1.The System of Deportation and Extradition Analysis驱逐出境与引渡制度辨析

1.To expel from a country.驱逐出境从一个国家中驱逐出来
2.They drove the enemy from the country.他们把敌人驱逐出境
3.a deportable alien.被驱逐出境的外国人
4.The spy was expelled from the realm.这名间谍被驱逐出境
5.Are deportation proceeding pending against you, or have you ever been deported, or ordered deported, or have you ever applied for suspension of deportation?你曾否被判驱逐出境,或等待被判驱逐出境或曾经申请暂缓驱逐出境
6.In the Light of judicial practice, certain views on the character, the judicial discretion and the execution of deportation have been put forward in this paper.本文结合司法实践,就驱逐出境的性质、驱逐出境司法裁量、驱逐出境执行等问题谈了自己的看法。
7.Aliens who enter this country illegally will be deported非法入境的外国人将被驱逐出境
8.We deport aliens who slip across our borders.我们把偷渡入境的外国人驱逐出境
9.Deported from the U.S.A within the last 5 years;过去五年内被从美国驱逐出境
10.The tourists were booted out(of the country) on spy charges.这些旅游者以间谍罪被驱逐出境
11.If you have the nerve to do it again, I'll run you out of town.你胆敢再这么做,我就把你驱逐出境
12.The government deported the foreign spy政府将那个外国间谍驱逐出境
13.The king banished his opponents from his kingdom.国王将他的反对者驱逐出境
14.deport dangerous aliens把危险的外国人驱逐出境
15.The fellow ought to be hoofed out of this country那个家伙应该被驱逐出境
16.To those foreign offenders deportation is applicable.对犯罪的外国人应当适用驱逐出境
17.Ivy: Actually, he has been deported.艾薇:事实上,他已经被驱逐出境了。
18.They expelled the journalist from their country.他们把这个记者驱逐出境

On Deportation论驱逐出境
4)an expulsion order驱逐出境的命令
5)He was hunted out of the country.他被驱逐出境了。
6)He was banished from the realm.他被驱逐出境。
