HPV感染,HPV infection
1)HPV infectionHPV感染
1.ObjectiveTo investigate HPV infection ratio in cervical squamous carcinoma and affection by radiotherapy and chemotherapy on molecular level.结论 :宫颈鳞癌的发生发展与HPV感染关系密切 ;术前术后即治疗前后HPV感染无差异
2.2 cohort is non HPV infection, include 64 cases of simplex herpes virus-2(HSV-Ⅱ), 223 chlamydi trachomatis(CT) and.结果在HPV感染的尖锐湿疣患者中发生CIN者占20。
3.Methods:To analysis the material after questionnaire 245 Woman with cervical cancer about the information of cervical cancer and sexual behavior , cognition degree about the knowledge of HPV infection .对宫颈涂片的认知程度与避孕措施与HPV感染有关。

1.Efficacy and Safety of Quadrivalent HPV Vaccine in Preventing Cervical Cancer and Infection and Diseases Associated With Vaccine-type HPV:a Meta-analysis四价HPV疫苗预防宫颈癌、HPV感染相关疾病Meta分析
2.Abstinence is the most effective strategy to prevent HPV infection.禁欲是预防HPV感染的最有效策略。
3.The Relationship of p53, MDM2, p16, pRb expression with HPV Infection in Human Uterine Cervical Carcinoma;宫颈癌HPV感染与p53、MDM2、p16、pRb的关系
4.Detection of HPV disease in gynecology using FQ - PCR technique;FQ-PCR技术在妇科HPV感染中的应用
5.Prevalence and type distribution of human papillomavirus infection in women of Datong,China大同市成年女性HPV感染及基因型分析
6.Clinical study of relationship between cervical cancer and HPV infection子宫颈癌与HPV感染关系的临床研究
7.Compared the HPV infection in cervix of Hui women with Han women回汉族妇女宫颈分泌物HPV感染的比较
8.Investigation on Status of HPV Infection in 1,285 Women Engaged Patients1285例女性HPV感染状况调查
9.Analysis of Genetic Instability of Chromosome and HPV Infection in Human Cervical Carcinoma;宫颈癌染色体遗传不稳定性及HPV感染状态分析
10.Genetic Abnormalities and HPV Status in Vulvar Squamous Cell Carcinomas;外阴鳞状细胞癌遗传变异与HPV感染状态的研究
11.The Effect of HPV Infection on the Expression of P53 and PCNA Protein in Laryngeal Carcinoma;HPV感染对P53、PCNA的影响在喉癌发病中的作用
12.Investigation of Human Papillomavirus Infection in Cervical Tissue and Local Immunity;宫颈组织HPV感染与局部免疫状态的研究
13.Human Papillomavirus Infection and Its Relationship between hMLH_1、PCNA Expression in Human Cervical Carcinoma;宫颈癌HPV感染及其与hMLH_1、PCNA表达状态的关系
14.The Expression of IL-2 and IL-4 in the Cervical Tissues with CIN or Cervical Cancer Infected by HPV;IL-2、IL-4在HPV感染的CIN及宫颈癌中的表达
15.Feasibility of Ultrasound Therapy for Human Papillomaviruses Infection of the Uterine Cervix;聚焦超声治疗宫颈高危型HPV感染的可行性研究
16.Discussion on the Regulation of Distribution According to Traditional Chinese Symptomatology for Suffering of HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) Infection of Uterine Cervix;宫颈HPV感染者中医证候分布规律的探讨
17.p16~(INK4a) Overexpression and Its Relationship with HPV Infection in Cervical Carcinomas;宫颈癌INK4a基因过表达及其与HPV感染的关系研究
18.The Prevalence Study on the Human Papilloma Viruses (HPV) Infection of the Community Female Population in Hongkou District虹口区妇女子宫颈HPV感染流行病学现况调查

1.The study of HPV infection in cervical cancer of 200 cases;200例子宫颈癌患者的HPV感染研究
2.Relationship among HPV Infection, FHIT Deletion and Lung Cancer in Nonsmoking Female;HPV感染、FHIT基因缺失与非吸烟女性肺癌的相关性研究
3.The high risk human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA was analyzed by Hybrid Capture Assay (HC?-II).4 % ,宫颈癌 (宫颈高度病变以上 ,≥CIN3)的高危型HPV感染率为 99。
3)infection rate of HPVHPV感染率
1.Objective To investigate the comparison of infection rate of HPV and different genotypes of the cervical HPV between female sexual workers and general people.结果女性性工作者HPV感染率37。
4)HPV persistenceHPV持续感染
5)Cervix of the uterus HPV infection宫颈HPV感染
6)HPV multiple infectionHPV多重感染
1.Prevalence and distribution of HPV multiple infection in various cervical lesionsHPV多重感染在宫颈病变中的流行分布及意义

ECHO病毒感染  ECHO病毒引起的感染。人感染本病毒后出现胃肠道、神经系统、呼吸道等的病症。重者可有心、肝、脑等脏器病变。多在夏秋季流行。本病毒与库克萨基病毒常同时存在,在世界分布极为广泛。儿童发病率远较成人高,病人及带病毒者均为传染源,主要经肠道传播,感染初期也可经呼吸道传播。病毒也可经胎盘传给胎儿,引起宫内感染。    第一株ECHO病毒是1950年调查脊髓灰质炎病毒时从健康儿童的直肠拭子中分离出来的,由于当时未能将它归属已有的病毒属,也不了解它与人类疾病的关系,所以称之为"孤儿病毒"。1955年正式定名为ECHO病毒,即人类肠道致细胞病变的孤儿病毒(enteric cytopathic human orphan virus)的缩写。 以后陆续发现了很多血清型。ECHO病毒今属微小核糖核酸病毒科肠道病毒属。本病毒抵抗力较强,能耐乙醚和70%乙醇及5%煤酚皂液,但对氧化剂很敏感。    临床表现  本病毒可经血循环传至各脏器,引起较广泛的病变,临床表现随其侵犯的器官不同而异,主要引起以下疾病:①神经系统疾病。主要有无菌性脑膜炎、肌松弛性瘫痪、脑炎、共济失调、吉兰-巴雷二氏综合征(急性感染性多发性神经根神经炎)。②流行性胸肌痛。主要表现阵发性剧烈的肌肉疼痛,常见于胸部,可影响呼吸运动。小儿也常诉腹痛,易误诊为阑尾炎。剧痛时甚至发生休克。病程一般5~7天,肌痛可反复发作。③皮疹。易发生于幼儿,并可伴有眼结膜炎。1951年曾在美国波士顿引起斑丘疹的流行,名"波士顿皮疹",表现为低热1~2日出现皮疹,分布在面、胸、臀及四肢。病情轻。④呼吸道疾病。一些型别的ECHO病毒可引起轻型上呼吸道感染,表现有发热、咽痛、全身不适,常在幼儿中流行。有时可以引起下呼吸道感染,个别病例发生致死性肺炎。⑤胃肠道疾病。表现腹泻。⑥眼病。⑦心肌炎。    诊断和治疗  见肠道病毒感染。根据流行学资料、典型临床表现、病毒学和血清学检查可以确诊。目前无特效治疗,主要是对症处理。