1.The authors main point, which is quite different from the conventional one, is that filing the answer should be the duty of defendant or appellee, but not their right.基于此提出和论证了提交答辩状当属义务而非属权利的命题,以期引起学术、司法、立法各界对这一问题的关注和深层次考量,进而完善我国的诉讼制度和推进审判方式改革。

1.statement or allegation make in pleading答辩状中的说明或辩解
2.To make a statement or an allegation in pleading在答辩状中的说明或辩解
3.The people's court shall send a copy of the bill of defence to the plaintiff within five days of receiving it.人民法院应当在收到答辩状之日起五日内,将答辩状副本发送原告.
4.The Answer and the Nature of Filing the Answer;答辩状及提交答辩状行为的性质定位──兼论民事审判方式改革
5.Formal reply to an allegation make in court, especially defence make by a respondent to a divorce petition答辩状,对在法庭所作断言的答复,尤指被告对离婚起诉的抗辩。
6.The people's court shall, within five days of receiving the defendant's reply, send a copy of the reply to the plaintiff.被告提出答辩状的,人民法院应当在收到之日起五日内将答辩状副本发送原告。
7.Failure by the defendant to file a bill of defence shall not prevent the case from being tried by the people's court.被告不提出答辩状的,不影响人民法院审理。
8.Pleading must be submitted to the court when the action is set down for trial.在诉讼被登记进入审判前答辩状必须呈交法院。
9.Legal Analysis of Defendant s Submitting of Defense During Civil Procedure;民事诉讼中的被告提交答辩状的法律性质
10.Address where court document ( such as pleading ) can be sent to a party in a case法院文件如原告的起诉状或被告的答辩状可寄到的地址
11.Having received a copy of the written appeal, the appellee shall produce a reply within 30 days.被上诉人在收到上诉状副本后,应当在三十日内提出答辩状
12.Address where court document (such as pleading) can be sent to a party in a case.法院文件如原告的起诉状或被告的答辩状可寄到的地址。
13.A formal statement, generally written, propounding the cause of action or the defense in a case.诉状,答辩状提出诉讼案件或对案件辩护的正式的一般为书面的声明书
14.Where a litigant does not submit a reply, it shall not affect the court hearing.对方当事人不提出答辩状的,不影响人民法院审理。
15.How Can Iatrology Be Embedded in Life?An Empirical Analysis on the Pleading of the Hospital in Two Medical Tangle Cases;医学如何嵌入生命——对两则医疗纠纷案院方答辩状的分析
16.A defendant's defense against charges.答辩被告对指控的答辩
17.The action of the defendant in opposition to complaints against him or her.答辩,辩护被告对起诉进行的答辩
18.rejoinder to the defence(原告)对被告抗辩的答辩

filing the answer提交答辩状
1.The authors main point, which is quite different from the conventional one, is that filing the answer should be the duty of defendant or appellee, but not their right.基于此提出和论证了提交答辩状当属义务而非属权利的命题,以期引起学术、司法、立法各界对这一问题的关注和深层次考量,进而完善我国的诉讼制度和推进审判方式改革。
3)answer with counterclaim反诉答辩状
4)Pleadings of administrative proceedings行政诉讼答辩状
1.Pleadings of administrative proceedings are a kind of legal document with the essence of arguments.行政诉讼答辩状属辩驳性质的法律文书。
5)reply by the applicant原告之答辩状
6)rejoinder by the respondent被告之再答辩状

厌氧棒状杆菌菌苗 ,短小棒状杆菌菌苗药物名称:短小棒状杆菌菌苗英文名:Corynebacterium Parvum Vaccine别名: 短棒菌苗;厌氧棒状杆菌菌苗 ,短小棒状杆菌菌苗 适应症: 临床试用于恶性黑色素瘤、乳腺癌及肺小细胞型未分化癌。腹腔注射对癌性腹水也有治疗作用。 用量用法: 1.皮内注射:最好注射在淋巴结引流区内,每点0.5mg,共8点,后可增加到12点,两点相距1~2cm,每周1~2次。 2.皮下注射或肌注:一般选择上臂三角肌处注射,每次3.5~4mg。注射前加等量的2%利多卡因以减轻疼痛。每周注射2次。 3.静滴:常用4~10mg,加于250~500ml等渗盐水或5%葡萄糖液中1~4小时内滴完。 4.一般以2~4周为1疗程,如有效可较长时期应用。 注意事项: 1.不良反应有寒战发热。转氨酶升高、血压波动等。 2.病人寒战时可给热饮料;体温高于39℃以上时可给解热剂或物理降温。必要时,给予输液或其他支援治疗。在静滴本品前可给予氢化可的松100mg,以减轻不良反应。 规格: 注射液:每支5ml(含死菌35mg)、1ml(含 死菌7mg)。菌苗中均含甲醛(防腐)。类别:免疫调节剂