1.An analysis of the different effects of ack nowledgement of unauthoriz ed disposition should be carried out on the basis of distinction between the int ernal and external relationship of unauthorized disposition and ratification an d ex ante facto acknowledgement.权利人对无权处分的追认可以使处分行为有效。
2.The ratification of administrative action, which"heals"the flaw of administrative action, is the curing of illegal administrative action.行政行为追认是对瑕疵行政行为的“治愈”,是对不合法行政行为的矫正。

1.confer posthumous honours on追赠, 谥封, 追认...为
2.a person who has died and has been declared a saint by canonization.已经去世并被追认为圣人的人。
3.If the legal agent fails to manifest his intention, he is deemed to have declined to ratify the contract.法定代理人未作表示的,视为拒绝追认
4.He was posthumously accepted as a member of the Communist Party of China.他被追认为中国共产党党员。
5.Where the principal fails to manifest his intention, he is deemed to have declined to ratify the contract.被代理人未作表示的,视为拒绝追认
6.A subsequent ratification, which has a retrospective effect, is equivalent to a prior command.事后追认有溯及力,等同先前命令。
7.On the Posthumous Confirmation and Endowment During the Evolution of the Calligraphy Style in Qing Dynasty;清代书法风格嬗变中的“追认”与“赋予”
8.recently awarded, posthumously,the Order of Conspicuous Gallantry,,,最近由于其勇敢的行为而被追认,并予以奖励。
9.Conscientiously, absorbedly work in a planned and order way; pursue the perfection.做事认真、专注,有计划、有条理,追求完美。
10.They had considered her suitor ambitious and upwardly mobile.他们认为她的追求者抱负不凡,积极进
11.Conflict and Equity:A study of the Prescript of Objection to Implied Admission冲突与衡平:拟制自认追复规定浅探
12.and you think this cousin pays her attentions?"那么你认为这位表兄在追求她吗?”
13.A Disscusion on the Esthetic Purpose in the Feathing of "Foreign History of Literature";《外国文学史》教学中的审美认识追求
14.Cognitive Linguistic Thoughts in Ancient Philosophy;语言认知思想追溯——由名、实之争谈起
15.A Cognitive Linguistic Interpretation of the Craze of Young Pop Song Fans;少男少女追星现象的认知语言学解读
16.The Subscription of Avoidance of Pursuing Tax Arrears;论逃避追缴欠税罪认定中的几个问题
18.You are one of them,a serious dreamer!你就是他们的一员,你就是认真追逐梦想的追梦人!

fictitious ratification拟制追认
3)the right of admitting retroactively追认权
1.There is a lot of imperfection of the right of admitting retroactively,the right of interpellation and the right of withdrawal in legislation s regulations,so they have to be perfected.狭义无权代理中的追认权、催告权和撤回权在立法规定上都存在不少缺陷,需要对它们进行完善,狭义无权代理人对本人和第三人的责任也有所不同。
4)the Subsequent Conforming View追认观
5)policy recognition政策追认
6)pursuit of approval追求认可
1.She was in pursuit of approval all the time and there were irrational elements in her mentality.通过访谈了解到,小辛的情绪情感长期压抑,有很强的完美主义倾向,始终在追求认可,其思维模式中存在不合理信念。

追认1.事后认可。 2.批准某人生前提出的参加党﹑团等组织的要求。