1.A clinical discussion on different doses of bupivacaine with fentanyl in spinal anesthesia on cesarean section;不同剂量布吡卡因伍用芬太尼腰麻用于剖宫产术的临床探讨
2.Comparison of ropivacaine with bupivacaine used for cervical plexus nerve blockade;罗吡卡因和布吡卡因用于颈丛神经阻滞的效果观察
3.This trial was designed to investigate the profile of the pharmacokinetics of lidocaine and bupivacaine during epidural anesthesia in dogs.为研究利多卡因(lidocaine)和布吡卡因(bupivacaine)行硬膜外阻滞时的药代动力学特征,将16只健康犬随机分成2组(n=8),硬膜外阻滞时按体质量分别注入2%利多卡因6mg/kg和0。

1.A clinical discussion on different doses of bupivacaine with fentanyl in spinal anesthesia on cesarean section不同剂量布吡卡因伍用芬太尼腰麻用于剖宫产术的临床探讨
2.Enhanced Effects of BoNT/A DNA Vaccines by Electric Pulses and Bupivacaine电脉冲和布吡卡因增强A型肉毒毒素DNA核酸疫苗的免疫效果
3.Investigation on Synthesis of Ropivacaine Hydrochloride and Bupivacaine Hydrochloride;盐酸罗哌卡因和盐酸布比卡因的合成工艺研究
4.To compare the differences in analgesia effect and complication of the same concentrated ropivacaine and Bupivacaine after epidural anaesthesia in children罗比卡因与布比卡因用于小儿术后镇痛的比较
5.Clinical Study of Ropivacaine and Bupivacaine Plus Sufentanyl for Epidural Labor Analgesia罗哌卡因与布比卡因用于分娩镇痛的临床研究
6.Comparison Between Ropivacaine and Bupivacaine in Block Anesthesia of Cervical Plexus罗哌卡因与布比卡因用于颈丛阻滞的比较
7.Study on the Decomposition Kinetics of Lidocaine, Procaine and Bupivacaine in Biological Specimens;利多卡因、普鲁卡因和布比卡因在生物样品中的分解动力学研究
8.Comparison of effects of low concentration bupivacaine,lidocaine,and tetracaine solutions in painless childbirth低浓度布比卡因、利多卡因、地卡因用于无痛分娩效果的比较
9.Simultaneous Determination of Tetracaine and Procaine in Human Plasma by Capillary Electrophoresis with Electrochemiluminescence Detection毛细管电泳-联吡啶钌电化学发光法对血浆中丁卡因与普鲁卡因的同时测定
10.Comparison of isobaric levobupivacaine with isobaric bupivacaine for lumbar anesthesia in caesarean section左布比卡因与布比卡因腰麻用于剖宫产术的比较
11.Objective To compare the anesthetic effects of levobupivacaine, bupivacaine and ropivacaine in caesarean operation.目的:比较左旋布比卡因与布比卡因和罗哌卡因腰麻用于剖宫产手术的麻醉效应。
12.Comparison the effect of Ropivacaine Mesylate,Bupivacaine,Levobupivacaine to low epidural anesthesia甲磺酸罗哌卡因、左旋布比卡因与布比卡因低位硬膜外麻醉90例效能比较
13.Clinical observation on lidocaine absorbent gauzes to emolliate cervix uteri for parturient利多卡因纱布软化宫颈的临床观察
14.Study on the postmortem distribution of bupivacaine in epidural anesthesia death dogs布比卡因在硬膜外麻醉致死犬体内的分布
15.A comparison between 0 75% Ropivacaine and 0 5% Bupivacaine in epidural anesthesia for caesarean section0.75%罗哌卡因和0.5%布比卡因用于硬膜外阻滞剖宫产手术的比较
16.Comparison of the Efficiency of Ropivacaine and Bupivacaine for Spinal Anesthesia in Elderly Patients Undergoing Lower Limb Surgery老年患者罗哌卡因与布比卡因蛛网膜下腔阻滞效果的比较
17.Pharmacokinetics of Lidocaine and Bupivacaine that Injected into the Epidural Cavity of Children During Epidural Anesthesia小儿硬膜外腔内注入布比卡因、利多卡因的药动学研究
18.Clinical analysis of ropivacaine compared to bupivacaine for combined spinal-epidural anesthesia罗哌卡因与布比卡因用于腰-硬联合阻滞的临床比较

Levo bupivacaine左旋布吡卡因
1.Clinical observation on epidural analgesia with Ropivacaine combined with small dose of Fentanyl for labor analgesia;罗吡卡因复合小量芬太尼硬膜外分娩镇痛的临床观察
2.Comparison of ropivacaine with bupivacaine used for cervical plexus nerve blockade;罗吡卡因和布吡卡因用于颈丛神经阻滞的效果观察
3.Methods Fifty patients were randomized to receive a total of 286mg (66ml) ropivacaine or 66ml saline via periportal and intraperitoneal infiltration. 方法随机将 5 0例病人分为对照组和实验组 ,在门静脉周围和腹膜内分别浸润生理盐水 6 6ml和罗吡卡因 6 6ml;术后 3h记录疼痛和恶心的程度、部位及所补充的哌替啶用量。
1.Preparation and physical and chemical characteristic evaluation of bupivacaine human serum albumin microspheres;盐酸布比卡因人血清白蛋白微球的制备工艺及其理化特性研究
2.Clinical Observation of Obstetrics Analgesia in Varied Concentration of Tramadol and Bupivacaine;不同浓度曲马多复合布比卡因用于产科镇痛的临床观察
3.Clinical investigation of patient-controlled epidureal analgesia with 0.125% Bupivacaine plus fentany in labour;0.125%布比卡因复合芬太尼用于产妇自控硬膜外分娩镇痛的临床观察
