1.Judicial separation,also called separation,originated from the Canon Law of Christianity in Mediaeval Europe,and still exists today.别居又称分居,它产生于欧洲中世纪基督教的教会法,至今仍存在。
2.It s provided that the spouses separation which is just a reason for divorce judgement without being systematized in marriage legislation has some legislative defects so that it s disadvantageous to regulate the marriage and family relationship during the separation and it s difficult for judges to enforce it.我国婚姻立法将分居作为离婚判决的根据之一 ,没有将分居制度化。
3.After the substance of marriage is observed in natural attribute and social attribute,the paper concludedes if it is prescribed,it will lead to three different plights:(1)When the spouse doesn t will live together,the laws can not force them to live together;(2)Marriage rape can not be solved by laws;(3)that the right of sex is infringed upon during separation shall be difficulty to be defined.通过对婚姻的自然与社会属性以及生活上的考察 ,得出的结论是 :如果明确规定夫妻有同居义务 ,有可能给当事人带来三方面的困境 :( 1)夫妻一方不愿意同居时法律无能强制 ;( 2 )婚内强奸求告救无门和无法律依据 ;( 3)协议分居期间一方的性侵犯如何认定。

1.legal separation(夫妻的)合法分居
2.But have you ever tried to separate or thought of separating?可你们曾试图分居或考虑过分居吗?
3.decided to live apart; maintaining separate households; they are separated.决定分居;继续分离的家庭生活;他们分居了。
4.She has parted from her husband/She and her husband have parted, ie started to live apart.她和丈夫已分居了.
5.He separated from his wife last month.上个月他和妻子分居了。
6.The couple separate long ago.这对夫妇早已分居
7.Reduce divorce and separation rates.降低离婚和分居率。
8.He and his wife are living apart.他和妻子分居两处。
9.His wife has already left his bed and board.他妻子已与他分居
10.decide on separation决定按法律程序分居.
11.I hear that Mr.and Mrs.White have separated.我听说怀特夫妇分居了。
12.judicial separation法院判决的夫妇分居
13.The couple separated because they were not compatible.这对夫妻因不合而分居.
14.stop living together as a married couple(有婚姻关系的双方)分居
15.The Analysis of modern citizens inhabitation status and space in Beijing: based on the investigation of Beijing citizens living status;北京市居民居住方式及居住空间分析
16.Analyses on Physical Exercise Behavior of Maonan region s Residents with the Trans theoretical Model and Stages of Change;毛南族聚居区居民体育锻炼行为分析
17.The Different Responsibility of Ch i - chu lang and Ch i - chu she - jen in Tang Dynasty;论唐代起居郎与起居舍人的职责之分
18.Resident trip survey based on residential area stratification基于居住地分层的居民出行调查方法

population analysis布居分析
1.All reaction channels are investigated with the vibrational mode analysis and electron population analysis to reveal the reaction mechanism.用振动模式分析和电子布居分析研究了所有的反应通道以揭示其反应机理,表明该反应的主要产物为3,-4吡啶炔、HCN和丁二炔。
3)inhabitant distribution居民分布
1.The factors affecting the inhabitant distribution were discussed and the inhabitant distribution curves were described.分析了影响居民分布的因素,描述了居民分布曲线;根据居民分布曲线与 Langevin方程曲线的相似性,建立了基于Langevin方程的居民分布模型;通过模型求解过程,说明了模型参数在居民分布中的实际意义。
4)classification of folk house民居分类
5)li-fen of local-style dwelling houses里分民居
6)populations analysis居群分析

分居一家人分开生活:~另过 ㄧ他们夫妻两地~。