1.This article analyzes the similarities and differences between interrogation and interpellation.询问和质询两者的相同点是:它们都是人大的监督形式,都要按一定的法律程序提出,都要在会议期间作出答复或说明。
2.As a result,Zizek considers that Althusser\'s interpellation theory is not thorough enough;he develops the ideology theory of fantasy.区别在于阿尔都塞主要运用了拉康早期的镜像阶段的思想,齐泽克则主要运用了拉康晚期关于真实界的思想,由此出发,齐泽克认为阿尔都塞的质询理论并不彻底,他进一步发展了意识形态幻象理论。

1.In the proposal shall clearly be stated to whom the questions are addressed and the specific questions themselves.质询案必须写明质询对象、询的问题和内容。
2.an examination of a witness律师对证人的质询[盘问]
3.it shall answer questions raised by members of the Council;答复立法会议员的质询
4.The council passed a total of 66 bills and asked 791 questions and 1 289 supplementary questions.立法会共通过66项法案,提出了791项质询和1289项补充质询
5.The council passed a total of 93 bills and asked 603 questions and 992 supplementary questions;立法会共通过93项法案,提出了603项质询和992项补充质询
6.The council passed a total of 29 bills and asked 610 questions and 986 supplementary questions.立法会共通过29项法案,并提出了610项质询和986项补充质询
7.The witness snapped a furious reply to the attorneys question.证人怒声回答律师的质询
8.(5) To raise questions on the work of the government;(五)对政府的工作提出质询
9.You mean we didn't query it?你是说我们并没有提出质询
10.I did not think he was right, so I challenged him.我认为他是不对的,因此向他提出质询
11.The reporter was hostile to the government official in heckling him.记者含着敌意向政府官员激烈质询
12.His weakened condition would not allow of his being questioned by the police.他身体虚弱,受不了警方的质询
13.The examination of all the eyewitnesses took a week.对所有证人的质询用了一周的时间。
14.A Second Thought on Dramatism and Theatricality--An Answer to Dr Zhang Shimin s Query;再论戏剧性——兼答张时民博士的质询
15.Advisory Committee on Toxic Substances有毒物质咨询委员会
16.The Qualities and Skills of Librarians in Virtual Reference Service;虚拟参考咨询服务中咨询员素质及技能
17.Discussion on the Promotion of the Consultation Service Quality of the Union Reference Services Net对提高联合参考咨询网咨询服务质量的思考
18.Protein-Calorie Advisory Group of the United Nations System联合国系统蛋白质-热量咨询小组

inquiry[英][in'kwai?ri][美][?n'kwa?ri, '?n,kwa?ri, '?nkw?ri, '??-]质询
1.He thought the theme of a novel was an inquiry of existence.捷克流亡作家米兰·昆德拉提出了“存在”之思的小说观 ,认为小说主题是对“存在”的质询 ,他把作品的重点放在对人的“存在”的阐释上 ,从而形成哲理思辨型小说。
2.This inquiry is an expressio n of the civillization of human and th e development of society.当代文艺作品中对婚恋故事的演绎其实都是对婚恋伦理的质询
4)interpellation power质询权
1.This paper explores the ways to exercise interpellation power of people s congress.质询权是我国人民代表大会的一项重要监督权,我国人民代表大会质询权行使具有坚实的宪政基础,理顺质询权与其它监督权之间的关系是质询权行使的关键,完善质询权行使的程序设计是质询权作用发挥的保证。
2.The provision of superintendence object are different between constitution and laws;the provision of interpellation power in separate laws are not coordinated to each other, and the procedures of its implementation are not perfect by now.人大代表的质询权属于权力机关监督权的组成部分,也是权力机关对人民政府和人民法院以及人民检察院实施监督的重要手段之一。
5)inquiry system within CPC党内质询
6)inquiry right质询权
1.The legal system of shareholder s inquiry right should be constructed and improved on the basis of determining the nature of inquiry right.股东质询权法律制度的构建与完善应以质询权之定性为前提。
2.As one of shareholder s viatal rights,the shareholder s inquiry right has a great significance in bridging the gap between the shareholders and the management on gainning the information concering the company ,in improving the shareholders general meeting system, in strengthening the shareholders general meeting s supervision to the managerial level and safeguarding the shareholder s interest .股东质询权作为一项重要的股东权,对弥补股东与公司管理层之间在公司信息知悉程度上的差距、健全股东大会会议制度、强化股东大会对公司管理层的监督、维护股东利益具有重要意义。
3.The shareholder can make use of the inquiry right to eliminate the asymmetry of information from the managers,and to reduce the agency cost making for reasonable corporate governance.我国公司法上的股东质询权在行使方式、程序以及侵害后的救济方面存在着重大缺陷,应在斟酌各国立法成果的基础上在未来公司法修改中予以完善。
