1.On the issue of who should be the supervisor to control investigation power,due to jurisprudential culture difference,acquaintance of magistrate,judge,judicial,bail,warrant may be misread,accordingly,copying common law mechanism is fallible.在侦查控权主体设计上,学界在对治安法官权力性质、法官名称、司法概念、保释率、签发令状等诸多问题上存有一定的误区,从而照搬国外的司法审查机制恐有失当。
2.Hong Kong Justice of the peace proceeded from magistrate in Britain.香港太平绅士源于英国的治安法官,它的成功移植主要满足了香港传统社会的"士绅"情结,在一定层面化解了殖民地社会对殖民政权的排斥。

1.Magistrate be responsible to the lord chancellor .治安法官对大法官负责。
2.A group of magistrates in an area一组治安法官坐的地方
3.Group of magistrate in an area.一组治安法官坐的地方。
4.The magistrates committed her for trial at the Crown Court.治安法官将她带到巡回刑事法庭受审.
5.The magistrate bound him over to be of good behaviour.治安法官使他具结保证表现好。
6.The magistrate bind him over to be of good behaviour治安法官使他具结保证表现好
7.Chapter 4 and chapter 5 introduced how petty constable and justice of the peace enforced the law .第四章分别介绍了教区警官和郡上的治安法官的治理犯罪的状况。
8.On Judicial Popularization--Insight into the British Magistrate System;司法的大众化与平民化——英国治安法官制度管窥
9.Magistrate who is not usually a qualified lawyer as opposed to a stipendiary magistrate通常不是一个合格律师的治安法官,它与领薪裁判官相对
10.Magistrate who is not usually a qualified lawyer( as opposed to a stipendiary magistrate).通常不是一个合格律师的治安法官,它与领薪裁判官相对。
11.The magistrate fined him30pounds for drunkenness.治安法官以酗酒的罪名处他罚锾三十英镑。
12.In view of the age of the accused the magistrate give him a suspend sentence.鉴于被告的年龄,治安法官给他缓期处刑。
13.This is the last case which the magistrate will hear before lunch .午饭前,这是治安法官将审理的最后一个案子。
14.The magistrate comment on the obscenity of some parts of the film.治安法官对电影某些部分的淫秽处作了评论。
15.He is the justice of the peace that jug me for a vagrant.他就是把我作为游民关进牢房的治安法官
16.a lawman with less authority and jurisdiction than a sheriff.权威和权限仅次于郡治安官的执法官。
17.An officer, such as a bailiff or constable, who carries a tipstaff.持杖者持金属头手杖的官员,如法警和治安官员
18.The magistrate said: "I shall bind you over to keep the peace."法官说:“我要你具结保证不再妨害治安。”

justice of the peace治安法官
3)the justice of the peace有治安法官
4)county commissioner郡治安法官
5)(US)justice of the peace or local judge治安法官;地方法官.
6)no salary public security magistrate无薪治安法官
