
1.Personal, Nonexclusive Licenses个人和非排他性的许可
2.Non-excludability is a characteristic of public goods.非排他性是公共货物的特征。
3.The parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Singapore.合同双方服从新加坡法院的非排他性管辖权。
4.Novel Analysis of Binary System of Property:From the Perspective of the Division of Exclusive Property and Nonexclusive Property财产权二元体系新论——以排他性财产权与非排他性财产权的区分为视角
5.Study on the Nonexclusive Price Contracts of Technology Licensing Under the Conditions of Adverse Selection;逆向选择条件下技术许可中非排他性价格契约研究
6.Free public goods is free of charge and is provided by tax and budget.免费公共产品的获得是免费的,其消费具有非排他性,必须通过税收和预算来提供。
7.Customer's sublicense is personal and nonexclusive and may not be transferred without ___ Corporation's express consent.用户的分许可是给用户个人的和非排他性质的,未经设备公司明示同意,不得转让。
8.More often than not, a bilateral deal unblocks one trade route only to silt up its tributaries.双边排他性贸易协定常常只能堵住商路的支流,而非主流。
9.Vertical Integration, Exclusive Dealing and Asymmetric Equilibrium in International Differentiated Products Oligopoly;纵向一体化、排他性销售与双寡头竞争中的非对称均衡
10.Vertical Integration, Exclusive Dealing and Asymmetric Equilibrium in Oligopoly Competition纵向一体化、排他性销售与寡头竞争中的非对称均衡
11.The group can be large, small, inclusive, exclusive, formal or informal.这个参照体可大可小,可以是容他性的也可以是排他性的; 可以是正式的、或非正式的。
12.exclusive reference (to standards)排他性引用(标准0
13.form of exclusive private property排他性的私有财产形式
14.An exclusive right or title.专利权排他性的权利
15."The whole thing was strictly kind of spontaneous.他说:"这一切都并非刻意安排。
16.He moves in very exclusive social circles.他活动于非常排外的社交圈子内。
17.When he enjoys the right, he gets the exclusive and incompatible property right.而对房屋行使其权利之时,就具有了法律意义上的财产权的排他性和非相容性。
18.Law cannot be totally designed and arranged by human reason.法律并非全能由人的理性设计与安排。

1.Based on Samuelson\'s discussion about the nature of the public goods,this paper discusses the properties of public goods successively in terms of non-rivalry,non-exclusivity,joint supply,and the logical implications of these properties.基于萨缪尔森关于公共物品性质的论述,对公共物品的非竞争性、(非)排他性和供给的连带性及其逻辑结论依次进行讨论,所得出的主要结论有:公共物品的根本属性是非竞争性,基于这一属性的萨缪尔森条件只是一个规范性命题,不包含任何制度属性;非排他性是一种产权/制度属性,它源于一个社会的技术、效率或分配的考虑,与公共物品没有必然的联系;把供给的连带性引入公共物品理论,就可以把反垄断和规制理论引入公共财政理论。
3)nonexclusive license非排他性许可证
1.In the meanwhile, exclusion results from the objective rule of domination to things, and puts up opposability of realistic domination in the case of domination of fact and opposability of justice in the case of domination of .排他性是物之支配的规律性要求,在物之事实支配中,排他性表现为支配的现实性之争;在物之权利支配中,排他性则表现为支配的正当性之争。
2.Its basis of property right is the regulation arrangement which ada pts to the exclusion of property right in market economy.规则公平、机会平等、效率优先是一种权利对等意义上的起点公平的公平效率观 ,它的产权基础是适应市场经济需要的排他性所有权的制度安排。
1.A deep reason why media products have this feature is that the exclusiveness of consuming right becomes invalid.消费权的排他性失效是传媒产品消费活动的外在性的深层次原因。
2.It needn t emphasize exclusiveness in the property definition.我国物权法的物权定义成功与不足并存,物权定义中无须强调排他性。
3.Respectively from the perspective of the objective exclusiveness and from that of the subjective pluralism, this paper expounds the cultural, religious and political factors which hinder the connection between the Western and the Eastern culture.文章通过事物的客观排他性和认识的主观多元性等多个角度,从宗教、文化以及政治背景等方面论述了当时阻碍"东西融合"的诸项因素,并指出教育是"东西融合"得以实现的有效之举。
