate declaration and submit the import or export license and relevant papers to the Customs for examination.进口货物的收货人、出口货物的发货人应当向海关如实申报,交验进出口许可证和有关单证。
10.The shipper shall hold the carriers harmless from any expense they may incur.发货人应赔偿承运人所发生的任何费用。
11.The living olive keeps the deliverer's liver alive.活橄榄使发货人的肝脏继续存活.
12.Protection for Consignor s Interests in FOB;论FOB贸易术语下对发货人利益的保护
13.Besides shipments / consignments will accrue demurrage / detention which will all be at the cost of the Shipper/importer.由此产生的费用及滞期费/滞留费将由发货人或者收货人承担。
14.The inconvenience thus caused is very great, and I hold the owners responsible for any loss which may accrue through this delay.因延迟到货所造成的诸多不便及一切损失,应由发货人负全部责任。
15.Import and export goods may be exempted from examination if an application has been made by the consignee or consignor and approved By the General Administration of Customs经收发货人申请,海关总署批准,其进出口货物可以免验。
16.declaration of export goods shall be made by the consignor 24 hours prior to loading unless otherwise specially approved by the Customs出口货物的发货人除海关特准的外应当在装货的二十四小时以前向海关申报
17.Payment to be made in RMB . within 10 days after delivery, 30 days after the order is placed发货后10日内以人民币付款,在订货后30日发货。
18.A recipient entity refers to the consignee or consignor specified in the purchase contract and shipping invoice.收货单位,是指购货合同和货运发票中载明的收货人或者货主。

shipper's sample发货人货样
4)consignee and consigner收发货人
1.According to the customs law in China, consignee and consigner of cargoes imported and exported refer to tariff taxpayer.依据我国《海关法》的规定,进出口货物的收发货人为关税的纳税义务人。
5)rights of consignor发货人权利
1.Improvement over rights of consignor under FOB;论FOB条件下发货人权利的完善
6)delivered shipper发货托运人
1.The Hamburg Rule has established two kind of shippers,namely the concluded shipper and the delivered shipper,incorporates the consignor into the shipper concept.托运人是海上货物运输合同重要的一方当事人,《海牙规则》为托运人设置了诸多权利义务,但没有给托运人下过定义;《汉堡规则》设置了两类托运人,即缔约托运人和发货托运人,将发货人纳入托运人概念之中;而UNCITRAL运输法公约(草案)将发货人从托运人概念中排除出去,并单独设置了"单证托运人",演变为缔约托运人与单证托运人二元结构。
