1.Actor or Paladin?——To Culturally Interpret LIU Xiang-lian s Status and Personality;优伶?游侠?———柳湘莲身份人格的文化解读
2.The theme of paladin poetry in Wei and Jin dynasty serves as four tools: symbol of poets spiritual pursuit,media to demonstrate individual value,ode to traditional paladin spirit and the description of leisurely life in the name of paladin.魏晋游侠诗的主题主要表现以下四个方面:一、诗人精神追求的符号和象征;二、抒写个人价值的媒介;三、传统游侠精神风貌的讴歌;四、借游侠行乐的贵族生活。
3.In history, the paladin appeared three status: triggerman, noble and civilian.“游侠”在历史上以不同的身份出现 ,或为刺客 ,或为卿相 ,或为布衣。

1.From the Chivalric Poems of the Tang Dynasty Observing the Roaming Swords-men and the Culture of Knight s New Changing in the Tang Dynasty;从唐代游侠诗看唐代游侠及侠文化的新变
2.From Paradins, Gallants to Official Knights--Variations of knights characteristics in Chinese classical literature and their causes;游侠、豪侠、官侠——中国古代文学侠特征的异变及原因
3."Prentice rangers use merchant arrows, expert rangers use custom ones, master rangers use homemade ones."「学徒游侠用现成箭,专家游侠用订制箭,宗师游侠用自制箭。」
4...Let never a cavalier stir you to envy With Boasts of his horse and his horsemanship莫学游侠儿, 矜夸紫骝好。
5.He was a well-known errant knight.他曾是一个著名的游侠
6.On the Paladin Tradition and the Making of Cao Zhi s Swordsman Temperament;论游侠传统与曹植游侠精神气质的形成
7.Q: What's the difference between an Orc Pawn and a Ranger?问:兽人爪牙和游侠有什么区别?
8.Rangers can dual weild but cannot use two hand weapons.游侠可以双挥但不能使用双手武器。
9.Influence of errantry culture on Chinese sports culture development;游侠文化对中国体育文化进程的影响
10.Actor or Paladin?--To Culturally Interpret LIU Xiang-lian s Status and Personality;优伶?游侠?———柳湘莲身份人格的文化解读
11.The Declining Traveling-swordsman──The Image of Cheng JI-chang in sushi s poems and articles.;没落的游侠──东坡诗文中陈季常形象
12.Study on Evolvement and Relationship between Ranger and Scholar in Qin and Han Dynasty秦汉时期士与游侠的演变及关系研究
13.Q: What did one ranger say to the other at the soulbinder?一个游侠在定位点对另一个人说了什么?
14.Baywatch Actresses Traci Bingham Barred Entry to Restaurant in Bikini海滩游侠女星崔西宾汉衣着太清凉遭餐厅档驾
15.The Essentials of Paladin Spirit in Qin-Han Era and the Forming Reasons of the Revenge Convention Psychology;秦汉游侠精神实质与复仇习俗心态成因
16.A Re-examination of the Chinese Knight-errants Status in the Early History of China;关于中国早期历史上游侠身份的重新检讨
17.Poems of Free lance Fighters in the Tang Dynasty and Their Influence on the Poems of the South School;千载有余情——从南社诗歌看唐代游侠诗的足迹
18.This paladin has just started his journey. I hope you will pay a close attention to his later journey.这名游侠的旅行才刚刚开始,希望大家继续关注他以后的行程.

1.There is a very special relationship between knight-errant and Chinese antiquity literature.游侠是中国封建社会特有的一种社会现象,自产生之日起,他的精神就渗透于社会的各个阶层,其节概风义千载而下一直为世人仰慕钦赞。
2.This thesis discusses all sorts of knight-errant literary works before Tang Dynasty, generalizes all sorts of these work s different feature, and concludes knight-errant literary works developing vein during the early days.本文按文体讨论先唐时期各类游侠题材的文学作品,归纳各类作品的不同特点,总结游侠文学初期发展的脉络。
3)Roaming swordsmen游侠
1.The roaming swordsmen and the Forbidden Army in the Tang Dynasty were closely related to each other.唐代游侠与禁军有密切关系 ,或有禁军任侠者 ,或有游侠从军者。
4)view of you xia游侠观
1.Sima Qian lionizes youxia(a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct) for the first time in his Shi Ji,and makes a systematic elaboration of his view of you xia,defining its spiritual features with connotations of personality and quality and denotations of classification.司马迁在《史记》中第一次为游侠树碑立传,并对自己的游侠观作了系统阐发。
5)"Knight-errant Biography"《游侠列传》
6)errantry culture游侠文化
1.Influence of errantry culture on Chinese sports culture development;游侠文化对中国体育文化进程的影响

游侠1.古称豪爽好结交,轻生重义,勇于排难解纷的人。 2.犹任侠。 3.指无赖之徒。