1.By the means of formation,the use right of natural resources should belong to chartered real right,but by its function and content,it should belong to quasi-usufruct.自然资源利用权从产生的途径上看应属于特许物权,从内容和功能上看应属于准用益物权,两种物权属性并不相互排斥。
2.However,since it is different from traditional usufruct,and has strong flavor of public power,therefore,it can be defined as quasi-usufruct.但鉴于其又有别于传统民法中的用益物权,且又具有较强的公权色彩,所以又被称之为"准用益物权"。
2)Quasi usufructus准用益权
3)usufructuary right用益物权
1.Real Laws is an important means of private protection,and can effectively protect the national natural resources on sides of proprietorship and usufructuary right.物权法可从所有权、用益物权等方面对国家环境资源进行有效的保护。
2.The usufructuary right mortgage system of natural resources is a dynamic mechanism involving the exchange of property rights.完善环境资源物权抵押制度首先必须以用益物权制度的供给为基础,其次应根据各个环境资源物权的特点,建立相应的抵押制度。
3.Water right belongs to a special kind of usufructuary right.对水权的概念进行了比较分析,认为水权是指权利人对地表水和地下水取得使用和收益的权利,水权属于一类特殊的用益物权。

1.An Appraisal of Usufruct of Immovable Property System in Property Law对《物权法》中用益物权制度的评析
2.Right of land use, as one of usufructs, has economic value.土地使用权作为用益物权之一种,颇具经济价值。
3.Research on the Usufruct Structure of Resource Use Right--An Analysis on Article 123 of the Law of Right in Rem论资源利用权的用益物权性质——兼析《物权法》第一百二十三条
4.The right to use maritime space is a novel right in rem, and real right for usufruct in the typical right in rem, but not semi right in rem.海域使用权系一新颖的物权,且属于典型物权中的用益物权,而非准物权。
5.Circulation of Collective Land Usufructuary Right in China;中国集体土地用益物权流转问题论纲
6.On the Reconstruction of Chinese Usufructuary Right--Developed by means of leasehold;论我国用益物权的重构——以租赁权性质展开
7.Mutual Usufruct Infringement Constitution and Legal Liability Research共有用益物权的侵权构成及法律责任探究
8.On the Research of the Circulation of the Villager s Land Rights--Subordinate Comments on the System of Usufructuary Rights in the Real Right Law of PRC;农民土地权利流转制度研究——兼评《物权法》的用益物权制度
9.The Study of Legal Issues on Usufructuary Right of Radiospectrum Resources无线电频谱资源用益物权法律问题研究
10.The Jurisprudential Analysis of Mining Right being not Usufructuary Right--Discussion on Some Issues with Pro. Li Xiandong;采矿权并非用益物权的法理辩析——与中国政法大学李显冬教授商榷
11.On personal servitude;大陆法系民法中的人役权——兼论民法典中的用益物权体系
12.On the Nature of the Specific Usufruct in the In-a-limited-sense Contractual Right to Land Business and the Usufructuary Protection in Land Circulation狭义土地承包经营权特殊用益物权性质及其流转保护
13.Inhabitation rights hold a crucial position in the rights of survival.居住权是一项重要的用益物权,在人们的生存权利中占据极为重要的地位。
14.On the Study of the Basic Concept of the Real Right of Enjoyment System--comment on the defections of the draft of Real Right Law;我国用益物权体系基本概念研究——兼评《物权法征求意见稿》规定之不足
15.Research of Chinese Usufruct of Immovable Property Structure System --Clue to three drafts of Real Rights Law s design comprison;关于构建我国用益物权体系的思考——以三个物权法草案的设计比较为线索
16.On Land Expropriation and Requisition for the Public Interests;物权法中土地征收征用公共利益研究
17.Beneficial Right: Personal Right? Real Right? Or New Right?;信托受益权:物权?债权?抑或新权利?
18.Balance of rights and interests in the collection and employment of maintenance fund专项物业维修资金归集和使用上的权益平衡

Quasi usufructus准用益权
3)usufructuary right用益物权
1.Real Laws is an important means of private protection,and can effectively protect the national natural resources on sides of proprietorship and usufructuary right.物权法可从所有权、用益物权等方面对国家环境资源进行有效的保护。
2.The usufructuary right mortgage system of natural resources is a dynamic mechanism involving the exchange of property rights.完善环境资源物权抵押制度首先必须以用益物权制度的供给为基础,其次应根据各个环境资源物权的特点,建立相应的抵押制度。
3.Water right belongs to a special kind of usufructuary right.对水权的概念进行了比较分析,认为水权是指权利人对地表水和地下水取得使用和收益的权利,水权属于一类特殊的用益物权。
1.On the Quasi-usufruct in Real Law of Our Country;论我国物权法上的准用益物权
2.Under the premise of the feasible mortgage of the forest property,this article analyzed the feasibility of the usufruct mortgage of forest property from the view angle of historic evolution of the mortgage and the legal system interpretation of the Guaranty Law.在林木所有权可以抵押的前提下,从抵押权的历史发展和《担保法》的体系解释两个角度,阐述林木用益物权抵押的可行性;分析我国禁止重复抵押的不当之处以及建立林木重复抵押制度的必要性和可行性;主张林木可以与林地使用权分离单独设定抵押权,也可以与林地使用权一并设定抵押权。
3.Form the point of real rights,the paper tried to answer which characteristics with which fisheries right should be provided in its trend of real right,and put forward fisheries right have both double characteristics of usufruct and real rights of license in China.本文试图从物权及其特征的角度,回答渔业权物权化中渔业权应具有哪些特征的问题,并分析得出我国渔业权是兼有用益物权和特许物权的物权特征。
5)Usufruct of Immovable Property用益物权
1.Right to contract for management of land is a new type of usufruct of immovable property.土地承包经营权是一种新型的用益物权,我国现阶段建立土地承包经营权流转制度具有必要性和可行性,针对现有的政策及其缺陷,本文提出了应遵循的原则及常规的流转方式。
2.Three drafts of Real Rights Law about design of usefruct of immovable property system stands for research level of our country s usufruct of immovable property.三个物权法草案关于用益物权体系设计的基本指导思想和研究路径基本一致,代表了目前我国用益物权研究的水平。
3.The right to use agricultural land is an independent usufruct of immovable property.农地使用权是一项独立的用益物权。
6)the real right of welfare property公益用物物权
1.The real right of public property mainly refers to the real right of official property and the real right of welfare property.公物上的公权主要是指公务用物物权和公益用物物权,公物上的权利应根据不同情况及权利属性进行利用及处理,这将指导当下的公物立法活动。
