1.The jury system of China has powerful functions of democracy.我国的人民陪审制具有强大的民主功能,但是在中国的司法实践中,人民陪审制遭遇了极大困境,因而我们必须在制度上完善它。
2.After the birth in 30\'s of the 20th century, the people\'s jury system has passed the course of more than half a century, its historical development can be described as full of twists and turns.人民陪审制度自20世纪30年代诞生以来已走过了半个多世纪的历程,其历史发展可谓一波三折。

1.The jury brought in a verdict of "not guilty."陪审团宣判“无罪”。
2.Trial by jury or jury trial有陪审团参国的审判
3.Jury trial may be waived.陪审团的审理可以免去。
4.The jury is/are still out, ie Members of the jury are still thinking about their decision.陪审团仍在进行审议.
5.A jury making such an inquiry.验尸陪审团进行上述调查的陪审
6.He tried to nobble one of the jurors .他企图收买陪审团中一个陪审员。
7.To enroll(a jury)upon a panel or list.将(一位陪审员)列入陪审员名单
8.Those persons selected from this list to compose a jury.陪审员从陪审员名单中选出的组成陪审团的那些人
9.A person summoned to jury duty under a venire.陪审员候选人受陪审员召集令召集履行陪审职责的人
10.The Reasonableness of Jury System and the Reasonable System of Assessors--To Justify the System of Assessors of China;陪审制的理性与理性的陪审制——为人民陪审制辩护
11.On the Jury System Perfecting from the View of Presenting without Hearing论陪审制度的完善——以人民陪审员陪而不审为视角
12.prevent from reaching a verdict, of a jury.使陪审团无法做出决定。
13.attempt to bribe a jury with offers of money试图以金钱贿赂陪审
14.9. Transmission of the File to the Panel9.向陪审团传送文件
15.sounding out the sense of the electorate on capital punishment.陪审团宣告判决为死刑
16.The jury ruled that the charges were not proven.陪审团判定指控不成立。
17.The grasshopper turned to the jury.那只蚱蜢转向了陪审团。
18.The jury bring in or returned a verdict of not guilty.陪审团作出无罪的裁定。

jury system陪审
1.In neoteric and modern society, jury system, asa democratic model in which normal citizen can directly take part injudicial activities, and a guarantee mechanism for human right, has beenhighly emphasized and confirm.陪审制度是法院依法吸收普通民众(非职业法官)参加民事、刑事案件审理的一种重要的司法审判制度,它起源于古希腊和古罗马,产生并发展于英国,辉煌于美国,改造于法、德等国家。
1.Investigation on the Campus Jury System under American Constitution Vision;美国宪法视野中的校园陪审团制度研究
2.Analysis of the content of the jury system in the U.S.campus;美国校园陪审团制度的内涵探析
3.A Study on the Formation of British Jury System in the Medieval;中世纪英国陪审团制度成因探究
1.There are serious defects in our select procedure of juror, and so make it due is a difficulty task.陪审员的选任程序是否具有正当性是陪审制度的核心问题。
2.Jury institution is a democratic system of jurisdiction, in which the jurors and judges are both the executors.陪审员与法官是同一审判权的行使者 ,其相互关系是以微观分权的方式实现权力制衡。
3.Therefore the jurors are not willing to do their work,the courts are not likely to use this legal structure,and so the jury system does not function well.于是陪审员不愿陪审 ,法院不愿意实行陪审 ,陪审作用与功能难以发挥 ;陪审制度应从陪审员的选用方式、任期、资格、权利与义务、培训与监督几方面改革和完善 ,并采取强化社会民主意识、完善陪审制度立法和诉讼制度等措施 ,才能达到目
5)jury system陪审制度
1.The Exploration of Jury System in China——From the View of Comparative Law;探究中国陪审制度的出路——从比较法的角度分析
2.Subject:Mixed Justice——jurisprudence vindication on Chinese jury system;混合的正义:对我国陪审制度的法理辩护
3.The Declining of the British Jury——On the reform of jury system in British judicial reform;英国陪审团的没落——小议英国司法改革中的陪审制度改革
6)jury system陪审团制
1.The jury system and the mixed system are the two basic models for public participation in adjudication.陪审团制与参审制是民众参与裁判制度的两种基本模式,我国的人民陪审员制度本质上属于参审制。
2.The jury system which reflects judicial democracy and judicial fair generally exists all present-day countries in the world, according to the differences of form, it can be divided into two forms: jury system that represents the jury system in the law system of Britain and America ,attend system that represents the countries of continental system.体现司法民主化和审判公正的陪审制度普遍存在于当代世界各国的立法与司法中,根据其形式的不同,又可分为以英美法系国家为代表的陪审团制和以大陆法系国家为代表的参审制两种。
3.Because of the difference of legal tradition and humanism, jury system shows different form in anglo-american law system and continental law system.英美法系国家实行的是陪审团制 ,而包括我国在内的大陆法系国家实行的则是参审制。
