1.from litigation and non-litigation, analyze and arrange the detailed content of Chinese lawyer profession.以诉讼与非诉讼的两分法,梳理中国律师业务的具体内容。

1.On Solving Pattern about Litigation and Non-litigation of the Economic Dispute;论经济纠纷的诉讼与非诉讼解决模式
2.On the Non-litigation Factor and Litigation Regression in Criminal Suit;论我国刑事诉讼中的非诉讼化因素及其诉讼化回归
3.An Economic Approach to the Relations between ADR and Litigation;非诉讼纠纷解决机制(ADR)与诉讼互动的经济分析
4.Research on the Alternative Dispute Resolution of Management Disputes in Schools;学校管理纠纷的非诉讼解决机制研究
5.Law and Economics Analysis of Alternative Dispute Resolution;非诉讼纠纷解决方式的法经济学分析
6.Thinking about the system of non-lawsuit administration execution of;关于我国非诉讼行政执行制度的思考
7.On Several Issues in China s Non-litigious Administrative Execution System;我国非诉讼行政执行制度的几个问题
8.Press active lawyer solid Wu, mix lawyer business cent for litigant professional work normally blame litigation professional work.按现行律师实务,通常把律师业务分为诉讼业务和非诉讼业务。
9.Reasonable Construction of ADR System in the Perspective of Civil Procedural Law Amendment;我国非诉讼纠纷解决机制的合理建构——以民事诉讼法的修改为视角
10.Judicial and Non-judicial Characteristics in the WTO Dispute Settlement System;世贸组织争端解决制度的诉讼性与非诉讼性分析
11.Establishing A Diverse Settlement of Administrative Disputes to Connect Litigation and Nonlitigation构建诉讼与非诉讼相衔接的多元化行政纠纷解决机制
12.Irregular Withdrawal of Action: Legal Avoidance in Administrative Procedure;非正常撤诉——行政诉讼中的法律规避
13.The unlawful meddling in a suit by providing either party with the means to carry it on.(对诉讼一方)非法的干涉通过资助一方进行诉讼的方式非法干涉一起诉讼
14.action in trover请求追索非法占用的诉讼
15.Try to Say Pertaining to Crime Litigation in of Illegal Proof Exclusion Rule;试述刑事诉讼中的非法证据排除规则
16.Admissibility of Illegally Obtained Evidence in Civil Cases of China;我国民事诉讼非法证据排除问题研究
17.Eliminating the Abuse of Illegal Evidence Collection in Civil Action;民事诉讼中非法取证行为滥用之克服
18.A Preliminary Study of Exclusionary Rule of Illegally Obtained Evidence in Criminal Procedure;试论刑事诉讼中的非法证据排除规则

suit and non-suit非诉与诉讼
3)Cognitio extra ordinem(processi civili straordinari)非常诉讼
4)non-lawsuit protection非诉讼保障
5)non-contentious supervision非诉讼监督
6)non litigation adjudication非诉讼裁决
