重复膀胱,Duplication of bladder
1)Duplication of bladder重复膀胱
1.Duplication of bladder:Report of 2 cases and review of literature;重复膀胱2例报告并文献复习
2)Bladder reconstruction膀胱重建

1.Application of natural acellular matrix graft in bladder reconstruction天然无细胞基质移植物在膀胱重建中的应用
2.A Study of Intestinal Mucosal Treatment in Rat Bladder Reconstruction Model;肠粘膜处理在大鼠膀胱重建模型中的研究
3.Vascularization in rat tissue engineering bladder with scaffold of small intestinal submucosa implanted with VEGF165 transplanted bladder muscular cells转染VEGF165的鼠膀胱平滑肌细胞种植小肠粘膜下层在大鼠膀胱重建中的应用
4.Double Layers of Demucosalized Ileum for Cystoplasty on Children of Neuropathic Urinary Incontinence: A Long-term Clinical Experience.;去黏膜回肠浆肌层膀胱重建术治疗小儿神经源性尿失禁的应用研究
5.Experimental and clinical study on the artificial bladder reflex arc established in therapy of flaccid bladder after spinal cord injury人工膀胱反射弧重建SCI后弛缓性膀胱排尿功能的基础与临床研究
6.The influence of locomotor function on the functional reconstruction of bladder on the patient of spinal cord injury脊髓损伤后运动功能对膀胱功能重建的影响
7.Long-term functional study on the artificial bladder reflex arc established by abdominal reflex after spinal cord injury利用腹壁反射重建膀胱反射弧的远期功能性研究
8.Construction of Recombinant BCG Secreting TRAIL and Immunotherapeutic Effects on Bladder Cancer in Mouse;TRAIL基因重组卡介苗的构建及对膀胱肿瘤杀伤作用的研究
9.Construction of Recombinant Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (rBCG) Secreting Human Interferon-alpha 2b and Study of Its Antitumor Effect Against Bladder Cancer Cells;人干扰素α-2b基因重组卡介苗的构建及抗膀胱癌作用的研究
10.Experimental Studies of Bladder Controller to Restore Micturition and Defecation Function in Spinal Cord Injuries;国产膀胱控制器重建脊髓损伤后排尿和排便功能的实验研究
11.An Experimental Study on Reconstruction the Ureter by Intestinal Sero-muscular Segment with Transplantation of Bladder Mucosa Grafts膀胱粘膜片状移植浆肌肠段重建输尿管的实验研究
12.Reconstruct bladder function and prevent urinary tract infection of patients with spinal cord injury脊髓损伤患者膀胱功能重建与泌尿系感染的预防
13.The modified bladder neck reconstruction controlling urinations after the radical prostatectomy改良膀胱颈重建术对前列腺癌根治术后尿控的作用
14.Construction of PEDF adenovirus and its therapeutic effect on bladder tumor重组PEDF腺病毒载体的构建及其抗膀胱癌效应的研究
15.Cystitis: Inflammation of the urinary Bladder.膀胱炎:膀胱的炎症。
16.Bladder cancerz; Malignant tumour of the Bladder.膀胱癌: 膀胱的恶性肿瘤。
17.Inflammation of the urinary bladder.膀胱炎泌尿膀胱的发炎
18.vesical calculus【医】膀胱(结)石

Bladder reconstruction膀胱重建
3)bladder remodeling膀胱重塑
4)Bladder repair膀胱修复
5)bladder recurrent tumors膀胱复发

重复膀胱重复膀胱〖HT5”SS〗duplication bladder  一种泌尿系统的畸形。有不同类型,如完全重复膀胱,不完全重复膀胱;它又可分为前后、左右或上下两个膀胱。膀胱中部横线狭窄则形成葫芦形膀胱,此外尚有多房性膀胱。一般膀胱重复畸形多合并上尿路或其他器官严重畸形,而致死产或生后不久死亡。但也有重复膀胱因无症状而被偶然发现,或因合并其他尿路畸形继发感染、结石,经尿路造影或经膀胱镜检查而得到诊断。手术治疗包括切除膀胱中隔,解除梗阻。