1.Currently the floating crimes are on the increase,so police have to arrest those suspects who are still in a recessive state.目前由于流动性犯罪不断增多,在许多情况下民警必须对那些身份尚处于“隐性”状态的犯罪嫌疑人进行缉捕
2.While arresting adversaries possibly with criminal tools,it should be conducted on the basis of "approaching arresting target——forceful command——controlling arresting target——rapid escorting off the spot after searching".在缉捕可能持有凶器之敌的过程中,其程序应该按照“接近抓捕对象———强制性口令———控制缉捕对象———搜查后迅速押离现场”步骤进行,缉捕方法应该做到部署周密,指挥统一,伪装巧妙,接近隐蔽,包围控制,配合默契,行动突然,快速简练。

1.The police have launched a massive manhunt for the escapees.警察对在逃犯展开了大规模的缉捕
2.The police are still hunting the murderer.警察还在缉捕那个杀人犯。
3.A vice squad came here yesterday.一个警察缉捕队昨天曾到这里来
4.The Application of Policing Tactics in Arresting Action;论警察战术机动在缉捕行动中的运用
5.The Research about the Commanding to Holding-gun Crime缉捕持枪犯罪嫌疑人行动的处置指挥
6.My aim is to preserve justice and arrest Thief Ghost目的是希望维护江湖正义,缉捕大盗鬼王
7.Analysis on Influential Factors of Bare-handed Arrest Teaching in Police Vocational College;警察职业院校徒手缉捕教学影响因素分析
8.The Bandit Problem and the Disturbance Caused for the Right to Arrest in the Xijiang Area, Guangdong in the Late Qing Dynasty;清末广东的盗匪问题与西江缉捕权风波
9.Talking About the Principle and Methods of Arresting Pillaging Criminal Tools Based on Two Typical Cases;从两个典型案例谈抢夺凶器缉捕的原则与方法
10.The Art of War by Sunzi And Strategy of Apprehension and Pursuit --Research on Military Tactics in General Training of Policemen;《孙子兵法》与缉捕谋略——全警大练兵兵法探究
11.The Commanding of Arresting the Holding-exploder Suspects缉捕持爆炸物犯罪嫌疑人行动的处置指挥
12.Detective hunting the gang be put on to them by an anonymous telephone call缉捕歹徒的侦探接到向他们提供线索的匿名电话
13.Detectives hunting the gang were put on to them by an anonymous telephone call.缉捕歹徒的侦探接到向他们提供线索的匿名电话.
14.Detective hunting the gang is put on to them by an anonymous telephone call.缉捕歹徒的侦探接到向他们提供线索的匿名电话。
15.There is also a rumour amongst the kung-fu world that imperial agent Dragon 9 is searching for him另外,江湖传闻... 大内密探龙龙九也在江湖中缉捕
16.Civic organizations spurred the hunt for the murderer by offering rewards totaling $8500.各市政机关出了总数达八千五百美元的赏格,缉捕凶手归案。
17.A manhunt's underway for a former sniper-turned soldier suspected of killing his estranged wife in Wyoming.曾是狙击手出身的退伍军人涉嫌杀死了和他分居的妻子,警方现在正在缉捕他。
18.One who pursues a criminal or fugitive for whom a reward is offered.为得赏而追捕缉拿罪犯或逃犯的人。

bare-handed arrest徒手缉捕
1.The main influential factors of bare-handed arrest course teaching in police vocational college are teaching methods,students,teaching risks and so on.徒手缉捕在警务实战中占有重要地位,当前警察职业院校徒手缉捕课程教学的影响因素主要有:教学方法、学员情况、教学风险等,警察职业院校在今后的徒手缉捕课程教学训练中应更具针对性、科学性和实用性。
3)seizing action缉捕行动
1.The seizing action is an important part of criminal investigation,and command is the key.缉捕行动是案件侦破中的重要环节,而指挥则是缉捕行动成败与否的关键。
2.The plain topography is of great impact on the command, organization and performance of seizing action.平原地形条件对缉捕行动的指挥、组织与实施影响较大。
4)arresting action缉捕行动
1.Policing tactic is an important component in arresting action.警察战术机动是缉捕行动的重要组成部分。
5)strategy of apprehension and pursuit缉捕谋略
6)tactics of arrest缉捕战术
