1.We should take precautions against it,guide students to grow up healthily and strengthen education and help to lead them to the good transformation.应实施预护措施,引导学生健康成长;加强教育和帮扶,引导后进生向好的方面转化。
2.The trade union work in China is facing new challenges in the transition of economy and deepening reform of SOEs——how to strengthen to work of helping poor workers group.而我国工会工作在经济体制转型和国企改革进一步深化的环境下遇到了新的挑战———如何加强困难职工群体的帮扶工作这一现实问题。
3.The aim of doing the ideological work well can be achieved by advocating moral,plunging passions,helping others and doing good things as examples.从思想工作艺术的角度,谈如何做好现代思想工作,通过讲道理、情感的投入、对人的帮扶、身正的表帅,达到做好思想工作的目的。

1.Fourth, encouraging all social sectors to aid poor peasant households.四是社会各界帮扶到户,即组织社会各界对贫困农户进行帮扶
2.To ponder over " Double Support" pattern for underprivileged students;高校贫困生“双助型”帮扶模式初探
3.Offer Wholehearted and All out assistance to Help Baise out of Poverty;为了实现共同富裕 竭诚尽力帮扶百色
4.Each department or organization has a specific target of aid and definite responsibilities, keeping up its aid until the aided have shaken off poverty.各帮扶部门和单位都有特定的帮扶对象和明确的任务,要求没有脱贫就不脱钩。
5.The Investigation and Reflection about the Establishment of the Aid-support System among In-need Party Members in the Rural Areas;关于建立农村困难党员帮扶机制的调查与思考
6.The Current Situation and Support System for the Financially-stressed Students in the Universities and Colleges of Guangxi;广西高校贫困生现状及帮扶体系调查分析
7.Analysis of the Poor Universities Psychological Condition and the Assist Countermeasure;高校贫困生心理健康状况及帮扶对策探析
8.Exploration of Constructing and Perfecting the Assisting System in University;构建和完善高校贫困生帮扶体系的探析
9.On the Construction of the System to Help the Girl-Students in Poverty in University;试论贫困女大学生帮扶体系的构建——以云南为例
10.Shenzhen helping Heyuan city s present situation and possible innovative behavior;深圳、河源对口帮扶的现状及可能的创新举措
11.On NGO Development in China and Its Influence on Trade Union Work of Helping Poor Workers;论我国NGO发展对工会困难职工帮扶工作的影响
12.The development dynamics model and its application of the counterpart-assistance system between Fujian and Ningxia;闽宁对口帮扶系统发展动力学模型及其应用
14.Special care for five types of students with special needs关爱和帮扶五种特殊学生群体的实践与探索
15.Exploration and practice on tertiary hospital helping community health care大医院帮扶社区医疗工作的探索与实践
16.Can you help me to stand him up!你能帮我把他扶起来吗?
17.Carrying out activities to help the poor and needy.开展扶贫帮困活动。
18."See, God is my helper: the Lord is the great supporter of my soul."神是帮助我的,是扶持我命的。

education help教育帮扶
3)the assisting system帮扶体系
1.On the basis of analyzing the present situation of the assisting system for needy students in colleges,this article gives some new ideas about this subject as focusing on cultivating students ability,put forward the assisting system of taking government as the foundation,society as the base,school as the key,students as the principal parts.本文在分析了当前高校贫困生帮扶体系现状的前提下,提出了以提高能力为重点,"政府是根本,社会是基础,学校是关键,学生是主体"的帮扶体系,以实现高校贫困生顺利上学、健康发展、理性就业的要求。
5)Helping and Supporting Project帮扶工程
6)twining and help帮扶结对
