1.A Probe into Two Problems of Blackmail Charges;略论敲诈勒索罪的两个重要问题
2.For example, the concept of blackmail, the constitutive elements of crime and the penalty for blackmail.敲诈勒索罪是当今社会危害较大且多发的犯罪。
3.With the growing number of the blackmail,this article illustrates the applications of document testing in blackmail,explaines the funtions of the document evidence in blackmail.针对当前敲诈勒索案件不断增多的现状,文章结合典型案例中文件物证的具体应用,阐述了文件物证在敲诈勒索案件中能够为案件指明侦查方向、为串并案件提供依据及证实犯罪事实等方面的作用,并为类似案件的侦破提供了分析思路和方法。

1.A person who collects money, as for racketeers.敲诈勒索者为敲诈而收钱的人
2.She was sent to prison for blackmail.因犯敲诈勒索罪她被送进监牢。
3.She is sent to prison for blackmail因犯敲诈勒索罪她被送进监牢
4.The extortioner does not practise in the home.流氓不在自己家里敲诈勒索
5.To subject to extortion.被抢劫,被掠夺经历敲诈勒索
6.A person, such as an extortionist, who preys upon others.敲诈勒索者,无情掠夺别人的人
7.You came here to blackmail us.你来这儿的目的是向我们敲诈勒索
8.Shake down peasants by pretending to arrest them以逮捕为要挟向农民敲诈勒索
9.Such extortion cases targeting Web sites are occurring with greater frequency.这种敲诈勒索网站的案发率越来越高。
10.America and the world will not be blackmailed.美国和全世界不会接受敲诈勒索
11.The gang specialized in extorting money from the shop owners那伙歹徒专门敲诈勒索店主的钱财。
12.Whoever extorts public or private property by blackmail, and the amount involved is quite large,敲诈勒索公私财物,数额较大的
13.He acquired his wealth and prosperity by sucking the blood of his miserable victims.他通过敲诈勒索其可怜的受害者而发财致富。
14.Now it houses between600,000 and1.2 m people- no one knows; for sure, it is one of Africa's biggest slums.在那里也是敲诈勒索与暴行发生最频繁的地方。
15.Classification of the Crime of Extortion by the Character of Means;应以手段特征对敲诈勒索犯罪进行分类
16.A Study on the Difference of Extortion Crime and Robbery in Practice论敲诈勒索罪与抢劫罪实践中的区分认定
17.The Application of Document Testing in Blackmail谈文检物证技术在敲诈勒索案件中的重要作用
18.Extortion, taxes, blackmail drove others over to seek a way of living.巧取豪夺,苛捐杂税和敲诈勒索迫使另一些人跑到山里找活路。

blackmail;[slang] racket勒索; 敲诈
3)crime of extortion敲诈勒索罪
1.Difference between crime of robbery and crime of extortion;论抢劫罪与敲诈勒索罪的区别
2.Third,the rights claim is excessive and the method is illegal,the crime of extortion is constituted.对过度维权行为的刑法评价:一是行为人所主张权利超出权利范围,但在手段合法的场合,属于行使权利行为,不构成犯罪;二是行为人所主张的权利没有超出权利范围,但在手段不合法的场合,可能构成财产罪以外的其他犯罪;三是行为人所主张的权利超出权利范围,且在手段非法的场合,则构成敲诈勒索罪。
1.Extortion is a regular onset of property crimes,as a result of China\'s current Criminal Code provisions on the extortion counts used in the form of simple,there is no clear judicial interpretation,resulting,in practice in the administration of justice in the definition of the crime of serious differences.敲诈勒索罪是一种常发性的财产犯罪,由于我国现行刑法对敲诈勒索罪的规定采用的简单罪状的形式,也没有明确的司法解释,导致在司法实践中在本罪的界定上存在严重分歧。
6)racketeering enterprise敲诈勒索集团
