1.In the paper based on the hydrological data and water quality data of the Huaihe River and the demand of management goal of landscape entertain function area of the Huaihe near Bengbu,water environmental capacity and reduction is calculate文章根据水文、水质实测资料及淮河蚌埠景观娱乐用水区水质管理目标要求,按一维水质模型,计算出淮河蚌埠段景观娱乐用水区的水环境容量及污染物削减量

1.reduction planning of pollutant at river outfall河流排污口污染物削减量规划
2.Research on Incentive Regulatory Policy in Reducing Major Pollutants--Take the Reducing of COD in Waste Water Treatment Firms as Example主要污染物削减的激励性管制政策研究——以提高污水处理过程中的COD削减量为例
3.cut prices, taxes, spending, production削价、 减税、 紧缩开支、 减少产量
4.The company reduce output because of a fall in demand.由于需求量下降,公司削减了产量。
5.We have to trim a lot off our travel budget我们当时只好大量削减旅行预算
6.The drought made no appreciable dent on total production.旱灾并没有使总产量有多大的削减。
7.The emergency order drastically curtailed the use of fuel紧急命令大大削减了燃料的用量。
8.swingeing cuts in public services公用事业费用的大量削减.
9.the state of impairing the quality or reducing the value of something.削弱质量或减少某物的价值。
10.The talks resulted in reducing the number of missiles/missile reduction.谈判结果削减了导弹数量.
11.They agreed to maintain production and refrain from severe wage reductions.他们同意维持生产,禁止大量削减工资。
12.They report substantial slashes in this year's defense outlays.他们报道今年度国防经费的大量削减。
13.We had to trim a lot off our travel budget.我们当时只好大量削减旅行预算.
14.We must cut down on the amount of material we use.我们必须削减原料使用量。
15.We shall have to trim our spending down to fit out income.我们得削减开支,量入为出。
16.diseases peculiar to koalas began to take their toll.无尾熊特有的疾病也开始大量削减它们的数量。
17.Production of the nation's largest oil field has been cut back again due to a bad compressor.由于压缩机故障,美国最大油田的产量再度削减。
18.Military forces in central Europe should be reduced, not augmented.中欧的军事力量应当削减而不应当增加。

energy reduce rate能量削减
3)quantity curtailment流量削减
4)total amount reduction总量削减
5)cutting output削减产量
6)production cutback产量削减
