1.How to correctly understand the administrative enforcement power has directive meaning of the model of the administrative enforcement in our country.概括而言,我国行政强制权具有行政性、强制性和应受监督性三方面属性。
2.In the light of the subject exercising administrative authority and the legal effect of administrative law, an administrative contract is a unilateral and particular administrative act.行政合同具有行政性和合同性双重特性 ,是借用合同方式实现行政管理目标的行政法律制
3.The urban social integration mechanisms have changed from singular administrative to multiple contractual integration, involving such factors as market, law, intermediate organization and community, which continue to play increasingly important role in urban social integration.目前,我国城市的社会整合机制正由单一行政性整合向多元契约性整合转变,市场、法律、中间组织、社区等因素在城市的社会整合中发挥着越来越重要的作用。

1.A Probe into the Administrative Permission Law:Say "No" to Administrative Monopoly;《行政许可法》:对行政性垄断说“不”
2.From Bureaucratic Administration to Democratic Administration:Returning of Rationality in Administration;从官僚制行政到民主式行政:行政理性的回归
3.Try Analysing the Feasibility of Procedural Sanction in the Administrative Conduction;试析行政行为中程序性制裁的可行性
4.Abstract Administrative Action be Brought into the Jurisdiction of Administrative Proce- dure抽象行政行为纳入行政诉讼受案范围之可行性
5.administrative cost of accountant and permissive administrative cost etc.会计行政成本与渗透性行政成本等等。
6.On the Meaning of the Theoretical Changes of the Rightfulness of Administrative Rights to Administrative Law行政权正当性理论变迁的行政法意义
7.Judicial Review of Prepositive Administrative Behavior;行政诉讼中前置性行政行为之审查探析
8.On the increase of the administrative action without force and the public security s executing the law in administration;非强制性行政行为的增长与公安行政执法
9.On Justifiability of Abstract Administrative Behavior in View of Application of Law in Administrative Litigation;从行政诉讼法的适用看抽象行政行为的可诉性
10.On the Attribute and Theoretical Basis of the Rights of Private Party in Abstract Administrative Process抽象行政行为行政相对方权利属性和理论依据
11.Regional Administrative Radio Conference区域性无线电行政大会
13.Government and NGO s Actions in Supporting the Western Education;西部支教中的政府性行为与非政府性行为
14.The Valid and Suable of Administrative Award;浅析行政奖励行为的有效性与可诉性
15.A Study on the Equality between the Exercising Administrative Subjectsand the private Parties in the Administrative Process;论行政执法主体与行政相对人行政法关系的平等性
16.Governmental Policy Behavior: Political Nature, Function and Value Standard;论政府政策行为的政治性质、功能与价值准则
17.Study on the Policy and Government Administration Issue about the Public Housing保障性住房政策及政府行政管理问题研究
18.On the Control of Administrative Principle of Rationality over Administrative Discretion;行政合理性原则对行政自由裁量权的制约

administrative quality行政性
1.Administrative contracts have two basic elements: administrative quality and contractual quality.行政合同具有行政性和契约性两大基本要素,行政性与契约性的良性互动是行政合同的生命意义之所在。
2.administrative contracts have two elements: one is administrative quality, the other is contractual quality.行政合同的基本要素有二:一、行政性,二、契约性。
1.The compulsory administration of local officials reflecs the management concept of feudal rulers in Qin and early Han Dynasties.这一时期,里吏是国家行政权力的忠实履行者,以国家行政为最高准则,而里民生活的方方面面更透露出较强的行政性,西汉中期以后社会势力作用下所谓的自治特征尚不明显。
2.Remedy of administration contract must be on it s character.行政合同既具有行政性,又具有合同性,是双重法律关系、双重主体身份的交织。
4)unit's behavior of administrative nature行政性行为
5)administrative attribute行政属性
1.The administrative attribute of China s arbitration system is an objective obstacle to its development.仲裁制度的行政属性客观上是我国仲裁发展的最大障碍,立法机关的法律设计构成仲裁发展的制度性障碍,当事人对仲裁制度缺乏理解是我国仲裁事业发展的动力障碍。
6)administrative ADR行政性ADR
1.Study and Improvement on Mechanism of Administrative ADR;我国行政性ADR的理论研究和制度完善
2.The administrative ADR(Alternative Dispute Resolution) has an advantage over litigation when settling environmental disputes.行政性ADR处理环境纠纷具有优于诉讼的特性。

行政性收费  国家行政机关和国家授权行使行政职权的单位,在社会、经济、技术和资源管理等过程中按照特定需要依法律、法规实施的收费。    50年代初中国只有企业登记费、房地产登记费、婚姻证书费等少量的收费项目,其收入均纳入国家规费中管理。随着经济体制改革的逐步深入,行政服务项目的增加,收费项目相应增加。为了加强各种收费管理,规范收费行为,各级政府对各种收费进行清理整顿。在清理整顿的基础上,对各种收费进行了分类,提出了行政性收费这一概念。    中国的行政性收费划分为三类:①注册登记费,包括法人企业注册登记费、商标注册费、专利注册费等;②证照费,如居民身份证费、婚姻证书费、烟草专卖许可证费等;③管理费,如个体工商户管理费、海关监督管理费、乡镇企业管理费等。    行政性收费不同于商品价格,也不同于经营性收费和事业性收费,它是国家以经济手段进行行政管理的一个重要内容,反映国家的意志,具有强制性。制定行政性收费标准没有固定的公式,但在核定收费标准时,必须考虑以下三个因素:①国家实施该行政行为的需要;②该行政行为的合理消耗;③法人、公民和其他组织、单位的承受能力。