阴道菌群,vaginal flora
1)vaginal flora阴道菌群
1.② To explore the vaginal flora of BV.目的①观察康妇特栓对细菌性阴道病(bacterialvaginosis,BV)的疗效;②了解BV时阴道菌群情况。
2.Objective ① To investigate the vaginal flora of senile vaginitis.目的 ①了解老年性阴道炎时阴道菌群情况;②观察康妇特栓对老年性阴道炎的疗效。
3.To investigate the influence of Hormone Replacement Therapy on vaginal flora.目的 研究更年期综合征妇女激素替代治疗前后阴道菌群的变化。

1.The vaginal micro-flora of aerobic vaginitis and bacterial vaginosis需氧菌阴道炎、细菌性阴道病阴道菌群分析
2.Analysis of Vaginal Microbial Communities in Healthy Women and Patients with Bacterial Vaginosis;健康妇女及细菌性阴道病患者阴道菌群分析
3.Establishment Vaginal Dysbacteriosis in Mice Model and Adjustment with Lactobacilli;阴道菌群失调动物模型的建立及乳杆菌对小鼠阴道菌群调整的研究
4.A study on vaginal dysbacteriosis caused by antibiotics and the adjustment by Lactobacillus抗生素诱导小鼠阴道菌群失衡及乳杆菌调节作用的研究
6.An analysis and comparison of vaginal flora and common infection between women of childbearing age and pregrant women妇科门诊育龄妇女与孕妇阴道菌群状态及常规感染的比较分析
7.Clinical study on the adjustment of vaginal dysbacteriosis after spontaneous labor with living preparation of lactobacillus定君生调整自然分娩后阴道菌群失调的临床探讨
8.Analysis on the Routine Vaginal Secretion Culture Results of 521 Gynecologic In-patients in Tumor Hospitals and Their Resistance to Antibiotics;肿瘤专科医院521例妇科住院患者阴道菌群分布及致病菌耐药性分析
9.Clinical study on the vaginal flora of acrobic vaginitis and the effects of the treatments需氧菌阴道炎菌群及治疗效果的临床研究
10.Isolation and identification of vaginal lactobacilli from 223 healthy women of childbearing age223例健康育龄妇女阴道内乳酸杆菌菌群的鉴定
11.Investigate the Pathogen Flora and the Treatment of Recurrent Vulvovaginal Candidiasis复发性外阴阴道假丝酵母菌病的菌群分析与治疗
12.Isolation and Identification of Vaginal Lactobacilli from Healthy Women of Childbearing Age健康育龄妇女阴道内乳酸杆菌菌群的分离与鉴定
13.Distribution and drug resistance among Gram-negative bacteria from respiratory tract infections湖南衡阳地区呼吸道感染革兰阴性杆菌的菌群分布及耐药性分析
14.Study of the Correlation between Gardnerella Vaginalis and Bacterial Vaginosis;阴道加德纳菌与细菌性阴道病相关性研究
15.Study on inherent immunity in vagina infected with vulvovaginal candidiasis外阴阴道假丝酵母菌性阴道病阴道局部固有免疫机制研究
16.A Comparative Study of the Homology of Candida in Vagina and Intestinal Tract of Patients Suffering from Vulvovaginal Candidiasis;外阴阴道念珠菌病患者阴道和肠道念珠菌同源性的比较研究
17.Study on the Candida infection of vulvo-vagina and its resistance外阴阴道念珠菌感染与耐药性的研究
18.Identifiction of Non-Candida Albicans from Vagina of Patients with Vulvovaginal Candidasis;外阴阴道念珠菌病患者阴道分离非白念珠菌的鉴定

Vaginal dysbacteriosis阴道菌群失调
1.Objective In order to study the relation of local concentration of immunoglobin (sIgA) in the mucous memberane surface and the degree of vaginal dysbacteriosis in bacterial vaginosis(BV).目的了解细菌性阴道病(BV)发生阴道菌群失调与局部粘膜表面免疫球蛋白(sIgA)含量变化状况的关系。
3)Distribution of Vaginal Pathogenic Bacteria阴道菌群分布
4)intestinal flora肠道菌群
1.Metabolism of apigenin by rat intestinal flora;大鼠肠道菌群对芹菜素代谢影响
2.Effects of probiotics for intestinal flora and T lymphocyte subsets in patients with liver cirrhosis;益生菌对肝硬化患者肠道菌群及外周血T细胞亚群的影响
3.Features of intestinal flora in patients with chronic diarrhea of spleen-stomach damp-heat syndrome;慢性腹泻脾胃湿热证与肠道菌群的关系
5)intestinal microflora肠道菌群
1.Lactobacillus plantarum ST-Ⅲ's adjustion to the intestinal microflora in rats;植物乳杆菌ST-Ⅲ对小鼠肠道菌群的调节
2.A research on relationship between intestinal microflora and supplementary food adding;婴幼儿肠道菌群与辅食添加状况的相关性研究
3.Modulation of Th1/Th2 balance and intestinal microflora by probiotics in infants with atopic eczema.;益生菌调节湿疹患儿Th_1/Th_2平衡及对肠道菌群的影响
6)intestinal bacteria肠道菌群
1.Study on the phylogenetic relationship of Cyprinidae based on the distributions of intestinal bacteria and DNA sequence data;利用肠道菌群的分布和DNA序列对鲤科鱼类系统演化关系的研究
2.The present thesis is to introduce its authors study findings on the interactive effects in vitro between mineral dust and the representative human intestinal bacteria.研究了采集自居住环境的矿物微尘对人体肠道菌群主要代表性菌株大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)和嗜酸乳杆菌(Lactobacillus acidophilus)的体外作用。

膀胱阴道瘘经阴道修补术膀胱阴道瘘经阴道修补术 膀胱阴道瘘是指女性膀胱与阴道之间有异常通道,表现为尿液不断由阴道流出。导致膀胱阴道瘘的原因主要为产伤,可因分娩过程中因产道软组织受压过久,以致缺血坏死及阴道助产或剖腹产手术直接损伤引起;妇科手术以及放射治疗,晚期生殖道恶性肿瘤,局部注射药物及长期安放子宫托治疗子宫脱垂等引起。膀胱阴道瘘在进行修补前需根据瘘孔位置、大小、周围瘢痕情况而选择手术方式。此术式用于除宫颈固定,阴道狭窄而无法暴露瘘孔外的其他膀胱阴道瘘。膀胱阴道瘘经阴道修补术中应注意充分游离瘘孔周围组织及争取瘘孔的无张力缝合。术后应抗感染,安置尿管,使膀胱空虚,利于伤口愈合。术后并发症主要是局部感染、出血及修补失败。