无铅汽油,unleaded gasoline
1)unleaded gasoline无铅汽油
1.Improvement on Determination of Lead in Unleaded Gasoline by MIBK-Glacial Acetic Acid System;应用MIBK-冰醋酸体系改进无铅汽油中铅含量的测定
2.A study on Burden of disease since the Application Unleaded gasoline in Shanghai;无铅汽油推广使用以来儿童铅暴露对智力影响的疾病负担变化趋势分析研究
3.ObjectiveTo explore the health effect of air pollution frommotor vehicle emission on school pupils after introduction of unleaded gasoline.[结论]无铅汽油对于降低学生血铅有积极意义 ,但是无铅汽油并不是无害汽油 ,汽车尾气的治理仍然是任重道

1.Leaded or unleaded?含铅还是无铅汽油?
2.We have regular, highest, and lead-free.我们有一般汽油、高级汽油和无铅汽油
3.Three gallons of unleaded, please.请加3 加仑无铅汽油
4.Cleansing of Vehicle - Use Unleaded Gasoline & Gasoline Cleansing Agents;车用无铅汽油的清洁化与汽油清净剂
5.My gas tank needs to be filled with unleaded.我的油槽必须加满无铅汽油
6.The use of lead-free petrol is now being phased in.无铅汽油的应用现正逐步推广.
7.Oh, by the way, the gas for this car is regular unleaded.哦,对了!这部车子是用普通的无铅汽油
8.I haven’t noticed any significant reduction in the performance of my car since switching to unleaded fuel.用无铅汽油后,我发现汽车性能并没有明显降低。
9.The detonation pressure and velocity for gasoline/ water emulsion is smaller than those for straight-run gasoline.渗水乳化汽油的爆震压力和速度低于直馏无铅汽油
10.Gasoline cleansing agent, in its turn, is an item in the process of vehicle- use gasoline cleansing of most importance.汽油清净剂则是车用无铅汽油清洁化过程中不可或缺的重要内容。
11.Use unleaded gasolines having a minimum posted octane of 8使用的无铅汽油应具有最小标号87辛烷。
12.In Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other large cities, deadlines for shifting to the use of lead-free gasoline were set.北京、上海、广州等大城市限期推广使用无铅汽油
13.Design and Develop of Alloy Valve Seat Insert (VSI) in the Engine of Lead-Free Gasoline;无铅汽油发动机合金排气阀座圈的设计及研制
14.Design and Study of Valve Seat Insert Which Used for Automobile Engine of Lead Free Gasoline;无铅汽油发动机双层排气阀座圈的设计及研制
15.A Study on Quality Transition of Vehicle - Use Unleaded Gasoline during Storage & Transportation;车用无铅汽油储运过程中的质量变化研究
16.While you are about it, top me with a gallon or so of unleaded .趁你现在修车,请给我加1加仑左右的无铅汽油把油箱灌满。
17.While you're about it, top me with a gallon or so of unleaded.趁你现在修车,请给我加l 加仑左右的无铅汽油把油箱灌满。
18.The influential factors of gasoline (RON 90) discoloration and relevant retardation measures影响90号无铅汽油变色的因素及延缓变色的措施

lead-free gasoline无铅汽油
1.Study on exhaust valve seat for lead-free gasoline 462Q engines;462Q无铅汽油汽车发动机排气阀座圈的研究
2.The forecasted and tested plumbum contents in TSP of the ambient air of the main traffic line after using lead-free gasoline show that after using lead-free gasoline, there is a great decline of plumbum content in TSP of the ambient air and a difference between the two results.对长春市区主要交通干线环境空气 TSP中 Pb的含量进行测试 ,结果表明 ,无铅汽油使用后长春市区环境空气 TSP中 Pb的含量有了较大程度的下降 ,但测试结果与预测结果之间存在着一定差异 。
3.After making comparisons through experimentation,it is proven that the material has excellent high temperature strength,high wear resistance,good corrosion resistance and thus is suitable for use in lead-free gasoline engine.通过对比性实验 ,证明其具有优良的高温强度、耐磨性、耐蚀性 ,能满足无铅汽油发动机的要求。
3)non-lead gasoline无铅汽油
4)net gasoline凈汽油;无铅汽油
1.Objective To evaluate basic toxicities of MTBE UG and to look for valuable indicators on health surveillance.结果 大、小鼠经口LD50 分别为 15 730、15 86 0mg/kg·bw ;经呼吸道LC50 分别为 12 35 0 0、114380mg/m3 :兔经皮LD50 >5 0 0 0mg/kg·bw ;小鼠蓄积系数K >5LC50 ;亚慢性毒性试验中血常规未见异常 ;高、中剂量组的谷丙转氨酶 (ALT)高于低剂量组 ,差别有显著性 ;MTBE无铅防爆汽油 3个剂量组的免疫球蛋白A(IgA)含量均低于汽油染毒组和对照组 ,差别有统计学意义 ;MTBE无铅汽油 3个剂量组及汽油组肝脏、肾脏的脏器系数与对照组相比差异有显著性 ,汽油组肺的脏器系数与对照组相比差别有统计学意义 ,病理切片显示MTBE无铅汽油引起肝细胞透明变性和肾近曲小管上皮细胞变性及肾近曲小管蛋白管型。
6)unleaded petrol不含铅汽油;无铅汽油
