辩护律师,defense lawyer
1)defense lawyer辩护律师
1.Under the condition that the scope of legal punishment stipulated by criminal law is relatively wide and sentencing is unfair in a sort of way,endowing the defense lawyer who defends the defendant s legitimate interes.在当前因刑法法定刑规定幅度较大而致实践中法官量刑畸轻畸重的情况下,赋予维护被告人合法权益的辩护律师以量刑建议权,充分发挥辩护律师的作用,对促进被告人的公正量刑,不仅是必要的,而且也是可行的。
2.In the criminal procedure in China, there exist some conception bases and regulations for the application right of the defense lawyers.在我国刑事诉讼中 ,辩护律师申请权有着存在的理念基础及制度原因 ,有必要对于该权利的如何实现及怎样保障进行全面、深入的研究 ,并提出完善立法的意见和建议。
3.The defense lawyer plays a very important part in the criminal defense system.新的《律师法》规定律师在法庭上发表的辩护、代理意见不受法律追究,为我国建立辩护律师的豁免权提供了法律依据。

1.The counsel argued the case.辩护律师辩论案件。
2.He is a competent cousel.他是个能干的辩护律师
3.The district-attorney answered the counsel for the defence.检察官反驳了辩护律师
4.She act as my defence lawyer .她担任我的辩护律师
5.The legal profession is made up of solicitors( lawyers) and advocates.法律界分为事务律师和辩护律师
6.The defense attorney pleads against the jury.被告的辩护律师向陪审团提出抗辩。
7.This is the lawyer and he will act on behalf of the defendant.这就是那位律师,他将作为被告的辩护律师
8.Defense counsel fastened on this flaw in his line of reasoning在辩论中,辩护律师紧紧抓住了这个漏洞。
9.He defended me against the accusation of being a thief.他做我的辩护律师,对指控我盗窃进行辩驳。
10.The court heard the submission of defence counsel that there was no case to answer.法院同意辩护律师的意见被告无案可辩。
11.The defendant and his or her legal counsel.辩方,被告方包括被告和他(她)的合法的辩护律师
12.The witness was cross-examined by the defending counsel.证人受到辩护律师的诘问.
13.As in courts, the defendants are represented by legal counsel.与法院相同,被告有辩护律师作为代表。
14.Counsel for the defence rose and said:这时,辩护律师站起身来,说:
15.Ask that an attorney be present when your child is questioned.当孩子受到询问时帮他寻找辩护律师
16.be the defense counsel for someone in a trial.在法庭上为某人做辩护律师
17.The defense counsel can't get over the fact that he is a murderer辩护律师无法否认他是凶手。
18.Who is representing you in the case?这一案中谁是你的辩护律师?

defense counsel辩护律师
1.Exploring Defense Counsel's Rights of Investigating Evidence辩护律师证据调查权的比较考察
2.So to improve current law,to solve the tough problem of defense counsel s right to collect evidence,to seek.目前应完善现行立法,改变辩护律师取证难的缺陷,追求控辩双方力量对等,实现控辩双方积极对抗,最终实现程序正义。
3.Regarding the independent appealing right of the defense counsel,there are many affirmative points in the academic circle.对于辩护律师是否有独立的上诉权,学界有不少赞同的观点,这些观点从“控、辩双方的人员组成”,“容易耽误了上诉期间,使上诉落空”,“会使一审法院在审判活动中尽量避免错案,认真履行审判职能”,“辩护律师的主体地位”和“国内外立法及结合我国实践”等多方面论证了辩护律师具有独立的上诉权。
3)defense attorney辩护律师
1.Neither British American exclusiveness of the bill of prosecution or Italian judge\'s file delivery system plays a decisive role as to the realization of defense attorney\'s right of evidence acquaintance.无论是英美"起诉状一本主义"还是意大利"法官卷宗"移送制度,都对辩护律师证据知悉权的实现不起决定性作用。
2.The existence of defense attorney has three meanings: to help the criminal suspect to plead effectively,to check and balance the right to prosecution of the country and to keep the criminal procedure going well.辩护律师的存在有三种意义:保障犯罪嫌疑人辩护权的有效行使和切实兑现;从程序上制衡国家追诉权;维护刑事诉讼程序顺利进行。
1.The Imagination of the Right Safeguard of the Counsel under the Angle of Criminal lawsuit刑事诉讼视角下辩护律师权利保障之构想
2.In order to solve the conflict between the obligation of secret-keeping and verity which the counsels takes on,the western countries have generally founded the systematic secret-keeping system of the counsels.因此,必须结合司法工作的实践,同时借鉴国外经验,改革和完善我国的辩护律师保密特权制度。
5)defence counsel辩护律师
1.Guarantee of the defence counsel s right in the criminal pretrial procedure;刑事审前程序辩护律师权利的保障
2.On the judicial justice and consummation of the defence counsels system of investigation of evidence;论司法公正与辩护律师调查取证制度的完善
6)defence lawyer辩护律师
1.The analysis about the orientation of defence lawyer s character in china;论我国辩护律师的角色定位

人民检察院允许辩护律师和其他辩护人查阅、摘抄、复制本案文书、技术性鉴定资料的权力人民检察院允许辩护律师和其他辩护人查阅、摘抄、复制本案文书、技术性鉴定资料的权力:辩护律师或者经过许可的其他辩护人查阅、摘抄和复制本案的诉讼文书、技术性鉴定材料,应当向审查起诉部门提出书面申请,审查起诉部门应当要求提出申请的辩护律师或者其他辩护人提供表明自己身份和诉讼委托关系的证明材料。  审查起诉部门接受申请后应当安排办理;不能当日办理的,应当向申请人说明理由,并在三日内择定办理日期,告知申请人。  查阅、摘抄和复制本案的诉讼文书、技术性鉴定材料应当在文书室内进行。――――《人民检察院刑事诉讼规则》 第322条