1.On Mystery in Han Shaogong’s Fictions试论韩少功小说创作中的神秘色彩
2.The shining ideal of connection in the mystery and muddle of the world-an interpretation of Forster's A Passage to India混乱而神秘的世界里熠熠生辉的联结理想——解读福斯特的《印度之行》
3.But the mystery is a Utopian dream about folk myth,or is what puzzles the author himself.《秦腔》通过对神秘兮兮的人、具有灵性的动物以及充满神秘和危险的大自然等意象的呈现,以期再现以清风街为代表的商州民间神秘文化。

1.Photographer: I need mysterious face. Can you show mysterious. Mysterious.我需要神秘的脸.给我神秘感.神秘感.
2.To make obscure or mysterious.使…难解,使…神秘
3.Of or relating to mysticism or mystics.神秘家的、神秘主义(者)的属于或关于神秘主义或神秘主义者的
4.cabbala =cabalan. 犹太神秘哲学
5.Something intended to mystify.神秘举动有意神秘化的事物
6.The academic mystery is a subgenre of the mystery novel.学术性神秘小说是神秘小说的一种
7.mysterious symbols; the mystical style of Blake; occult lore; the secret learning of the ancients.神秘的符号;布莱克的神秘风格;玄妙的箴言;古代的神秘学问。
8.carry away rapidly and secretly, as if mysteriously.迅速而秘密地像神秘似地带走。
9.Secrets and mysteries unto thee shall unveil."直到你将揭开秘密和神秘面纱。”
10.The prosecutor had an ace in the hole: an eyewitness.检举人有秘密武器(神秘王牌):目击者。
11."Silent Snow, Secret Snow"幽静的雪,神秘的地
12.There was an air of mystery in the house.屋内有种神秘的气氛。
13.sensuously smooth, mysteriously mellow.美妙的温和,神秘的醇和。
14.The mysterious precincts of the old monastery.老修道院的神秘围地
15.Scorpio: Be Mysterious and Be Passionate神秘而多情的天蝎座
16.He mused on the my stery of death.他深思死亡的神秘
17.Protestant mystics.新教徒的神秘主义者
18.a melody of mystery and beauty.是神秘优美的美妙乐声。

1.,the authors explore comprehensively and deeply the mysterious phenomenon forms of the Chinese martial arts forms,"mysterious" reasons,the essence of the "mysterious" phenomenon and the role of "mystery" in martial arts development—these four troubled current martial arts development.运用文献资料、逻辑分析等方法,从传统哲学思想、中医学思想、养生学思想、"文事武备"的人才观等不同内在侧面和武术的传承方式、传播媒介、民间传说等不同的外在侧面,全面深入地探讨了中华武术神秘现象的表现形式、出现"神秘"现象的原因、"神秘现象"的实质及"神秘感"对武术发展的作用,这四个困扰当前武术发展的重要问题。
2.The business people from Bosi, Dashi, Xiyu, Huihu and Nanyue highlights the stories describing business and business people with their special business and mysterious way of trading.唐代作为我国古代经济和文化发展的一个高峰,首次出现了一批描写商贾内容的小说,而其中来自波斯、大食、西域、回鹘、南越等地的异域商人则因其特殊的经营内容和神秘的经营方式给唐代的商贾小说留下了浓墨重彩的一笔。
3)occult sciences秘术;神秘学
1.The purification methods of miraculin were reviewed including dialysis, solvent extraction and chromatography in this paper.神秘果素是一种能使酸味变甜的碱性糖蛋白。
2.The mature peptide of miraculin consists of 191 amino acids and has taste-modifying activity in the forms of dimmers or tetramers, but not in monomers.神秘果素(miraculin)是从一种原产于西非的植物神秘果(Synsepalum dulcificum)中分离的、具有味觉改变功能的特异糖蛋白。
5)Mystery Survey神秘人
1.The Mystery Survey which is broadly used is an effective way to reduce the "Delivery Gap" in the total service gap.在众多控制连锁零售店服务质量的方法中,神秘人的方法可以缩小服务质量差距中的“传递差距”,现已被越来越多的连锁品牌所使用。
6)the mysterious number of nine神秘数九
