1.There are fifteen articles with "doing wrong for personal gains" words in China s Criminal Law and twelve of them occur in the Chapter of Malfeasance.我国刑法中有15个条文出现了“徇私舞弊”字样,而刑法分则渎职罪一章就占了12个。
2.Crime of malfeasance refers to the act that a state functionary takes advantage of his position or abuse his authority,scrimshanks,disturbs daily activities of the state organs,which causes interest of the nation and the people to suffer from great losses.我国刑法渎职罪罪状叙述里规定的结果要素或情节要素,在犯罪构成中的地位应属于构成要件,是区分罪与非罪的界限,而非区分既遂未遂的标准。
3.To solve malfeasance behavior of the government officials, we put forward two methods, the one is designing incentive contract and the other is reconstructing organization s information structure.分析了假冒伪劣商品治理中的政府官员行为,对于政府官员的渎职,提出了设计激励制度和改造组织 信息结构2种解决方法,证明了在对政府官员进行有效激励的前提下,对政府官员进行寻租的行为将不会发生。

1.I don't think this is a dereliction of duty.我认为这不是渎职
2.The police chief denounced him for neglect of duty警长公开斥责他渎职
3.He was dismissed on the grounds of negligence.他因渎职而遭解雇。
4.a version of the story that is an apologia for malfeasance;为渎职辩解的小说译本;
5.The chief of police was removed from office for failing to do his duty.警察局长因渎职而被撤职。
6.Such a combination of duties is an invitation to fraud.这样的职责重叠容易导致渎职
7.He also worried about malpractice suits and the high cost of malpractice insurance that doctors increasingly confront.他还担心渎职起诉,以及医生在高渎职保险中要付出的高额成本。
8.lawyers, doctors, etc sued for malpractice因渎职而受到控告的律师、 医生等.
9.winked at corruption in the ministry.对于部里的渎职现象视而不见
10.serious misconduct or serious breach of duty严重不当行为或严重渎职行为
11.The minister was impeached of negligence这位部长因渎职而受弹劾。
12.The Determination of the Subject of Malfeasance from the Perspective of Public Service;“公务”视角下的渎职犯罪主体之认定
13.Suggestions on the Revision of Case Establishment Criteria of Crime of Malfeasance;关于修订渎职罪立案标准的几点建议
14.Judging Defects of Legislation Exist in Malfeasance Crime from Judge Taking Attitude of Omission;由法官不作为案看渎职罪之立法缺陷
15.Punishment on Malfeasance According to The Second Year s Laws and Decrees of Han Dynasty;从《二年律令》看汉律对渎职罪的处罚
16.The president says Chaudhry was removed for abuse of power.穆沙拉夫总统说,乔杜里因渎职而被革职了。
17.In order to improve nurse's legal concept, we summarized the latent legal problems based on seven aspects: careless and malfeasance;为了提高护士的法制观念,从疏忽大意与渎职;
18.Balboa was accused of criminal misconduct in regard to his record keeping.巴尔博亚被指控在保存档案方面犯有渎职罪。

1.The subject of malfeasance is government functionary.渎职罪主体是国家机关工作人员,把握其本质特征的关键是界定行为人所从事的公务。
2.Amended Criminal Law reduced the confines of subject of malfeasance and exposed disadvantages of legislation at the same time: (1) caused conflict between criminal substantive law and procedural law; (2) the arm of the law could not be severe; (3) caused perplexity in judicial practice and judicial interpretation exceeding authority because of ambiguity and inexactitude of legislation.修订后的我国刑法缩小了渎职罪的主体范围,却暴露出其立法缺陷:1 刑事实体法与程序法相互冲突;2 刑事法网不严;3 立法不明确、不准确造成实践中的困惑,致使司法机关越权解释。
3)dereliction of duty渎职犯罪
1.On the characteristics of dereliction of duty and countermeasures;论渎职犯罪的特点及对策
2.Accordingly,the victims of dereliction of duty and the possibility of particularity of great theoretical significance and practical significance.据此,探讨渎职犯罪的被害人存在的可能性和特殊性具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。
4)crime of malfeasance渎职罪
1.The original crime,the cause of the crime of malfeasance,should be distinct guilty in the procedures and in essence,to understand the original crime better.渎职罪原案的认定,应区分实质有罪与程序有罪,从而正确把握原案罪的成立标准;立法机关应当赋予检察机关渎职罪原案立案管辖权;渎职罪的重大损失,应以发案时实际损失认定;已经挽回的损失,只能作为从轻处理情节考虑;渎职行为与损失结果存在时间差时,应以结果发生之日起计算追诉期限。
2.As to the plural crimes of malfeasance and bribery concerning other articles,by analyzing respectively the "securing benefit for other person" in the crime of bribery and the "practice favoritism" in the crime of malfeasance,this article gives the conclusion that there should be concurrent punishments for these crimes.渎职罪的发案特征之一便是窝案、串案现象突出,常与其他犯罪、尤其是贿赂犯罪交织在一起,使得贪赃型渎职罪的罪数问题成为渎职罪罪数研究中具有典型性、代表性的问题。
5)dereliction of duty渎职罪
1.The crime of breach of duty concerning epidemical prevention and cure is categorized as a specific crime of dereliction of duty.传染病防治失职罪属于渎职罪中的一具体罪名。
2.Great controversy exists in the studies of the subject constitution of dereliction of duty and problems abound in the practice of jurisdiction in the field.本文就我国渎职罪主体的立法及司法问题及理论冲突进行了相关分析 ,并提出了自己的一些看
6)direliction of duty渎职性
1.Official offences have the characteristics of direliction of duty,concealment,serious harm and being joint.职务犯罪具有渎职性、隐蔽性、危害严重性、连带性等特点。
