
1.One that mortgages property.抵押人抵押财物的人
2.(1) The mortgagor and the mortgagee shall sign a building property mortgage contract;(一)抵押人和承押人签订房产抵押合同;
3."upon the lodgment by the mortgagor or mortgagee of the mortgage instrument and memorandum of discharge,"抵押人或抵押权人将抵押文书及解除抵押备忘录送交后,
4.A mortgagor may at the same time mortgage all the property listed in the preceding paragraph.抵押人可以将前款所列财产一并抵押。
5."Where a mortgage is discharged, the mortgage instrument with a memorandum of discharge in the specified form endorsed thereon "凡抵押获解除时,抵押人或抵押权人须将抵押文书连同解除抵押备忘录送交注册官,
6.subject to foreclosing procedures; take away the right of mortgagors to redeem their mortgage.使服从取消抵押品赎回权程序;剥夺抵押人赎回抵押的权利。
7.the name and address of each mortgagor;每名抵押人的姓名地址;
8.Renminbi loans mortgaged by foreign exchange外汇抵押人民币贷款
9.Losses suffered by the mortgagee as a result thereof shall be compensated by the mortgagor.承押人因此所受的损失由抵押人赔偿。
10.(1) The surnames and given names (title) of the mortgagor and the name or title of the mortgagee;(一)抵押人姓名(名称)和承押人的名称;
11.The debtor whose property is subject to the mortgage is called the mortgagor.其财产被按揭抵押的债务人被称为抵押人.
12.Article51 Where a mortgagor's acts are likely to cause the value of the mortgaged property to decline, the mortgagee shall be entitled to demand that the mortgagor cease and deist from such acts.第五十一条抵押人的行为足以使抵押物价值减少的,抵押权人有权要求抵押人停止其行为。
13.by a mortgagee of such land in breach of any of the terms on which the mortgage was authorized under paragraph 4 of the Schedule.违反附表第4项规定之抵押条件之受抵押人
14."the amount due under any registered mortgage, which shall be paid to the mortgagee;"根据注册抵押所欠款项,此款须付予受抵押人
15.(6) The liability to make compensation that the mortgagor shall bear if he causes damage to the mortgaged building property;(六)抵押人造成抵押房产损毁时应负的赔偿责任;
16.About how to identify the mortgager in case of mortgage of a common shared vessel;如何认定按份共有船舶抵押中的抵押人
17.One that holds a mortgage.抵押权人持有一抵押契据或财物的人
18.One who makes or gives a pledge.抵押者作出或给出抵押的人

1.The thesis discusses the legal efficacy of the limitation to the mortgager and the protection to the right of the person holding the hypothec after the mortgage is set up according to law.本文主要探讨了抵押依法成立后 ,对抵押人行为所产生的限制和对抵押权人权利的保护等法律效力问题。
1.There is close connection between the legal attributes of mortgage and the rights of mortgagee.抵押权的法律属性与抵押权人的权利有着密切联系。
2.The Property Right Law(Draft) should expressly permit creating mortgage interests over all legilimate movables and delete the requirement for mortgagee s consent.我国物权法应明确规定合法动产均可设定抵押,取消抵押人转让抵押财产须经抵押权人同意的规定;同时为平衡抵押权人与受让人之间的利益冲突,保护交易安全,针对抵押人转让抵押财产是无偿、有偿、价格是否合理等不同情形,分别予以规制。
6)owner mortgage所有人抵押
1.Distinguish the differen condition for the accessory thing,admit owner mortgage under the principle of order updating.在采取抵押权次序升进原则的情况下,应当承认所有人抵押。
2.The system of owner mortgage can抰 find its expression in our nation抯 Guarantee Law.所有人抵押制度在我国担保法中未有明确表述,虽然有关司法解释有触及,但很不完善。

关于外商投资企业外汇抵押人民币贷款的暂行办法关于外商投资企业外汇抵押人民币贷款的暂行办法 关于外商投资企业外汇抵押人民币货旅的暂行办法 (1986年n月26日中国人民银行发布) 根据《国务院关于鼓励外商投资的规定》,为开展外汇抵押人民币贷款业务,特制定本办法。 第一条抵押贷款的对象。凡在中华人民共和国境内注册的中外合资经营企业、中外合作经营企业和外资企业,均可以其自有外汇(包括从境外借人外汇)作抵押,申请办理人民币贷款。第二条抵押贷款的用途。可以用于流动资金,也可以用于固定资产投资。 第三条抵押贷款的种类和期限。抵押贷款分短期和中长期两种。短期抵押贷款的期限分3个月、6个月、1年。中长期抵押贷款为1年以上,最长不超过5年。 第四条抵押外币的种类。用于抵押的外汇,目前限于美元、日元、港元、联邦德国马克和英镑5种。 第五条抵押贷款业务除经济特区外,由中国人民银行委托中国银行和其它金融机构办理。 第六条抵押贷款的申请。申请抵押单位应先到国家外汇管理局或其分局申报外汇、资金来源和数额,经核准后到中国人民银行指定的委托行办理贷款申请手续,填写借款申请书。 第七条抵押贷款的发放。.抵押单位提出的申请,经银行审查同意后,应与受托行签订《借款合同》。 第八条抵押贷款的收回。贷款未到期,抵押单位不能提前归还。贷款到期后,抵押单位应归还原数额人民币贷款,受托银行退回原数额抵押外汇,不受汇率变动的影响。到期不能归还人民币贷款的,抵押外汇归中国人民银行所有。凡以境外借人外汇做抵押的,仍由抵押单位对原债务关系中的债权人履行偿还外债本息的义务。气 第九条人民币贷款数额的计算。银行对抵押单位发放的人民币贷款,最高不得超过抵押品按抵押日国家外汇管理局公布的人民币汇价(买人价)所计算的数额。 第十条银行发放的人民币贷款与抵押单位付的抵押外汇,相互不计利息。 第十一条本办法解释权属于中国人民银行。 第十二条本办法自公布之日起实行。