直肠癌,Rectal cancer
1)Rectal cancer直肠癌
1.Radiotherapy with Tetrandrine for locally advanced and recurrent rectal cancer;汉防己甲素配合放疗治疗局部晚期和复发直肠癌的临床研究
2.No-tumor technique in laparoscopy surgery for rectal cancer;腹腔镜直肠癌切除术中的无瘤技术
3.Clinical Significance of Serum Carbohydrate Antigen 50、Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor Levels in Patients with Rectal Cancer;直肠癌患者血清CA50、M-CSF测定的临床意义

1.Colorectal cancer: Malignant tumour of the large intestine (colon) or rectum.结肠直肠癌:结肠或直肠的恶性肿瘤。
2.47 rectal carcinoma included: 3 in upper rectum, 4 in middle rectum, 40 in lower rectum.47例直肠癌包括:3例上段直肠癌,4例中段直肠癌,40例下段直肠癌
3.have had colorectal cancer or have had polyps removed患有结肠直肠癌或已做手术去除息肉
4.Clinical research of colostomy after Miles operation for rectal cancer直肠癌Miles术后结肠造口的临床研究
5.Left colorectal cancer diagnosis and treatment of 40 cases of intestinal obstruction caused by左半结、直肠癌致肠梗阻40例诊治分析
6.Analysis of diagnosis and treatment of intestinal obstruction of 56 patients with colon or rectum cancer结直肠癌合并肠梗阻56例诊治分析
7.Evaluation of surgical management of colorectal carcinoma with acute intestinal obstruction结直肠癌并急性肠梗阻68例临床分析
8.Experience in diagnosis and treatment of 85 colorectal carcinoma patients complicated with intestinal obstruction结直肠癌并急性肠梗阻85例诊治体会
9.Zedoary Yellow on Rectal Cancer Cells in Vitro莪黄抗癌方对直肠癌细胞的实验研究
10.The Cause,Prevention and Treatment of Rectovaginal Fistula Following Total Mesorectal Excision(TME) in Rectal Cancer低位直肠癌全直肠系膜切除术后直肠阴道瘘的诊断和治疗
11.Treatment of low rectal cancer with modified Dixon operation荷包环扎式结直肠吻合保肛术治疗低位直肠癌
12.Microscopic Spread of Rectal Cancer in Regions of Mesorectum and Its Curative Surgical Management;直肠癌直肠系膜区域微转移与手术根治
13.Clinical Analysis of Total Mesorectal Excision on 72 Rectal Cancer Patients;直肠全系膜切除术治疗直肠癌72例临床分析
14.Radical Resection with Total Mesorectal Excision (TME) for the Treatment of Rectal Cancer: Report of 82 Cases;全直肠系膜切除术治疗直肠癌82例临床分析
15.Influence of the Level of Anastomosis to Functional Outcome after Anterior Rectal Resection for Rectal Carcinoma;吻合口水平对直肠癌术后肛管直肠功能的影响
16.Histopathology and Molecular Pathology Investigation of Rectal Cancer Spreading in Mesorectum;直肠癌直肠系膜播散的组织及分子病理学研究
17.Preliminary observation of super rectal artery chemoembolization in curing rectal carcinoma;经直肠上动脉化疗栓塞治疗直肠癌的初步观察
18.Diagnostic Study of Transrectal Ultrasonography in the Preoperative Staging of Rectal Carcinoma直肠腔内超声对直肠癌术前分期诊断的研究

Rectum cancer直肠癌
1.The relation of age and cinical pathologic characteristics in patients with rectum cancer;直肠癌患者年龄与临床病理学特征的关系
2.Comparison of 3-dimension conformal and intensity-modulated radiation therapy plans for rectum cancer;直肠癌三维适形和调强放疗物理计划的比较研究
3.Clinical analysis of recurrent rectum cancer;直肠癌复发再手术的临床分析
3)carcinoma of rectum直肠癌
1.Research on the relationship between chemosensitivity in vitro and clinical chemotherapy in carcinoma of rectum;直肠癌体外药敏试验与临床疗效的相关性研究
2.The prevention of the fistula of close entrance of carcinoma of rectum by washing colon in operation and washing pelvic cavity after operation;术中灌洗结肠及术后持续冲洗骶盆对预防直肠癌低位吻合口瘘的研究
4)Rectum carcinoma直肠癌
1.Ameliorative investigation of methods on treating perineum wound in Miles operation of rectum carcinoma;直肠癌Miles术会阴创口处理方法的改进
2.Objective To evaluate the near therapeutic effect and toxicity of civcombination with chemotherapy oxaliplatin(L-OHP),calcium folinate(CF) and 5-Fluorouracil(5-Fu) on rectum carcinoma.目的评价草酸铂(L-OHP)联合亚叶酸钙(CF)和氟尿嘧啶(5-Fu)时辰化疗方案治疗直肠癌近期疗效和毒副作用。
3.Objective To explore the cause and treatment of the abnormal stool after the operation of rectum carcinoma resection with reserving the anus.目的 探讨直肠癌保肛术后排便异常的原因和治疗。
5)colorectal carcinoma结肠直肠癌
1.Progress on Therapy of Liver Metastases of Colorectal Carcinoma;结肠直肠癌肝转移的治疗新进展
2.Objective:To study and compare the immunologic functions of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL),lymph node lymphocytes (LNL) and peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) in the patients with colorectal carcinoma.目的 :研究结肠直肠癌患者外周血淋巴细胞、肿瘤浸润淋巴细胞、肿瘤引流淋巴结淋巴细胞的免疫学功能 ,为研究结肠直肠癌患者的过继性细胞免疫治疗积累实验资料。
6)Colorectal cancer结肠直肠癌
1.Objective: To investigate recent risk factors of colorectal cancer in Wuhan, China.目的研究武汉市结肠直肠癌的危险因素。

直肠癌直肠癌 直肠粘膜的恶性肿瘤。其发病率仅次于胃癌和食道癌,多发生于40岁以上的男性。病因不明,但认为与直肠的某些疾病有关,如息肉、腺瘤等。临床表现:早期为大便习惯的改变,或粘液血便;晚期除上述症状加重外,有排便困难、腹胀腹痛。侵犯至骶骨神经丛时,直肠内或骶尾部出现剧烈的持续性疼痛。应早期行手术治疗。