剖宫产术腹壁瘢痕,Scar abdominal wall
1)Scar abdominal wall剖宫产术腹壁瘢痕
2)cesarean scars剖宫产瘢痕

1.The Value of the Minimally Invasive Surgery for Cesarean Scar Pregnancy剖宫产瘢痕妊娠微创治疗价值的探讨
2.Clinical analysis of the diagnosis and treatment of 39 cases of caserean scar pregnancy剖宫产瘢痕妊娠39例临床诊疗分析
3.Application of hysteroscopic electro-resection to treatment of cesarean scar pregnancy宫腔镜电切术在剖宫产瘢痕妊娠治疗中的应用
4.Clinical Analysis of Cesarean Scar Pregnancy in 9 Cases子宫峡部剖宫产瘢痕部位妊娠9例临床分析
5.Usefulness of color Doppler ultrasonography in the diagnosis of cesarean scar pregnancy彩色多普勒超声对剖宫产瘢痕妊娠的诊断价值
6.In the 22 cases of the pregnancy in patents with scar uterus, 20 cases had given birth by caesarean section, one case is muscular tumour removed and one perforation in uterus.在22例瘢痕子宫妊娠者中,剖宫产瘢痕20例,肌瘤核除及子宫穿孔各1例。
7.Significance of Uterine Arterial Chemoembolization in Conservative Therapy for Cesarean Scar Pregnancy子宫动脉化疗栓塞术在剖宫产瘢痕妊娠保守治疗中的作用
8.Correlation Questions Clinical Discussion of Uterine Artery Embolization in Induced Abortion Patients with Management of Pregnancy in A Cesarean Scar Pregnancy子宫动脉栓塞术治疗剖宫产瘢痕部位妊娠相关问题探讨
9.Clinical analysis of 12 cases of cesarean scar pregnancy with placenta increta剖宫产瘢痕妊娠并胎盘植入的临床研究(附12例分析)
10.A Probe into Early Treatment Methods for CSP (with Clinical Analysis of 47 Cases)剖宫产瘢痕妊娠早期诊治方法的探讨——附47例临床分析
11.Sonogram of caesarean scar ectopic pregnancy剖宫产子宫切口瘢痕妊娠声像图分析
12.Clinical analysis of cesarean scar pregnancy:report of 11 cases剖宫产术后子宫瘢痕妊娠11例分析
13.Diagnosis and Treatment of Ectopic Pregnansy in Cesarean Scar剖宫产术后子宫瘢痕处妊娠临床分析
14.Cesarean Section Pregnancy:A clinical analysis of 35 cases剖宫产切口瘢痕妊娠35例诊治分析
15.Cesarean Scar Pregnancy Clinical Analysis of 8 Cases;剖宫产术后子宫瘢痕部妊娠8例临床分析
16.Clinical Analysis on 20 Cases of Uterine Scar Pregnancy after Cesarean Section剖宫产术后子宫瘢痕处妊娠20例临床分析
17.The Diagnosis and Treatment of 35 Cesarean Scar Pregnancy Cases35例剖宫产术后子宫瘢痕妊娠的诊疗体会
18.Exploration of the therapy of cesarean scar pregnancy in 43 cases剖宫产术后43例瘢痕妊娠的治疗的探讨

cesarean scars剖宫产瘢痕
3)cesarean scar pregnancy剖腹产瘢痕
4)scar pregnancy after cesarean section剖宫产子宫瘢痕
5)Cesarean scar pregnancy剖宫产瘢痕妊娠
1.New treatment of cesarean scar pregnancy by injection of combined Pingyangmycin and methotrexate平阳霉素联合甲氨蝶呤注射治疗剖宫产瘢痕妊娠的疗效观察
2.Objective To investigate the value of vascular interventional therapy combined with endoscopy in the minimally invasive surgery for treating cesarean scar pregnancy(CSP).目的探讨血管介入联合内镜微创治疗剖宫产瘢痕妊娠(cesarean scar pregnancy,CSP)的疗效。
6)Abdominal scar腹壁瘢痕

腹膜外剖宫产术腹膜外剖宫产术 为剖宫产的一种术式,特点是手术在腹膜外进行,不暴露肠管,术后腹部疼痛减轻,肠蠕动恢复快。适用于胎膜早破有潜在感染或已有感染者,尤其是在未能广泛应用有效抗生素的年代提倡应用。麻醉、腹部切口同子宫下段术式,只是不打开腹膜。切开膀胱前筋膜,分离左侧膀胱三角区,部分游离膀胱子宫颈间隙,详见附图,分离膀胱反折腹膜。暴露子宫下段,切开子宫,取出胎儿、胎盘,缝合子宫,缝合膀胱筋膜以复原膀胱,逐层缝合腹壁。由于此术式较子宫下段术式较为复杂,费时间,故胎儿偏大或胎头已深入骨盆,估计出头困难或胎儿窘迫急需娩出者尤其是对本术式不熟练者应避免使用。