1.Study on Psychological Factors of Re-offending Behaviors in the Male and Adult Recidivists;成年男性累犯重新犯罪行为相关心理因素研究
2.The Reconstruction of Recidivist System in Our Criminal Law;我国刑法中累犯制度的反思和重构

1.Suspension of sentence is not to be applied to recidivists.对于累犯,不适用缓刑。
2.The warden believes in segregation of first offenders from hardened criminals.监狱看守员认为得隔离初犯与累犯者。
3.It is about a sort of blackguard,a man arrested for a second offence;一个无赖,一个累犯,一个苦役犯。
4.Remarks on the Measures against Counter-Interrogation by Recidivists;浅谈累犯、惯犯反讯问的特点与对策
5.The repeat offender was sentenced to a greater punishment for his second crime.这位累犯再犯时被判处比初犯时更严厉的惩罚。
6.My Viewpoint on Building a Unit Recidivism System: Based on Reconsideration of Single-Subject Theory of Unit Recidivism;单位累犯制度构建新论——基于单位累犯单主体理论的反思
7.A Comparative Study of the Recidivist Systems in the Mainland and Macao --Also on the Perfection of the Recidivist System in Our Country;中国大陆与澳门地区累犯制度比较研究——兼论我国累犯制度之完善
8.Study on Psychological Factors of Re-offending Behaviors in the Male and Adult Recidivists;成年男性累犯重新犯罪行为相关心理因素研究
9.On the Foundation of Heavier Punishment on Cumulative Offense and Prevention in the Vision of Criminal Personality;犯罪人格视野下累犯从重处罚根据及预防
10.Why don't we have some of them executed according to law?对这样的累犯为什么不依法杀一些?
11.Article74 Suspension of sentence shall not be applied to recidivists.第七十四条对于累犯,不适用缓刑。
12.Talk about the Deficiency and Perfection of the Condition of Time in Recidivist s Composition;论累犯构成中时间条件的不足与完善
13.The Bases and the Application of the Criminal Law of the Unit Recidivists About Drugs;单位毒品累犯认定的刑法根据与适用
14.d. add special regulations for recidivists;扩大持有主体的范围:增设该类犯罪特别累犯的规定;
15.He can be paroled during prison time if he is not a recidivist.如果他不是累犯的话,在服刑期间有可能被假释。
16.Comparative Study on the Common Recidivism Between Mainl and and HK,Macao,Taiwan;我国内地与港澳台地区普通累犯制度比较研究
17.Theoretical Basis for Establishment of Criminal Law Recidivist System我国刑法累犯制度设立的理论根据初探
18.Essentially, Article356 Of Penal Code stipulates special recidivist.刑法典第三百五十六条实质上是关于特别累犯的规定。

1.In 1997, the criminal law in 1979 was changed and perfect-ed, but there are still some shortages, which mainly lie in the following aspects: the applicable scope, whether the units can be included or not, the applicable subject of special recidivism, and the penalty, etc.当前《刑法》中的累犯制度存在一些不足,主要表现在:累犯的适用范围、单位是否构成累犯、特别累犯的适用对象以及累犯者再犯的处罚等方面。
2.The punishment referring to the execution of punishment provided in Criminal Law article 65 about ordinary recidivism doesn t include the supplementary punishment."被判处有期徒刑以上刑罚"不是指法定刑,而应是宣告刑;刑法第65条普通累犯规定的"刑罚执行完毕"中的"刑罚"不包括附加刑,而刑法第66条特殊累犯规定的"刑罚执行完毕"中的"刑罚"则包括附加刑;累犯时间要件中的起算点应从刑期截止日的次日开始起算;缓刑考验期满后再犯新罪能够构成累犯
3.A criminal should be taken as a recidivism if both his/her first offense and second offense belong to the negligent crimes.行为人所实施的前后两罪均为过失犯罪能够构成累犯,但是,当行为人在犯前罪追诉时效完成后又犯新罪、前罪被外国判处并执行有期徒刑以上刑罚后再犯罪、前罪刑罚执行过程中再犯新罪与假释考验期内再犯罪等情形下,则都不能构成累犯
1.Objective:To explore the related psychological factors of re-offending behaviors,and provide scientific evidence for the mental rectification and treatment of the recidivists.目的:探讨累犯重新犯罪行为的相关心理因素,为累犯的心理矫治及其重新犯罪行为的预防提供理论依据。
5)repeat offender累犯,惯犯
6)habitual criminal累犯; 惯犯
